DVD ReBuilder - aktuelle Version

  • Also ab der v1.2.0RC2 der DGdecode.dll müsst ihr euch mal bei der Q analyse im OPV Mode die I,P,B Frames und die BR ansehen, die verändern sich nicht und somit ist die Analyse schrott und auch das Ergebnis. Am besten die 1.1.0 nutzen, dann kann nichts schief gehen.
    Schon mit der 0.75 wurden im englischen Forum gute Ergebnisse bei OPV erzielt.
    Es würde mich wundern, wenn es jetzt wieder schlechter wird?!

    1. Test mit der 0.76, DGdecode 1.2.0rc1, CCE 2.70,reduce extras 1/2D1 option
    Quelle: Bytes (6.66 GB) -> Ergebnis 4.746.862.592 Bytes (4,41 GB)
    das Ergebnis ist nicht 100%ig, aber das kann an den vielen Extras gelegen haben. Wenn man hier noch mal kurz Shrink ansetzt, dann passt es.

    2. Test mit der 0.76, DGdecode 1.2.0rc1, CCE 2.70, reduce extras 1/2D1 option
    Quelle:6.977.800.192 Bytes (6.49 GB) -> Ergebnis 4.577.433.685 Bytes (4,26 GB)
    Ergebnis perfekt. Also bei mir funktioniert die Option.

    Beide DVDs waren nicht "vorbehandelt".

  • eDealer

    Kann das bestätigen, heute nacht auch mal einen OPV-Testlauf gemacht:
    RB 0.76, DGDecode 1.1.0, CCE 2.70
    Quelle: 5.757.163.520 Bytes (5,36 GB) => Ergebnis: 4.690.221.056 Bytes (4,36 GB)
    So genau hatte ich das schon lange nicht mehr, wenn überhaupt...
    Quelle war vorbehandelt: Menü auf 50 % geshrinkt, nur dt. und engl. DD 5.1 Tonspur, Abspann geschnitten, keine Extras.

    Cu Rippraff

    Blumige Grüße, Rippraff

  • Quote from Fred Clüver

    kann mann denn nun die 1.2 rc5 nehmen oder geht das damit denn nicht ?


    Teste es mal aus und berichte uns davon :cool:

  • Quote from Rippraff


    Quelle war vorbehandelt: Menü auf 50 % geshrinkt, nur dt. und engl. DD 5.1 Tonspur, Abspann geschnitten, keine Extras.

    Cu Rippraff

    kann man also mit dvdshrinken das menü sodass man dann mit DVD-RB besseren Spielraum hat für den Hauptfilm ??


  • fred, war nicht grad eben vn dir noch nen posting da??
    zumindest hatte ich auf deine frage antworten wollen, ob man auch einfach nur das menue *shrinken* könne

  • soeben erschienen:

    rb version 077

    February 19th, 2005 (v0.77)
    - Fixed an error in which the VOBU_SRI tables in NAVPACKS could
    contain incorrect entries in cells containing multiple segments.
    This could result in problems with rewind and fast forward.
    - Corrected an error in which the working path selection button
    remained disabled after aborting a batch job.
    - Added code to help prevent VBR errors caused by very small
    segments w/low bitrates being sent to QuEnc. Now all segments
    shorter than 60 frames are encoded with CBR (i.e. CCE). Also
    added -vbr to the command line as no doing so may have
    contributed to reported sizing problems.
    - Widened the "ENCODE" button in the "Rockas Original" skin. It
    was cutting off part of the "Stop/Pause" text when encoding.
    You must select "Rewrite Defaults" from the "Skins" menu for
    this change to take effect.

  • Gerade bekommen: RB v0.78 (VIP)


    Cu Rippraff

    Blumige Grüße, Rippraff

  • Hier das korrekte Chnage log der 0.78

    [font=verdana, arial, helvetica]Version 0.78

    Below is a summary of the changes/updates associated with this version (Pro release, Freeware expected for release in early Apr, 2005):

    - Corrected an error in which encoder windows may not close properly when aborted during encoding.

    - Modified QuEnc command line to control maximum b frame setting.

    - Made mods to improve OPV prediction slightly for CCE

    - Added a check after each encode to warn if the resulting .M2V file was not created. This is to counter some #0003 errors that may be experienced during the rebuild phase of the affected segment.

    - Added filesize checks so versions of QuEnc can be discovered.

    - Made a correction to the STILL_FRAME detection algorithm. This will reduce the number of segments detected on many DVDs.

