################################################################################################ ### ### ### Simple MDegrain Mod - SMDegrain() ### ### ### ### Mod by Dogway - Original idea by Caroliano ### ### ### ### Special Thanks: Sagekilla, Didée, cretindesalpes, Gavino and MVtools people ### ### ### ### v3.1.2d (Dogway's mod) - 21 July 2015 ### ### v3.1.2.98s mod for v3.1.2d to fix subpixel=3 and add Prefilter auto 16 (lsb) support ### ### and yuy2 support in avs 2.6 with masktools 2.6 ### ### and medianblur2 now will be used in Minblur instead of Quantile RemoveGrainHD in avs 2.6 ### ### and add TV_range bool ### ### less lsb if not use lsb things and get ready for yv16 and yv24 ### ### add dct, device_id and move all prefilters to external function ### ### some cleanup and others ### ### add MDegrain4 and MDegrain5 and MDegrain6 ### ### add always_MDegrainN bool ### ### SMDegrain_KNLMeansCL ### ### masktools 2.2.15 or up now required in avs26 and avs+ ### ### now work basically with new high bit depth in avs+ ### ### now has new parameters bool n16 and bool n16_out ### ### ### ################################################################################################ ### ### General purpose simple degrain function. Pure temporal denoiser. Basically a wrapper(function)/frontend of mvtools2+mdegrain ### with some added common related options. Goal is accessibility and quality but not targeted to any specific kind of source. ### The reason behind is to keep it simple so aside masktools2 you will only need MVTools2. ### ### Check documentation for deep explanation on settings and defaults. ### ################################################################################################ function SMDegrain (clip input , int "tr" , int "thSAD" , int "thSADC" , bool "RefineMotion", val "contrasharp", clip "CClip" , bool "interlaced" , int "plane" , int "Globals", \ int "pel" , int "subpixel", val "prefilter", clip "mfilter", int "blksize" , int "overlap" , int "search" , bool "truemotion" , int "limit" , int "limitc" , int "thSCD1" , int "thSCD2", \ bool "chroma", int "hpad" , int "vpad" , bool "lsb" , bool "lsb_in" , bool "lsb_out" , int "mode" , bool "slices" , val "Show" , float "Str" , float "Amp" , bool "TV_range", int "dct", int "device_id", int "searchparam", int "pelsearch", bool "trymany", bool "always_MDegrainN", bool "n16", bool "n16_out"){ # Defaults & Conditionals tr = default( tr, 2 ) thSAD = default( thSAD, 300 ) thSAD2=int(thSAD/2) thSADC = default( thSADC, thSAD2) RefineMotion = default( RefineMotion, false) alway_grainN = default( always_MDegrainN, false) lsb_in = default( lsb_in, false) lsb_out = default( lsb_out, false) lsb = default( lsb , lsb_in || lsb_out) mode = default( mode, 0 ) mode = mode != 9 ? mode : -1 ampn = mode != 9 ? 0.0 : 1.0 slices = default(slices, true) Globals = default( Globals, 0 ) GlobalR = Globals == 1 GlobalO = Globals == 3 if1 = Defined(CClip) Contrasharp = default( Contrasharp, !GlobalO && if1) Interlaced = default( Interlaced, false) w = input.width () h = input.height() sShow = IsString(show) preclip = IsClip(prefilter) planar = IsYUY2(input) ifC = IsBool(Contrasharp) if0 = ifC ? (Contrasharp ? true : false) : (Contrasharp > 0.0 ? true : false) if2 = if0 && lsb && !GlobalO avs26 = VersionNumber() < 2.60 ? false : true ssispmt = Findstr(VersionString(), "AviSynth+") != 0 && Findstr(VersionString(), "r1576") == 0 SBitsn = ssispmt ? input.BitsPerComponent() : 8 n16_out = default( n16_out, false) n16 = default( n16, n16_out) if3 = alway_grainN ? true : !avs26 ? tr > 3 : tr > 6 if4 = (w > 1099 || h > (lsb_in ? 1199 : 599)) if5 = interlaced ? (GetParity(input) ? true : false) : nop() pel = default( pel, if4 ? 1 : 2 ) subpixel = default( subpixel, 2 ) prefilter = default( prefilter, -1 ) MFilterB = defined(mfilter) pelclip = pel>1 && subpixel == 3 Str = default( Str, 1.0 ) Amp = default( Amp, 0.0625 ) TV_range = default( TV_range, !(Isrgb(input))) blksize = default( blksize, if4 ? 16 : 8 ) blk2=blksize/2 overlap = default( overlap, blk2 ) ovl2=overlap/2 search = default( search, 4 ) truemotion = default( truemotion, !if4) dct = default( dct, 0 ) thSCD1 = default( thSCD1, int(pow((blksize*2.5),2))) thSCD2 = default( thSCD2, 130 ) plane = default( plane, 4 ) chroma = default( chroma, true) Chr = chroma ? 3 : 1 Chr2 = chroma ? 3 : preclip ? 1 : (prefilter==3 ? 2 : 1) plane0 = plane!