Anscheinend ist pinterf nun relativ erfolgreich gewesen:
Quote from pinterfDisplay MoreAvisynth+ r1841-pfmod…-r1841-pfmod.7z
From readme:
AvisynthPlus r1841-pfmod
- TemporalSoften frame leak fix (short to write but it took me 30 hours)
- minor FrameRegistry2 tunings
- PR #64 rgb24<->rgb32 ssse mod:
- PR #65 Fix audio cache #65 (Chikuzen)
- Colorbars new parameter: Boolean staticframes
true (default): returns the precalculated static frame's pointer
false: copies the precalculated frame into a new frame and returnes this new frame pointer
- XP versions: v140_xp toolset with extra C++ commandline option /Zc:threadSafeInit-Very good memory consumption
QTGMC(Fast) on x64 + Prefetch(8) + 720x576 DV-AVI Source = 350-400 MBr1828:
QTGMC(Fast) on x64 + no MT + 720x576 DV-AVI Source = 200->1900 MB increasingPlease test it, good night!
Gut, dann testen wir mal.