VobBlanker - aktuelle Version

  • VobBlanker 2.1.1 RC1 ist raus.

    Changelog im Vergleich zu beta8:

    Quote from jsoto
    • Improvement: Detection of ILV-ed Cells in KEEP mode with automatic activation of Fix VOB internal pointers phase. Very useful when stripping angles
    • Improvement: Detection of angles analyzing the PGCs in the IFO, instead of trust VIDEO_TS.IFO Titles table. Number of angles modified to one in all PGCs of a processed VTSs.
    • BugFix: Audio and subs attributes were not updated in VMG_VTS_ATRT of VIDEO_TS.IFO when copying the attributes from a replacing PGC. Now, VobBlanker always copies all the attributes (audio/video/subs) from the processed VTSs in menus and titles domain to this table of VMGR.

    Gibt's hier.

    Cu Rippraff

    Blumige Grüße, Rippraff

  • Vobblanker final ist raus. :)

    Gibt's hier.

    Cu Rippraff

    Blumige Grüße, Rippraff

  • Und schon wieder eine neue Version, die unter anderem wohl einen recht schwerwiegenden Bug behebt:



    BugFix: Blank cell in GAPs was corrupted
    BugFix: Adjusting sectors in input folder with a VTS selected failed (The menu was opened by tiny, and failed to be deleted/moved).

    Sorry, I should test the betas better...cell corruption was really an ugly bug

    Gibt's hier: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=903536#post903536

  • Rein zur Info - inzwischen gibt es bereits die Version Beta 13 ;)

    Grad gesehen, weil ich mal nach der aktuellsten Version gegoogelt habe...

    [Blocked Image: http://mitglied.lycos.de/BaronVlad/zeugs/Orden.gif] Mitglied des Ordens des Lichtes, Sonderabteilung Chaos.

    System: Dell 4550 mit WinXP
    Brenner 1: NEC 2100A, Firmware 104E
    Brenner 2: LiteOn 832S, Firmware VS03

    SAP: Philips DVP 3005 - Nachfolger des verblichenen CyberHome 402.
    Satelliten-Receiver: Topfield 5500PVR

  • Quote from Gorbag

    ....inzwischen gibt es bereits die Version Beta 13

    Moin, Gorbi..! Wohl wahr..! Die neuen Versionen tauchen mittlerweile (fast) im Tages-Rhythmus auf.., gelle..? :ani_lol:

    Daher habe ich es mir schon zur lieben Gewohnheit gemacht, den neuesten Blanker erst dann herunterzuladen, wenn er von mir auch wirklich aktiv gebraucht wird. Wenn man, wie ich, bei einem Neuladen der aktuellen Version die alte (gepackte)Vorgänger-Datei immer stehen lässt, ist irgendwann die (Update-) Schublade auf der Platte ziemlich ausgeufert.., gelle..? Und JEDES Update wird wohl kaum, nur des "Sammelns" wegen, vonnöten sein, nicht wahr? ;)

    Gruß, Rudi

    ...Alter schützt vor´m Computer nicht!......

    Aber manche Greise sind doch noch weise!!

  • VobBlanker released


    Full changelog

    • Added: Two MRU (Most Recent Files) menus added. One for DVDs and other for project files
    • Added: Option to split the cell in two when "cutting inside" a cell
    • Added: Buttons to go to cut points in preview
    • Added: Smart GAPs: If configured, VobBlanker guarantees the gap creating (if needed) creates an empty menu of a calculated size that guarantees a different ECC block and 1/2 turn physical separation.The menu is made by one unreferenced blank cell and padding packs. This allows the user to burn with Nero using the smart gap trick
    • Added: Warn the user if a substream is selected to be stripped and kept simultaneously.
    • Added: One Sequence Title PGC checking
    • Added: Splitting extracted file in 1 GB files in Cell extraction.
    • Added: Default folders configuration (output, input and auto-save)
    • Added: Registry keys to control (using regedit) HDD buffering and MRU lists size
    • Improvement: VobBlanker is now faster when input and output folders are in the same hard drive. (i.e checking "Use Input folder"). The improvement depends on the HDD and how it is configured. The difference could be minimum or more than two time faster depending on the HDD
    • Improvement: TMAPTI is always created from scratch. Entries are created to all PGCs even the Non one-sequence-title-PGC ones, Only the ones shorter than one sec (usually dummies) will be empty.
    • Improvement: The messages detecting pointers mismatch now show the detailed list of cells
    • Improvement: TMAPTI entries accuracy improvement.
    • Changed: VobBlanker automatically saves the log and project files if auto-save folder is configured.
    • Changed: When stripping, if the same substream is selected to be kept and stripped (in different tracks) VobBlanker will not remove the stream from the VOB
    • Changed: Numbering of subs and audio tracks from 0 to n-1 instead of 1 to n.
    • Changed: Default when splitting cells: add program/chapter
    • Changed: CFileDialog management changed internally. (No more assertion failures in Debug mode)
    • BugFix: VobBlanker backup folder was not deleted if the process was aborted.
    • BugFix: Replacing/blanking reused cells sometimes did not work fine.
    • BugFix: VobBlanker was not creating VTSM_C_ADT if it was cleared
    • BugFix: Sometimes, cutting Cells an extra Nav Pack was written.
    • BugFix: TMAPTI end byte was not always the last byte of last entry
    • BugFix: Deleting ADT & ADMAP menus tables in menus (when deleting all the cells) IFO was not compressed, and ADT & ADMAP title tables were not moved to previous sectors
    • BugFix: Menu stream Attributes were not cleared when deleting a zero bytes menu.
    • BugFix: VTS substreams list was wrong in the case of more than 8 subs
    • BugFix: The warning if a cut was going to create orphan subs was not always issued.
  • rudi: Ich habe den Blanker mind. ein halbes Jahr lang nicht benutzt (hatte Wichtigeres zu tun als DVDs zu brennen) und da die neueste damit bearbeitete DVD bisschen Probleme gemacht hatte, musste ich mir eben einen neuen Blanker suchen :D
    Übrigens, es gibt da für überflüssige alte Programmversionen ja so etwas wie einen "Löschen" Button, nicht? ;)