=0 U = plane0 && plane!=2 ? 3 : 2 V = plane0 && plane!=1 ? 3 : 2 Uin = lsb_in ? 3 : u Vin = lsb_in ? 3 : v hpad = blksize vpad = blksize limit = default( limit, 255 ) limitc = default( limitc,limit) Show = default( Show, false) # Error Report Assert(blksize==4 || blksize==8 || blksize==16 || blksize==32,"MAnalyse: Block's size must be 4x4, 8x4, 8x8, 16x2, 16x8, 16x16, 32x16, 32x32") Assert(overlap <= blk2, "Overlap must be at least half blksize or less") Assert(overlap == overlap-overlap%2, "MAnalyse: overlap must be an even figure") Assert(IsBool(Show) || sShow, "'Show' only accepts bool inputs (true,false), or string modes ('Speed','Memory',Quality')") Assert(preclip || IsInt(prefilter), "'prefilter' only accepts integers and clip inputs") Assert(ifC || IsInt(Contrasharp),"'Contrasharp' only accepts integers and bool inputs") MFilterB ? Assert(IsClip(mfilter), "'mfilter' only accepts clip inputs") : nop() interlaced ? Assert(h%4==0, "Interlaced sources require mod 4 height sizes") : nop() lsb_in ? Assert(!interlaced, "Interlaced 16 bit stacked clip is not a recognized format") : nop() planar && if0 ? Assert(ifC, "LSFmod doesn't support YUY2 sources") : nop() RefineMotion ? Assert(blksize > 7, "For RefineMotion you need a blksize of at least 8") : nop() lsb_in ? Assert(lsb, "lsb_in requires: lsb=true") : nop() lsb_out ? Assert(lsb, "lsb_out requires: lsb=true") : nop() n16_out ? Assert(n16, "n16_out requires: n16=true") : nop() Assert(!(n16 && lsb), "you can't use n16 with lsb") # RefineMotion Variables halfblksize = RefineMotion ? blk2 : nop() # MRecalculate works with half block size halfoverlap = RefineMotion ? (overlap == 2 ? overlap : ovl2+ovl2%2) : nop() # Halve the overlap to suit the halved block size halfthSAD = RefineMotion || if3 ? thSAD2 : nop() # MRecalculate uses a more strict thSAD, which defaults to 150 (half of function's default of 300) halfthSADC = if3 ? int(thSADC/2) : nop() # For MDegrainN() # Input preparation for: LSB_IN, Interlacing, Planar and MSuper optimization when pel=2 inputY = planar ? (lsb_in ? Dither_YUY2toPlanar16(input) : Interleaved2planar(input)) : input inputP = !interlaced ? (pel == 2 ? inputY.AssumeFrameBased() : inputY) : \ (if5 ? inputY.AssumeTFF().SeparateFields() : inputY.AssumeBFF().SeparateFields()) input8h = lsb_in ? inputP. Ditherpost(mode=6, slice=slices) : nop() input8y = planar ? (lsb_in ? input8h.Dither_YUY2toInterleaved() : inputP) : inputP input8 = lsb_in ? (planar ? input8y.Interleaved2planar() : \ input8h) : input8y # Prefilter & Motion Filter Mfilter = MFilterB ? Mfilter : input8 bug_wa = interlaced && planar && chroma && !avs26 ? 2 : Chr # bug: crash prevention workaround pref = !GlobalR ? preclip ? prefilter : \ input.SMDegrain_prefilters(inputP=inputP,input8=input8,input8y=input8y\ ,inputY=inputY,input8h=input8h,prefilter=prefilter,chroma=chroma\ ,Chr=Chr,Chr2=Chr2,bug_wa=bug_wa,lsb=lsb,lsb_in=lsb_in,Interlaced=Interlaced\ ,if5=if5,pel=pel,device_type="GPU",device_id=device_id,a=1,d=1,h=7.0,slices=slices,planar=planar,cplace="mpeg1") : \ input8 # Default Auto-Prefilter - Luma expansion TV->PC (up to 16% more values for motion estimation) pref16 = (Height(pref)) == (Height(input8)*2) ? true : false pref = !GlobalR ? (!planar && lsb ? ((!preclip ? ((lsb_in && prefilter==-1) || prefilter==3 || prefilter==4 ) : false) ? \ !TV_range ? pref.Ditherpost(mode=6,ampn=0.0,slice=slices,staticnoise=false,u=Chr2,v=Chr2) : \ pref.Dither_Luma_Rebuild(S0=Str,c=Amp,slice=slices,lsb_in=true,uv=Chr2) : \ !TV_range ? pref16 ? pref.Ditherpost(mode=6,ampn=0.0,slice=slices,staticnoise=false,u=Chr2,v=Chr2) : pref : \ pref.Dither_Luma_Rebuild(S0=Str,c=Amp,slice=slices,lsb=true,lsb_in=pref16,uv=Chr2)) : \ ((!preclip ? (lsb_in && prefilter==-1) : false) ? \ !TV_range ? !planar ? pref.Ditherpost(mode=6,slice=slices,u=Chr,v=Chr) : pref.Ditherpost(mode=6,slice=slices,u=Chr,v=Chr).Dither_YUY2toInterleaved().Interleaved2planar(!chroma) : \ !planar ? pref.Dither_Luma_Rebuild(S0=Str,c=Amp,uv=chr, lsb_in=true) : pref.Dither_Luma_Rebuild(S0=Str,c=Amp,uv=chr, lsb_in=true).Dither_YUY2toInterleaved().Interleaved2planar(!chroma) : \ !TV_range ? pref16 ? !planar ? pref.Ditherpost(mode=6,slice=slices,u=Chr,v=Chr) : pref.planar2Interleaved(!chroma).Dither_YUY2toPlanar16().Ditherpost(mode=6,slice=slices,u=chr,v=chr).Dither_YUY2toInterleaved().Interleaved2planar(!chroma) : pref : \ pref.Dither_Luma_Rebuild(S0=Str,lsb=lsb,lsb_in=pref16,slice=slices,c=Amp,uv=bug_wa))) : \ pref pref = ssispmt ? n16 && sbitsn != pref.BitsPerComponent() ? pref.ConvertBits(sbitsn,dither=mode) : pref : pref md16str = n16 ? ",out16=true" : lsb ? ",lsb=true" : "" (sShow ? false : !Show) ? eval(""" # Subpixel 3 pclip = pelclip ? pel==4 ? pref.nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2,nns=4).nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2,nns=4) : pref.nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2,nns=4) : nop() pclip2 = pelclip && !GlobalR ? pel==4 ? input8.nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2,nns=4).nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2,nns=4) : input8.nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2,nns=4) : nop() # Motion vectors search super_search = pelclip ? MSuper(pref, pel=pel, chroma=chroma, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad, pelclip=pclip, rfilter=4, planar=planar) : \ MSuper(pref, pel=pel,sharp=subpixel,chroma=chroma, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad , rfilter=4, planar=planar) super_render = !GlobalR ? (pelclip ? MSuper(input8, pel=pel, chroma=plane0, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad,levels=1, pelclip=pclip2 , planar=planar) : \ MSuper(input8, pel=pel,sharp=subpixel,chroma=plane0, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad,levels=1 , planar=planar)): super_search Recalculate = !GlobalR && RefineMotion ? (pelclip ? MSuper(pref, pel=pel, chroma=chroma, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad,levels=1, pelclip=pclip , planar=planar) : \ MSuper(pref, pel=pel,sharp=subpixel,chroma=chroma, hpad=hpad, vpad=vpad,levels=1 , planar=planar)): nop() !if3 ? eval(" t2 = interlaced ? tr > 1 ? tr*2 : tr : tr bv12 = interlaced && (tr > 5) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta =12, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : bv12) : nop() bv12 = interlaced && (tr > 5) && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate,bv12, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : bv12 bv10 = interlaced && (tr > 4) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta =10, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : bv10) : nop() bv10 = interlaced && (tr > 4) && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate,bv10, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : bv10 bv8 = interlaced && (tr > 3) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 8, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : bv8) : nop() bv8 = interlaced && (tr > 3) && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, bv8, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : bv8 bv6 = t2 > 5 ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 6, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : bv6) : nop() bv6 = t2 > 5 && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, bv6, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : bv6 bv5 = !interlaced ? ((tr > 4) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 5, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : bv5) : nop()) : nop() bv5 = !interlaced ? ((tr > 4 && RefineMotion && !GlobalR) ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, bv5, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : bv5) : nop() bv4 = t2 > 3 ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 4, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : bv4) : nop() bv4 = t2 > 3 && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, bv4, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : bv4 bv3 = !interlaced ? ((tr > 2) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 3, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : bv3) : nop()) : nop() bv3 = !interlaced ? ((tr > 2 && RefineMotion && !GlobalR) ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, bv3, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : bv3) : nop() bv2 = (interlaced || tr > 1) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 2, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : bv2) : nop() bv2 = ((interlaced || tr > 1) && RefineMotion && !GlobalR) ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, bv2, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : bv2 bv1 = !interlaced ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = true, delta = 1, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : bv1) : nop() bv1 = !interlaced ? ( RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, bv1, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : bv1) : nop() fv1 = !interlaced ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 1, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : fv1) : nop() fv1 = !interlaced ? ( RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, fv1, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : fv1) : nop() fv2 = (interlaced || tr > 1) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 2, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : fv2) : nop() fv2 = ((interlaced || tr > 1) && RefineMotion && !GlobalR) ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, fv2, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : fv2 fv3 = !interlaced ? ((tr > 2) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 3, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : fv3) : nop()) : nop() fv3 = !interlaced ? ((tr > 2 && RefineMotion && !GlobalR) ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, fv3, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : fv3) : nop() fv4 = t2 > 3 ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 4, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : fv4) : nop() fv4 = t2 > 3 && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, fv4, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : fv4 fv5 = !interlaced ? ((tr > 4) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 5, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : fv5) : nop()) : nop() fv5 = !interlaced ? ((tr > 4 && RefineMotion && !GlobalR) ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, fv5, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : fv5) : nop() fv6 = t2 > 5 ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 6, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : fv6) : nop() fv6 = t2 > 5 && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, fv6, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : fv6 fv8 = interlaced && (tr > 3) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta = 8, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : fv8) : nop() fv8 = interlaced && (tr > 3) && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, fv8, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : fv8 fv10 = interlaced && (tr > 4) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta =10, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : fv10) : nop() fv10 = interlaced && (tr > 4) && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate,fv10, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : fv10 fv12 = interlaced && (tr > 5) ? (!GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse(isb = false, delta =12, overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : fv12) : nop() fv12 = interlaced && (tr > 5) && RefineMotion && !GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate,fv12, overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma, truemotion=truemotion, dct=dct) : fv12 ") : eval(" tr2 = tr*2 vmulti = !GlobalR ? super_search.MAnalyse( multi=true,overlap= overlap,blksize= blksize, search=search,chroma=chroma,truemotion=truemotion, delta = interlaced ? tr2 : tr, dct=dct,searchparam=searchparam,pelsearch=pelsearch, trymany=trymany) : vmulti vmulti = RefineMotion ? (!GlobalR ? MRecalculate (Recalculate, vmulti,overlap=halfoverlap,blksize=halfblksize, thSAD=halfthSAD,chroma=chroma,truemotion=truemotion, tr = interlaced ? tr2 : tr, dct=dct) : vmulti) : vmulti vmulti = !GlobalR ? (interlaced ? vmulti.SelectEvery (4, 2, 3) : vmulti) : vmulti.SelectRangeEvery (Rtr*2, tr2, 0, false) ") # Finally, MDegrain output = !GlobalO ? interlaced ? \ ( if3 ? mfilter.MDegrainN(super_render, vmulti, tr, thSAD2=halfthSAD, thSADC2=halfthSADC, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 6) ? mfilter.MDegrain6(super_render, bv2, fv2, bv4, fv4, bv6, fv6, bv8, fv8, bv10, fv10, bv12, fv12, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 5) ? mfilter.MDegrain5(super_render, bv2, fv2, bv4, fv4, bv6, fv6, bv8, fv8, bv10, fv10, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 4) ? mfilter.MDegrain4(super_render, bv2, fv2, bv4, fv4, bv6, fv6, bv8, fv8, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 3) ? mfilter.MDegrain3(super_render, bv2, fv2, bv4, fv4, bv6, fv6, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 