StaxRip Encoding-Frontend – Neue Versionen

  • StaxRip is back!

    Nach langem Stillstand ist gestern die Version erschienen.

    Quote from Changelog (2007-01-07)
    • Fix: Autodetection of NTSC film content was broke because of a change in DGIndex's d2v file format.
    • Fix: The delay wasn't detected for muxing profiles and thus wasn't detected for AC3
    • Fix: FluxSmooth wasn't detected as requirement
    • Automatic internet updates are now fully supported. When StaxRip starts it checks the internet if there is a new StaxRip version available. If a new version is available it downloads and installs it automatically after a user confirmation.
    • New setup wizard with Vista like command buttons so the user don't have to bother with a next button and got the tooltip right on the button.
    • New DGIndex feature to use relative file paths is now supported in that all AviSynth scripts are written to the source directory
    • External Applications get the message that informs about wrong versions back enabled after downloading
    • Anamorphic encoding: In case no auto resize is performed the resize value get adjusted to the image size actually used
    • Crop dialog: Opening the crop dialog now disables the crop reminder assistant tip so the tip is skipped automatically and doesn't have to be clicked away with 'next' manually
    • AAC uses now the new encoder by Nero
    • x264 and AAC are now the default codecs
    • x264: The 'Quality' value (--crf) of the profile 'Constant Quality' was changed from 20 to 22
    • Jobs: Starting encoding has now to be started with the job dialog. Pressing 'Next' creates a job and opens the job dialog so the only thing left to do is pressing 'Start' in the job dialog
    • Preview Dialog: New menu item and command added to the preview dialog to delete all selections at once
    • Third party applications: Automatic detection of required applications located within MeGUI's tools directory
    • Update: DGIndex/DGDecode was updated to version 1.4.8
    • Update: x264 616
    • Update: DivX 6.4
    • Update: XviD 1.1.2
    • Commands: The 'Add Job' command couln't be used from the menu

    Fragen zu StaxRip bitte im Diskussionsthread über StaxRip, NICHT in den News!

    Brother John
    DVD nach MPEG-4 klappt nicht? Verzweifelt? Auf zum Encodingwissen!

  • Neue Version erhältlich. Endlich geht die Entwicklung wieder so richtig voran. :)

    Quote from Changelog (2007-01-21)
    • mkvtoolnix 2.0.0 added, StaxRip can handle now raw x264 streams
    • MP4Box 0.4.3_2006-11-15 added
    • Additionally to the 'Default Target Directory' project option there is now a 'Default Target Name' option. The value of both options may contain macros which can be choosen from a new menu containing friendly names
    • The button to open a source in the main dialog shows the 'Source Files' dialog directly instead of displaying a context menu. To show the file browser directly the text box can be double clicked, the file browser shown here supports multiselect, multible files will be alphabetically ordered. Hovering the mouse over text boxes in the main dialog shows a hint that the text box can be double clicked
    • Check for updates can be performed manually ('Help/Check For Updates')
    • Lanczos4Resize added to the filter profiles as 'Very Sharp'
    • Saving a template profile from now on flags the active project as saved so StaxRip won't any longer bother asking to save
    • The title bar shows now always the name of the template used
    • Auto Resze is now restricted to not resize the width higher as the source width (only applied if the source width is higher than 576). Please report a Issue if this is a limitation for you
    • Improved initial directory for file browser dialogs
    • The download page has now a link pointing always to the latest StaxRip version using a php redirect
  • Neue Version ist da! :)


    Changelog (2007-02-16)

    • Drog & Drop triggering longer processing won't any longer block the drag source
    • Reshowing the hidden windows by clicking on the tray icon does put the windows now in the foreground on top of all other windows
    • The crop dialog can be opened even if the crop filter is disabled or missing
    • The controls in the main dialog get now updated when filter settings are changed, e.g. if crop is disabled, zoom values get updated or if the resize filter is disabled, the image size get adjusted to size of the cropped image
    • Target path is verified to not contain invalid characters
    • The editor to edit AviSynth filter profiles was replaced with a simplier ini based editor
    • Entering illegal filesystem characters as target file is no longer possible
    • The option 'Dangerous/Save Cropping' was reseted and renamed to 'Advanced Automation/Auto correct crop values'
    • Event Commands allows to define a command to be executed on a defined event. Furthermore criteria can be defined to execute the command only if certain criteria is matched. Some commands where renamed and some are new. This means command line parameters have changed so please check your command lines
    • More tooltips, new option to disable tooltips, if disabled a right-click still shows a tooltip, more controls support now tooltip with right-click
    • 'What's this help' (the quotation mark title bar button/quotation mark mouse pointer to show context help/tooltips) got dumped. This button shows now the help document of the dialog. Almost all new Microsoft applications do this now, StaxRip has right-click tooltips (even for main/context menus, toolbars and most other controls) and now also popup tooltips (can be disabled in the settings).
    • Gradient colors are now system color bases, that means theme colors.
    • All dialogs respond to the 'Escape' key for closing the dialog and F1 for showing the help (all dialogs are derived from the same base dialog now)
    • The features in the dialog to open source files should now be more transparent and better documented and most importantly it has a new feature 'Directory Batch' which processes multiple directories where every directory is processed as seperate source
    • DivX updated to version 6.5.1
    • The 'Show Command Line' feature in the muxer dialogs were showing wrong command lines
    • When vobsubs were disabled in VSRip the ones after the disabled ones were broke
    • There was a annoying directory browser asking for a DivX directory constantly
  • Changelog:


    [size=+1] (2007-02-25)[/size]

    • Sharktooth's x264 profiles were updated
    • New and much improved AviSynth filter editor
    • In case a AviSynth plugin is loaded with 'LoadPlugin' StaxRip now won't insist that the plugin is located in the auto plugin loading directory
    • There was a issue with vob files in file browsers and the new directory batch feature
    • NeroAacEnc was updated to the latest version
    • Instead of blindly setting default values StaxRip askes now several setup questions
    • The 'Encode' command does now add a new job and runs the job list. The 'Add Job' command now doesn't show a warning about the assistant not completed when called from the command line

    Brother John
    DVD nach MPEG-4 klappt nicht? Verzweifelt? Auf zum Encodingwissen!