    @bigotti: Danke, schon wieder eine neue Version.... naja ist eh schnell runter geladen.

    [Blocked Image: http://mitglied.lycos.de/BaronVlad/zeugs/Orden.gif] Mitglied des Ordens des Lichtes, Sonderabteilung Chaos.

    System: Dell 4550 mit WinXP
    Brenner 1: NEC 2100A, Firmware 104E
    Brenner 2: LiteOn 832S, Firmware VS03

    SAP: Philips DVP 3005 - Nachfolger des verblichenen CyberHome 402.
    Satelliten-Receiver: Topfield 5500PVR

  • VobBlanker beta 1

  • http://download.videohelp.com/jsoto/betas/

    Vers beta 7 - 25-Feb-2007 16:56

    • BugFix: "Cut inside" splitting still was broken in some cases

    Vers beta 6 - 07-Feb-2007 16:48

    • Added: Check the maixmum size of the output (menus and titles)
    • BugFix: In the case of 9 files in a VTS, the fixing packs procedure hanged

    Vers beta 5 - 05-Feb-2007 17:19

    • Added: New key in Registry to activate log details when fixing packs
    • BugFix: "Cut inside" splitting was broken

    Vers beta 4 - 16-Jan-2007 15:38

    • BugFix: TMAPTI internal pointer corrupted. Bug introduced in beta 3

    Vers beta 3

    • Added: Absolute sector in preview
    • Changed: Elapsed and duration times: hours are represented in one digit
    • Changed: Info in preview uses normal fonts. Deleted non-valid fields.
    • Changed: Errors compacted when loading a DVD with multiple errors in menus
    • BugFix: Only 98 VTS were supported
    • BugFix: Negative (wrong) pointers in IFOs made VobBlanker crash
    • BugFix: chapters table wrong when splitting cells
    • BugFix: Settings in main dialog were lost opening more settings dialog
    • BugFix: 32K smart GAP default was not always the same value

    Vers beta 2 - 06-Jan-2007 05:24

    • BugFix: Changing Cell number in preview was not updating Time and GOP type
    • BugFix: Special case where GOP type was not detected (was being marked as unknown)
    • BugFix: PGC unit table was being created empty in smart GAPs
  • VobBlanker 2.1.3 RC1 ist raus. :)

    Quote from jsoto

    Changelog (versus beta 10)

    • Added: Control of minimum window size (in resizing windows)
    • Added: Resizing grip indication (in the lower left corner)
    • Added: Refuses to run if AnyDVD or DVD43 are detected
    • BugFix: Not fixed, but workarounded. Dissapearing cells dialog when hitting "split button"

    Und der Vollständigkeit halber:
    Version 2.1.3 beta 10 mit Verweis auf 8 und 9:

    Quote from jsoto


    • Added: Split feature in MENUs. Up to 32 split points.
    • Added: "Cut inside" splitting the cell in two parts in MENUs domain.
    • Added: Check PTSs discontinuities when extending cells (replacing cells/titles).
    • Improvement: Double click on a cell row in cell list now goes to split/still/replace or preview/cut dialogs, depending on action
    • Improvement: Message "Filename has to be *_1.VOB" removed if filesize < 1000MB
    • Change: Return to file save dialog in case of error (extracting cells)
    • Change: "Save project as" opens the file save dialog with the current project filename (if exists) instead of the default filename
    • BugFix: Delete all title VOB files in output folder before processing the titles domain of a titleset