2) ? mfilter.MDegrain2(super_render, bv2, fv2, bv4, fv4, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ mfilter.MDegrain1(super_render, bv2, fv2, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""")): \ ( if3 ? mfilter.MDegrainN(super_render, vmulti, tr, thSAD2=halfthSAD, thSADC2=halfthSADC, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 6) ? mfilter.MDegrain6(super_render, bv1, fv1, bv2, fv2, bv3, fv3, bv4, fv4, bv5, fv5, bv6, fv6, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 5) ? mfilter.MDegrain5(super_render, bv1, fv1, bv2, fv2, bv3, fv3, bv4, fv4, bv5, fv5, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 4) ? mfilter.MDegrain4(super_render, bv1, fv1, bv2, fv2, bv3, fv3, bv4, fv4, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 3) ? mfilter.MDegrain3(super_render, bv1, fv1, bv2, fv2, bv3, fv3, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ (tr == 2) ? mfilter.MDegrain2(super_render, bv1, fv1, bv2, fv2, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""") : \ mfilter.MDegrain1(super_render, bv1, fv1, thSAD=thSAD, thSADC=thSADC, thSCD1=thSCD1, thSCD2=thSCD2, limit=limit, limitc=limitc, plane=plane, planar=planar"""+md16str+""")): nop() # LSB_IN merging type = avs26 ? input.PixelType() : "YV12" outputI= !GlobalO && planar && (lsb || ifC) ? output.Planar2Interleaved() : nop() !GlobalO && lsb ? eval(" blnkclp= lsb_in || (if2 && !planar) ? BlankClip (lsb_in?input8h:input8, pixel_type=type, color_yuv=0) : nop() output = lsb && planar ? Dither_YUY2toPlanar16(outputI) : output output = lsb_in ? inputY.Dither_add16 (Dither_sub16(output, planar?inputY:input8.Dither_convert_8_to_16 (), dif=true,u=u,v=v), dif=true,u=u,v=v) : output") : nop() # Contrasharp (only sharpens luma) ifC && if0 && if4 ? eval(" global Super = super_render global cb1 = !if3 ? (interlaced ? bv2 : bv1) : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 0) global cf1 = !if3 ? (interlaced ? fv2 : fv1) : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 1)") : nop() !GlobalO && if0 ? eval(" CCh = if1 ? CClip.height() : nop() ref8 = if1 ? (h == CCh*2) : nop() ref16 = if1 ? (h == CCh/2) : nop() interlaced && if1 ? Assert(!ref16, "+Chr(34)+"Interlaced 16 bit stacked CClip is not a recognized format"+Chr(34)+") : nop() CClip = planar ? (if1 ? (lsb_in ? (ref8 ? CClip.Interleaved2planar(true) : CClip.Dither_YUY2toPlanar16().DitherPost(mode=-1,u=1,v=1).Dither_YUY2toInterleaved().Interleaved2planar(true)) : \ (interlaced ? (if5 ? CClip.AssumeTFF().SeparateFields().Interleaved2planar(true) : CClip.AssumeBFF().SeparateFields().Interleaved2planar(true)) : \ (ref16 ? CClip.Dither_YUY2toPlanar16().DitherPost(mode=-1,u=1,v=1).Dither_YUY2toInterleaved().Interleaved2planar(true) : CClip.Interleaved2planar(true)))) : \ (lsb_in ? inputY.DitherPost(mode=-1,u=1,v=1).Dither_YUY2toInterleaved().Interleaved2planar(true) : \ inputP)) : \ (if1 ? (lsb_in ? (ref8 ? CClip : CClip.DitherPost(mode=-1,u=1,v=1)) : \ (interlaced ? (if5 ? CClip.AssumeTFF().SeparateFields() : CClip.AssumeBFF().SeparateFields()) : (ref16 ? CClip.DitherPost(mode=-1,u=1,v=1) : CClip))) : \ (lsb_in ? input.DitherPost(mode=-1,u=1,v=1) : \ inputP))") : nop() !GlobalO && if2 ? eval(" OutTO8 = output.DitherPost(mode=-1,u=1,v=1) OutTO8P = planar ? OutTO8.Dither_YUY2toInterleaved() : nop() ctr16 = ifC ? ContrasharpeningHD (planar ? OutTO8P.Interleaved2planar(true):OutTO8, CClip, planar=planar, HD=if4) : \ LSFmod(OutTO8,source=CClip,defaults="+Chr(34)+"slow"+Chr(34)+",strength=Contrasharp,soothe=false,Lmode=0,soft=-2,keep=0) ctr16P = planar ? ctr16.Planar2Interleaved(true) : ctr16 ctr16 = StackVertical (ctr16P, planar ? BlankClip (ctr16P, pixel_type="+Chr(34)+"YUY2"+Chr(34)+", color_yuv=0,length=1) : blnkclp ) ctr16 = Dither_add16 (output,mt_makediff(!planar?ctr16P:ctr16P.Dither_YUY2toPlanar(), OutTO8,u=2,v=2).Dither_convert_8_to_16(), dif=true,u=2,v=2) ctr16 = MergeChroma(ctr16, output) ") : nop() # Globals Output GlobalO || Globals == 2 ? (!if3 ? eval(" global Super = super_render global bv12 = bv12 global bv10 = bv10 global bv8 = bv8 global bv6 = bv6 global bv5 = bv5 global bv4 = bv4 global bv3 = bv3 global bv2 = bv2 global bv1 = bv1 global fv1 = fv1 global fv2 = fv2 global fv3 = fv3 global fv4 = fv4 global fv5 = fv5 global fv6 = fv6 global fv8 = fv8 global fv10 = fv10 global fv12 = fv12 ") : avs26 ? eval(" global bv1 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 0) global bv2 = interlaced ? bv1 : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 2) global bv3 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 4) global bv4 = interlaced ? vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 2) : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 6) global bv5 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 8) global bv6 = interlaced ? bv3 : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 10) global bv8 = interlaced ? vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 6) : nop() global bv10 = interlaced ? bv5 : nop() global bv12 = interlaced ? vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 10) : nop() global fv1 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 1) global fv2 = interlaced ? fv1 : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 3) global fv3 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 5) global fv4 = interlaced ? vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 3) : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 7) global fv5 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 9) global fv6 = interlaced ? fv3 : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 11) global fv8 = interlaced ? vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 7) : nop() global fv10 = interlaced ? fv5 : nop() global fv12 = interlaced ? vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 11) : nop() global Super = super_render global vmulti = vmulti global Rtr = tr ") : eval(" global bv1 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 0) global bv2 = interlaced ? bv1 : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 2) global bv3 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 4) global bv4 = interlaced ? vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 2) : nop() global bv6 = interlaced ? bv3 : nop() global fv1 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 1) global fv2 = interlaced ? fv1 : vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 3) global fv3 = vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 5) global fv4 = interlaced ? vmulti.SelectEvery (tr2, 3) : nop() global fv6 = interlaced ? fv3 : nop() global Super = super_render global vmulti = vmulti global Rtr = tr")) : nop() # Output output = !GlobalO && !lsb && if0 ? ifC ? ContraSharpeningHD(output, CClip, planar=planar, HD=if4) : \ LSFmod(output,source=CClip,defaults="slow",strength=Contrasharp,soothe=false,Lmode=0,soft=-2,keep=0) \ : output !GlobalO ? n16_out ? output : n16 ? output.ConvertBits(sbitsn,dither=mode) : \ lsb_out ? (if0 ? ctr16 : output) : \ if0 && lsb ? (interlaced ? ctr16.weave().DitherPost(u=u,v=v,mode=6,slice=slices,interlaced=true) : ctr16.DitherPost(mode=mode,slice=slices,ampn=ampn,u=Uin,v=Vin)) : \ lsb ? (interlaced ? output.weave().DitherPost(u=u,v=v,mode=6,slice=slices,interlaced=true) : output.DitherPost(mode=mode,slice=slices,ampn=ampn,u=Uin,v=Vin)) : \ (interlaced ? output.weave() : output) \ : input !GlobalO ? (planar ? (lsb ? Dither_YUY2toInterleaved() : (if0 ? MergeChroma(Planar2Interleaved(true), interlaced ? outputI.weave() : outputI) : Planar2Interleaved())) : last) : last """) : \ \ \ \ \ \ eval(""" ############## # SHOW PANEL # ############## # Common Variables h = lsb_in ? h/2 : h w2 = w*1.0 h2 = h*1.0 hi = interlaced ? round(h/2.0) : h AR = w2/h2 lsp = interlaced?15:30 lsp = AR < 1.9 ? lsp : floor(AR < 1.9 ? lsp : ((AR>2.4) ? 0 : lsp-((AR-1.9)*(lsp/(2.4-1.9))))) ys = round(lsb_in ? h2/6 : (interlaced?h2/15:h2/6)) s = floor(((interlaced?w2/1.6:w2)/720.0)*16.0) type = avs26 ? input.PixelType() : planar?"YUY2":"YV12" Wadd = w2/40 Wadd2 = Wadd/2 w1 = round(w2+Wadd+Wadd2) w3 = (w2/3)+Wadd/2.1 w2 = round(w1+w3) w3 = round(w1+(w3+Wadd2)*1.96) w3sq = string(round(w3*1.01)) w3s = string(w3) # Panel Separator blkclp = BlankClip(interlaced?assumeframebased(pref):pref,length=1,pixel_type=type,color=$161616) \.crop(0,interlaced?h/2%8:h%8,0,0).separatefields().assumeframebased().separatefields() Interleave(selecteven(blkclp).addborders(2,0,0,0,color=$7f7f7f).crop(0,0,-2,0),selectodd(blkclp)) WOut=weave().assumefieldbased().weave() sep=round((hi-height(WOut))/2.0) StackHorizontal(planar? pref.Planar2Interleaved() : pref,WOut.addborders(0,sep-sep%2,0,hi-(height(WOut)+(sep-sep%2)),color=$161616)) # Color Guide Squares a=interlaced?h*0.37:h*0.74 b=interlaced?h*0.40:h*0.80 c=interlaced?h*0.43:h*0.86 !planar ? avs26 ? mt_merge(mt_lut(yexpr="127 scalef",uexpr="183 