    - Added "Skip PREPARE during Batch" option under the file menu. This is meant to assist those who are using RB-Opt. This option forces the assumption that you have already completed the PREPARE phase (and processed with RB-Opt) before beginning the batch sequence. This option is saved with project (RBD) files, so it can be set to a different value for each entry in a batch sequence. Notes: Setting this option when PREPARE has not been completed ahead of time will result in errors.

    - Added support for the HC encoder developed by HANK315. This independently developed encoder provides exceptionally high quality (with some sacrifice in speed). Note: In order to work you must use version .01 of HC (with *BATCH setting) and the executable file must be named as "HC.EXE" and loaded into the same directory as DVD-RB.

    - Added Constant Quantization (CQ) One Pass VBR (OPV) mode support for QuEnc. This mode can dramatically cut down on encoding time and produce high quality output. Note: The nature of CQ encoding can make sizing less accurate, and the CQ prediction routine is new and needs some tweaking. The nature of CQ increments makes it a little like measuring with a micrometer and cutting with an axe. May tend to undersize, your feedback is welcome. Nic's QuEnc is getting closer and closer to CCE's capabilities.[/font]

  • Ahh, jetzt seh ich das auch, dass das ja das alte Changelog zu 0.77 ist.
    Kommt halt davon, wenn man einfach nur mit Copy und Paste arbeitet... :redface:
    Ist dann natürlich alles andere als voll korrekt, ey. ;)

    Cu Rippraff

    Blumige Grüße, Rippraff

  • 0.79 PRO soeben in mein Postfach

    changes in this version:


    - Corrected the SRI table computation algorithm to make FF/RWD
    offsets more closely compliant with the DVD standards.

    - Fixed an error that could cause the V_F/BWD_Exist2 flag of
    the SRI tables to be sometime set/reset incorrectly.

    - Corrected the QLB matrix switch so it works again with the
    QuEnc encoder

    - Added the "Create New Folder" option to the "Browse for
    Folder" dialog when browsing for WORKING or OUTPUT folders
    so people won't have to go in and out of the program when
    they need to create a new one. Thanks to Rockas and Ryan
    for pointing out the flag I'd missed.

    - Corrected ConvertToYV12() statement in AVS files so it is
    sensitive to interlaced sources. Also forced the insertion
    of ConvertToYUY2() when CCE is selected regardless of
    whether the AVSOptions selection. This was causing some
    problems for folks who mistakenly unchecked it.

    - Added code to prevent "impossible" Q values (as a result of
    extreme compression -- e.g. in Half/Half encoding where 50%
    reduction is also applied). This should prevent getting a
    "Runtime error 6" when the Q value gets too large.


    - Created a new menu item called "Advanced (Expert)" under the
    Options menu. Note to the beginners: The options under this
    menu should only be changed by those who are familiar with
    them and understand the impacts -- that is why it is only
    being added to the "Pro" version of DVD-RB. More to come.

    - Added customized MATRIX capability. Now custom matrices can
    be loaded from definition files. When run this version will
    automatically create a MATRIX directory in the DVD-RB path
    and load it will four default custom matrices that can be
    used with CCE (versions that support custom matrices), QuEnc,
    and HC encoder. A matrix can be selected for normal, low
    bitrate (< 3Mbs), very low bitrate (< 2Mbs), or for use
    against extras only (e.g. for half-d1). The appropriate
    matrix will be used based upon the bitrates DVD-RB calculates
    for each segment. A matrix editor is in the works by Rockas
    so additional custom matrices can be added. The selected
    matrices are saved in project files -- so if you use them be
    sure you know what they are before encoding.

    - Added the ability to select the Group of Pictures (GOP)
    size for encoding. In some circumstances you can get better
    quality by extending the GOP size. Be careful, though, as
    the DVD size limit is 15 frames for PAL and 18 frames for
    NTSC and some encoders can occasionally make GOPs slightly
    larger than the the number specified. Warning: Do not
    select "18 Frame GOP" unless you know exactly why. Some
    encoders (e.g. CCE Basic) will not accept a value of 18
    for the GOP size.

    - Added DC Precision to the Advanced Menu. You can now enter
    the value to be used to set the bit precision of the intra-
    block dc coefficient. Generally a low value is good for
    high motion scenes and and smooth work better with higher
    DC precision values. If you don't know what it is: you
    should leave it set to the default!

    - Changed the configuration of the HC.INI file so that when
    using the HC encoder, the AUTOGOP function will be used as
    the default unless overridden by the "GOP Size" advanced

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