StaxRip is back!
Nach langem Stillstand ist gestern die Version erschienen.
Quote from Changelog (2007-01-07)
- Fix: Autodetection of NTSC film content was broke because of a change in DGIndex's d2v file format.
- Fix: The delay wasn't detected for muxing profiles and thus wasn't detected for AC3
- Fix: FluxSmooth wasn't detected as requirement
- Automatic internet updates are now fully supported. When StaxRip starts it checks the internet if there is a new StaxRip version available. If a new version is available it downloads and installs it automatically after a user confirmation.
- New setup wizard with Vista like command buttons so the user don't have to bother with a next button and got the tooltip right on the button.
- New DGIndex feature to use relative file paths is now supported in that all AviSynth scripts are written to the source directory
- External Applications get the message that informs about wrong versions back enabled after downloading
- Anamorphic encoding: In case no auto resize is performed the resize value get adjusted to the image size actually used
- Crop dialog: Opening the crop dialog now disables the crop reminder assistant tip so the tip is skipped automatically and doesn't have to be clicked away with 'next' manually
- AAC uses now the new encoder by Nero
- x264 and AAC are now the default codecs
- x264: The 'Quality' value (--crf) of the profile 'Constant Quality' was changed from 20 to 22
- Jobs: Starting encoding has now to be started with the job dialog. Pressing 'Next' creates a job and opens the job dialog so the only thing left to do is pressing 'Start' in the job dialog
- Preview Dialog: New menu item and command added to the preview dialog to delete all selections at once
- Third party applications: Automatic detection of required applications located within MeGUI's tools directory
- Update: DGIndex/DGDecode was updated to version 1.4.8
- Update: x264 616
- Update: DivX 6.4
- Update: XviD 1.1.2
- Commands: The 'Add Job' command couln't be used from the menu
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