scalef",vexpr="47 scalef",use_expr=2 ,u=3,v=3) ,mt_lutspa(mode="absolute", yexpr="x "+w3s+" >= x "+w3sq+" <= & y "+string(a)+" >= y "+string(interlaced?h*0.3835:h*0.767)+" <= & & 255 0 ?").trim(0,-1).FreezeFrame(0, FrameCount(pref)-1, 0),luma=true,use_expr=2) \ : mt_merge(mt_lut(yexpr="127",uexpr="183",vexpr="47" ,u=3,v=3) ,mt_lutspa(mode="absolute", yexpr="x "+w3s+" >= x "+w3sq+" <= & y "+string(a)+" >= y "+string(interlaced?h*0.3835:h*0.767)+" <= & & 255 0 ?").trim(0,-1).FreezeFrame(0, FrameCount(pref)-1, 0),luma=true) : nop() !planar ? avs26 ? mt_merge(mt_lut(yexpr="81 scalef" ,uexpr="91 scalef" ,vexpr="240 scalef",use_expr=2,u=3,v=3) ,mt_lutspa(mode="absolute", yexpr="x "+w3s+" >= x "+w3sq+" <= & y "+string(b)+" >= y "+string(interlaced?h*0.4135:h*0.827)+" <= & & 255 0 ?").trim(0,-1).FreezeFrame(0, FrameCount(pref)-1, 0),luma=true,use_expr=2) \ : mt_merge(mt_lut(yexpr="81" ,uexpr="91" ,vexpr="240",u=3,v=3) ,mt_lutspa(mode="absolute", yexpr="x "+w3s+" >= x "+w3sq+" <= & y "+string(b)+" >= y "+string(interlaced?h*0.4135:h*0.827)+" <= & & 255 0 ?").trim(0,-1).FreezeFrame(0, FrameCount(pref)-1, 0),luma=true) : nop() !planar ? avs26 ? mt_merge(mt_lut(yexpr="210 scalef",uexpr="16 scalef" ,vexpr="146 scalef",use_expr=2,u=3,v=3) ,mt_lutspa(mode="absolute", yexpr="x "+w3s+" >= x "+w3sq+" <= & y "+string(c)+" >= y "+string(interlaced?h*0.4435:h*0.887)+" <= & & 255 0 ?").trim(0,-1).FreezeFrame(0, FrameCount(pref)-1, 0),luma=true,use_expr=2) \ : mt_merge(mt_lut(yexpr="210",uexpr="16" ,vexpr="146",u=3,v=3) ,mt_lutspa(mode="absolute", yexpr="x "+w3s+" >= x "+w3sq+" <= & y "+string(c)+" >= y "+string(interlaced?h*0.4435:h*0.887)+" <= & & 255 0 ?").trim(0,-1).FreezeFrame(0, FrameCount(pref)-1, 0),luma=true) : nop() # Parameters List blue = sShow ? (show=="Speed" ? true : false) : false red = sShow ? (show=="Memory" ? true : false) : false yellow= sShow ? (show=="Quality" ? true : false) : false Color = sShow ? (blue ? $00aef0 : \ red ? $ff0000 : \ yellow ? $ffff00 : \ Assert(false, "Revise typo for possible color guide modes: 'Speed','Memory','Quality'")) : nop() varn = "\n\n\n\n\n" sp = !GlobalR && str==1.0 ? " " : "" Subtitle("SMDegrain Mod v3.1.2",text_color=red||blue||yellow?Color:$7f7f7f,halo_color=$000000,font="VERDANA",size=s*2,x=w1,y=lsb_in?h/40:(interlaced?h/50:h/20)) Subtitle("BASIC" ,lsp=lsp,text_color=$ffffff,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w1,y=ys) Subtitle( "\n\ntr = " + string(tr) + \ varn+varn+ "chroma = " + string(chroma) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=red||blue ?Color:$ffffff,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w1,y=ys) Subtitle( "\n\n\nthSAD(C) = " + string( GlobalO?"bypass":string(thSAD) + "(" + string(plane0?thSADC:"bypass") + ")")+ \ varn+ "CClip = " + string( GlobalO?"bypass":(defined(CClip)?"defined":"undefined")) + \ "\n\nInterlaced = " + string(interlaced) ,lsp=lsp,text_color= $ffffff,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w1,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+ "RefineMotion = " + string( GlobalO?"bypass":RefineMotion) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=yellow ?Color:$ffffff,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w1,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+ "\n\nContrasharp = " + string( GlobalO?"bypass":contrasharp) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=yellow&&!GlobalO ?Color:$ffffff,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w1,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+varn+ "\nplane = " + string( GlobalO?"bypass":(plane==0?"0 (Luma)":plane==1?"1 (U plane)":plane==2?"2 (V plane)":plane==3?"3 (Chroma)":"4(Luma+Chroma)")),lsp=lsp,text_color=(red||blue)&&!GlobalO?Color:$ffffff,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w1,y=ys) Subtitle("<-- "+string(IsClip(prefilter)||prefilter!=-1?"Prefiltered clip converted\n to PC levels":"Clip converted to PC levels\n ")+" for the motion search",lsp=lsp,text_color=$ffffff,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w1-10,y=(interlaced?h/2:h)-int(ys/1.5)) Subtitle("ADVANCED",lsp=lsp,text_color=$7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w2,y=ys) Subtitle( "\n\npel = " + string(pel) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=red ?Color:$7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w2,y=ys) Subtitle( "\n\n\nsubpixel = " + string( pel==1 ?"bypass":subpixel) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=(yellow||blue)&&pel!