    Already included in beta 8 or 9

    • BugFix: Bug in DVDPreview was crashing VobBlanker loading a PAL/NTSC mixed DVD
    • Added: Automatically disable overlay if needed in VISTA
    • Changed: 50% more space for ifos growing.
    • Changed: Menu VOB or last title VOB files in a VTS are allowed to be larger than 1 GB (a warning is issued)
    • BugFix: sizes of GB were reported as MB in dialogs

    Gibt's hier.

    Cu Rippraff

    Blumige Grüße, Rippraff

  • V2.1.3 RC2 ist raus.

    Quote from jsoto

    Changelog (versus RC1)

    • Added: Refuses to run also if DVDRegionFree is detected
    • Change: Defaults: Do not use overlay defaults to true, and NextPGC and PrevPGC pointers modification defaults to false
    • BugFix: Info window in preview was broken since beta 9

    Gibt's hier.

    Cu Rippraff

    Blumige Grüße, Rippraff

  • VobBlanker released


    Finally, the full release version is on-line. Almost no changes versus RC2 (only one cosmetic bug)

    Changelog versus 2.1.2

    • Added: Control of minimum window size (in resizing windows)
    • Added: Resizing grip indication (in the lower left corner)
    • Added: Refuse to run if AnyDVD/DVD43 or DVDRegionFree (lite & std) are detected.
    • Added: Split feature in MENUs. Up to 32 split points.
    • Added: "Cut inside" splitting the cell in two parts in MENUs domain.
    • Added: Check PTSs discontinuities when extending cells (replacing cells/titles).
    • Added: Multiple splits pre cell. Up to 32 split points can be defined per cell in the same VobBlanker session.
    • Added: GOP type and Cell elapsed time are shown in Preview
    • Added: Absolute sector in preview
    • Added: Check the maxmum size of the output (menus and titles)
    • Added: Automatically disable overlay if needed in VISTA
    • Improvement: Tooltips are visible when the controls are disabled
    • Improvement: Double click on a cell row in cell list now goes to split/still/replace or preview/cut dialogs, depending on the selected action
    • Improvement: Message "Filename has to be *_1.VOB" removed if filesize < 1000MB
    • Improvement?: GOP type detection now accepts first video pack in a non standard position
    • Change: Defaults: Do not use overlay defaults to true, and NextPGC and PrevPGC pointers modification defaults to false
    • Change: Return to file save dialog in case of error (extracting cells)
    • Change: "Save project as" opens the file save dialog with the current project filename (if exists) instead of the default filename
    • Change: Elapsed and duration times: hours are represented in one digit
    • Change: Info in preview uses normal fonts. Deleted non-valid fields.
    • Change: Errors compacted when loading a DVD with multiple errors in menus
    • Change: 50% more space for ifos growing.
    • Change: Menu VOB or last title VOB files in a VTS are allowed to be larger than 1 GB (a warning is issued)
    • Change: Open GOP warning completely removed
    • Change: Confusing message when ILV-ed cells are detected.
    • BugFix: Not fixed, but workarounded. Dissapearing dells dialog when hitting "split button"
    • BugFix: Delete all title VOB files in output folder before processing the titles domain of a titleset
    • BugFix: Bug in DVDPreview was crashing VobBlanker loading a PAL/NTSC mixed DVD
    • BugFix: Sizes of GB were reported as MB in dialogs
    • BugFix: "Cut inside" splitting still was broken in some cases
    • BugFix: In the case of 9 files in a VTS, the fixing packs procedure hanged
    • BugFix: Only 98 VTS were supported
    • BugFix: Negative (wrong) pointers in IFOs made VobBlanker crash
    • BugFix: chapters table wrong when splitting cells
    • BugFix: Settings in main dialog were lost opening more settings dialog
    • BugFix: 32K smart GAP default was not always the same value
    • BugFix: Changing Cell number in preview was not updating Time and GOP type
    • BugFix: Special case where GOP type was not detected (was being marked as unknown)
    • BugFix: PGC unit table was being created empty in smart GAPs
    • BugFix: When removing unreferenced cells and renumbering, VOB pointers fixing phase was working with the list including the cells to be deleted, so some cells were adjusted twice.
    • BugFix: Adding chapters when splitting cells could fail in some rare conditions
    • BugFix: VobBlanker was not launching the fixing pointer phase when a cell number mismatch was detected replacing cells/pgcs

    Gibt's hier.

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