  • Version ist gerade erschienen.



    [size=+1] (2007-03-28)[/size]

    • Some fixes to make StaxRip working with a restricted user account
    • Some fixes to make StaxRip work loading all AviSynth plugins manually (Kommentar: Wenn das denn tatsächlich heißt, dass StaxRip nicht mehr auf den Auto-Plugin-Ordner angewiesen ist: Juhuuu!)
    • Added support for custom macros, the value of custom macros may contain default macros
    • Added a eval macro that evaluates a VBScript expression
    • Added context menu to tray icon to enable/disable jobs that follow the running job
    • mkvtoolnix updated to 2.0.2-1
    • MediaInfo added
    • Fixed Vista crash due to wrong use of MediaInfo (thx to paulotwo for providing the patch)
    • New command 'Perform/Delete Files', new event 'Application Exit', new macros %install_dir% and %download_dir%. With all that a event command could be created to delete all zip files from the download directory on application exit as keeping them is usually pointless. The command can also be used to delete temp files after encoding
    • Updated to another silent DivX update
    • Fixed bug with the pause feature which pauses external processes
    • Fixed bug causing non film material to be detected as film
    • Fixed bug audio encoding with multiline command line didn't work
    • As usual many more minor changing not mention otherwhile

    StaxRip Website

    Brother John
    DVD nach MPEG-4 klappt nicht? Verzweifelt? Auf zum Encodingwissen!

  • Knapp vor der 1.0 :)

    Quote (2007-03-31)

    • Command Line was broke due to a command handling bug
    • Another command handling bug causing StaxRip to crash if a menu was reused instead of reseted while updated from an old StaxRip version
    • The homepage was updated from Drupal 4.7.2 to Drupal 5.1, it uses the garland theme now
  • Knapp vor der 1.0

    Hoffentlich kommt als nächstes die :D

    Brother John
    DVD nach MPEG-4 klappt nicht? Verzweifelt? Auf zum Encodingwissen!

  • Hoffentlich kommt als nächstes die :D




    [size=+1] (2007-04-28) Final :-)[/size]

    • Fixed bug with AVI source files having more than one audio stream. For such sources only the last stream was demuxed
    • Updated to another silent DivX update
    • Updated to x264 rev 654
    • Since the local and roaming application data directories has better names under Vista the setup has now options for both
    • Minor improvements regarding setup and error handling

    Brother John
    DVD nach MPEG-4 klappt nicht? Verzweifelt? Auf zum Encodingwissen!

  • Quote

    Mal sehen, wie's unter Vista (experimentell installiert) läuft.

    Hab es unter Vista mit eingeschränkten Benutzerrechten getestest, schien alles zu funktionieren.



    [size=+1] (2007-05-27)[/size]

    • The mkv muxer supports now text subtitles which can be reordered and edited in place
      and are loaded automatically
    • There is now a option to define the maximum aspect ratio error
    • A bug was fixed causing StaxRip to crash on exit
    • A bug was fixed causing StaxRip to crash while trying to shutdown after encoding
    • A bug was fixed that occured when only some streams were extracted with VSRip instead
      of all streams
    • The main dialog displays now more friendly profile names
    • All x264 profiles use now auto for threads
    • VirtualDub was updated to version 1.6.18
    • DivX was updated to version 6.6.1
    • Some fixes and improvements for minor issues or less common scenarios
  • Deinorius (wenn dus installierst) oder jemand anders, der die installiert hat: könntest du das Changelog aus dem Documents-Ordner posten? An den kommt man nur nach der Install, und dafür muss man zuerst das Framework 3.5 installieren, was ich vermeiden möchte, wenn sichs nicht wirklich lohnt.

    Brother John
    DVD nach MPEG-4 klappt nicht? Verzweifelt? Auf zum Encodingwissen!

  • (2008-01-06)

    • StaxRip is now distributed with a installer checking if .NET framework 3.5 is installed. Unfortunately it wasn't possible to make the auto updater of the old version beware of setup versions so the first setup version has to be downloaded manually
    • The following external applications were updated: NeroAACEnc, DGMPEGDEC, DivX, MP4Box, XviD, x264, VirtualDub, MKVtoolnix. Furthermore more applications are hosted by myself since my webspace now has unlimited traffic
    • A bug was fixed causing a crash using the 'Edit' feature in the profiles dialog
    • A bug was fixed regarding the setup, settings location, local and roaming application data directory
    • A bug was fixed with the turkish and maybe other locales causing a crash while encoding
    • A bug was fixed causing StaxRip to auto resize the image size even when this feature was disabled
    • A bug was fixed not allowing to define the escape key as shortcut in the menu editor
    • The 'Deblock' filter of DGIndex was added to the profile defaults
    • On a crash StaxRip now saves the active project silently instead of showing a dialog asking to save which had a recursion issue. On next startup the crashed project gets loaded automatically
  • Beiträge verschoben. Nochmal der Hinweis: Dies ist ein News-Thread. Diskussionen gehören in den Diskussions-Thread:

    Brother John
    DVD nach MPEG-4 klappt nicht? Verzweifelt? Auf zum Encodingwissen!

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