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BatchCCEWS - aktuelle Version
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Trahald hat von BatchCCEWS eine unstable veröffentlicht. Eigentlich scheint diese aber noch von WoofSoft zu sein. Zumindest wird jetzt aber CCE 2.70.x unterstützt.
am 25. mai gabs n update auf
BatchCCEWS 0916b Unstablelink wie zuvor
BatchCCEWS Unstable released
Trahald & Des7 haben beschlossen BatchCCEWS weiterzuführen nachdem WoofSoft nicht mehr weitermachen wollte und dann plötzlich verschwand.
Auf der SorceForge Seite gibts nur die neue .exe die ihr über die alte von BatchCCEWS kopieren müst.
Things added so far to so far
- HCENC support. does segmented coding to set proper chapters. HANK315 is planning internal chapter setting support so that will not be necessary in the future. Other encoders may be added later. CCEFRONT support is comming sometime next week.
- Fixed internal chapter setting with some help from d3s7 (drop frame is applied correctly to the chapters from the decrypted chapter file) this is only needed when cce-data.txt is used, scenaids cce-data.txt always imports chapters properly.
- Fixed - pressing the convert chapters to film. it would convert the chapter times the wrong way. (the initial setting was correct, it was only an issue if the chapter to film setting was changed after import)
- Option was added for using the existing vif. Also Max gop option(sets max m n/m size for the encoding ntsc-film/pal/ntsc. Pan and scan option added.
- Added CCE 2.7x support.. Allows for a manual setting of a cce path for versions such as 2.7x that dont require eclcce.
- Im sure other stuff....P.S.:
Original Post vom Eng. Forum
Die WoofSoft page is schon des längeren down
Mein Testdurchlauf mit CCE 2.7x hat gut funktioniert
Danke für die Info.
Aber hier hätte es auch hingepasst.
Vor allem da dort schon die zwei anderen "Unsatbles" gepostet wurden.
Vielleicht kann ja ein Mod die Threads zusammenkleben. -
absolut richtig.
Bitte beim nächsten Mal beachten.
Bei vielen Einzelthreads wird's schnell unübersichtlich.
Cu Rippraff -
BatchCCEWS Unstable released
- Added ccefront (rc2+)support for predictive onepass encoding. It uses the cce encoding you have for multipass encoding (meaning if you use the default of eclcce in batchccews directory for multipass/then that is written to the ccefront.ini, if you have custom cce directory [ie for 2.7x] then it will use that)
BatchCCEWS Unstable released
- Added PROCODER support through ECLPRO
- Added QUENC support0.9.1.6 wird um keine features mehr erweitert nur noch bugfixing
Neues Feature-Release BatchCCEWS Unstable
- Added CCEBasic support. Just check the manual cce option and put your CCE Basic exe PathName in there.
- Added support for chapter (*CHAPTER) setting with HCENC. Segmented encoding is now disabled for HCENC as it isnt needed. The version of HCENC that supports this isnt out yet so if you use hcenc continue to use 0916e or risk chapters at the wrong locations.
- Fixing Stop button. Added Dialog 'Stop Now, Later, Cancel.' Stop now immediately stops the encode (well for most encoders) and sets the job to pending. Stop later lets the current job finish and sets the job to complete. Cancel of course does nothing. Still need to fix immediate stop for encoders not run directly (ie through eclcce and eclpro) -
BatchCCEWS Unstable released
- Made import of cce-data.txt file quicker
- Hopefully fixed the old issue that caused the list to not show up sometimes after import. -
BatchCCEWS Unstable released
- Adds ability to set *Profile setting for HCENC (best is default)
- Fixes multipass mode for cce sp 2.70+. (only did 1 pass even when more were selected.)
- The max bitrate is now lowered by 2000 when angle is checked ( total bitrate on an angle is less than for regular sections) 2000 is an amount i chose and works for me (ie scenarist accepts it) but may not be the exact amount. this is for all encoders. this is done during encode, the full bitrate will appear as normal in the editor dialog. -
Gibt es für die neue Version eine deutsche Anleitung, wo die Einstellungen (bezogen auf Neuerungen) erklärt werden?
Nein, es gibt keine deutsche Anleitung. Eröffne doch in der BIG 3-Rubrik einen Thread mit deinen Fragen. Irgendjemand wird sicher weiterhelfen können.
Danke raschi
BatchCCEWS Unstable released
- Adds a simple Matrix Editor and will now automatically load .mat type files that are in the install directory (there are 2 files *name*.intra.mat / *name*.nonintra.mat) and make them options in the quantization matrix drop down list in the main gui. cce will use all standard 5 + the customs for 2.66+. HCenc and Quenc will use only custom matrix selections. the format is as follows.Code08,08,08,08,08,08,08,08 08,08,08,08,08,08,08,08 08,08,08,08,08,08,08,08 08,08,08,08,08,08,08,08 08,08,08,08,08,08,08,08 08,08,08,08,08,08,08,08
for each the intra.mat file and the nonintra.mat file. you can use up to 255 for each number but cce only allows 127
- Fixed for direct cce use (ie 2.70) , Idle priority wasnt being set when cce was run.
- Changed some of the list box editor icons a little to hopefully look more like what they do. -
Version veröffentlicht
- Added - Template Editor mode which allows editing of templates with out a .avs file loaded. you can also now assign a forced template so for example hcenc template will default when you import your ccedata.txt. you can manually switch to another template for a file you imported later on of course.- tried to make clearer what template goes with what in the dropdown. all the CCE/ECLCCE templates say (CCE). the One pass predictive template says 'One Pass Predictive' (CCEFRONT) which denotes the use of ccefront.exe for one pass support. the other just have the name of the encoder.
- Added - when cce basic is set as the direct cce option. encoding is done segmented unless the segment option is turned off in settings. i didnt test this much but it seems to work.
- Fixed - drop down box for matrices didnt clear before repopulating after the matrix editor was opened
- Added - Intra DC Precision is now editable in the gui. defaults to 10.
BatchCCEWS Unstable released
- Added - Workaround for bug in cce sp where it ignores the -batch option in the cli (which makes the encode start automatically). as a workaraound when is detected forcing minimize makes the encode start when its run. cinemacraft has fixed the issue in -
BatchCCEWS Unstable released
Changes: fixed code to shift 3_2 pulldown setting of tff.. without it some dvd players would display fields out of order and skipping would occur. started code for distributed bitrate for segmented encodes but commented out for this bug fix release. -
Trahald hat Version veröffentlicht.
- Added - Fmalibu's adjusted bitrate concept. On encoders that do not have chapter setting, each segment's average bitrate is based on a % of the average bitrate of the original segment. this brings the encode closer to the results of a non-segmented vbr encode.
- Changed - Went from 3d xp style to OfficeXP style flat look (controls and menus. Just for a change. I also changed the gradient title bar on the left from always blue to use system colors for more of a homogenious look (you may not notice the difference if you use a blue theme)
- minor gui tweaks/fixesHier noch das Changelog für die Version
- Fixed - bug in 3:2 pulldown that cause some DVD settop players to playback "jerky" on NTSC-Film encodes (would happen only 1/4 of the time since 3 out of 4 times 3:2 is not used)
- Coding - im currently coding the adjusted bitrate function but been busy and also the jerky bug needed more urgent attention. what ive done so far (analyzing a .d2v for bitrate info) is commented out. The source is available in opensource .7z (7zip) format. the binary is standard .zip . -
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