=1 ?Color:$7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w2,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+varn+ "\n\n\ntruemotion = " + string( GlobalR?"bypass":truemotion) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=(yellow||blue)&&!GlobalR?Color:$7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w2,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+ "mfilter = " + string( GlobalR?"bypass":MFilterB?"Clip"+sp+" Variable":"OFF") ,lsp=lsp,text_color= $7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w2,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+ "\n\nStr = " + (GlobalR?string("bypass"):string(Str,"%1.2f"))+sp+" Brightness" + \ varn+ "search = " + string( GlobalR?"bypass":search) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=yellow&&!GlobalR ?Color:$7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w2,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+varn+ "blksize = " + string( GlobalR?"bypass":blksize) + \ "\noverlap = " + string( GlobalR?"bypass":overlap) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=(red||blue)&&!GlobalR ?Color:$7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w2,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+ "\nprefilter = " + (GlobalR?string("bypass"):(preclip?"Clip"+sp+" Variable":(prefilter==0?"0"+sp+" MinBlur(0)":prefilter==1?"1"+sp+" MinBlur(1)":prefilter==2?"2"+sp+" MinBlur(2)":prefilter==3?"3"+sp+" Dfttest":prefilter==4?"4"+sp+" KNLmeans":"OFF"+sp+" (-1)"))) + \ "\n\nAmp = " + (GlobalR||str==1.0?string("bypass"):string(Amp,"%1.2f"))+" Amplitude" + \ varn+ "\nlimit(C) = " + (GlobalO?string("bypass"):string(limit) + "(" + string(limitc) + ")") ,lsp=lsp,text_color= $7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w2,y=ys) Subtitle("OTHERS" ,lsp=lsp,text_color=$494949,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=ys) Subtitle( "\n\n\nthSCD1(2) = " + (GlobalO?string("bypass"):string(thSCD1) + "(" + string(thSCD2) + ")") + \ varn+"\n\nGlobals = " + string(Globals==0 ? "0 (OFF)" : Globals==1 ? "1 (Import)" : Globals==2 ? "2 (Export)" : "3 (E.Only)"),lsp=lsp,text_color= $494949,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=ys) Subtitle( varn+"\n\nslices = " + string(slices) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=blue ?Color:$494949,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=ys) Subtitle( "\n\nhpad(v) = " + string(hpad) + "(" + string(vpad) + ")" ,lsp=lsp,text_color=red||blue ?Color:$494949,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+ "lsb = " + string(lsb) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=yellow ?Color:$494949,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+ "\nlsb_in/out= " + string(lsb_in) +"/"+ string(lsb_out) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=red&&lsb_in ?Color:$494949,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=ys) Subtitle(varn+ "\n\n\nmode = " + (GlobalO||(lsb_out||!lsb)?string("bypass"):interlaced?"6 (locked)":string(mode)) ,lsp=lsp,text_color=yellow&&!GlobalO&&lsb ?Color:$494949,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=ys) Subtitle(" Speed" ,lsp=interlaced?15:30,text_color=planar?$00aef0:$7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=int(a-1)) Subtitle(" Memory" ,lsp=interlaced?17:34,text_color=planar?$ff0000:$7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=int(b-1)) Subtitle(" Quality" ,lsp=interlaced?19:38,text_color=planar?$ffff00:$7f7f7f,font="COURIER NEW",size=s,x=w3,y=int(c-1)) lsb_out ? StackVertical (last, BlankClip (last, pixel_type=type, color_yuv=0,length=1)) : last""")} ######################################################## # # # HELPER FUNCTIONS: For Contrasharp and YUY2 handling # # # ######################################################## ######################################## ## Didée's functions: # contra-sharpening: sharpen the denoised clip, but don't add more to any pixel than what was removed previously. # script function from Didée, at the VERY GRAINY thread # In final version 2.0d ContraHD() was merged, to allow proper HD sharpening. # In this case global variables of (before denoising) source MSuper and forward and backward # compensated motion vectors are necessary as: Super, cb1 and cf1, if used as a stand alone function. # Don't know who made (mod) it, so I can't give proper credits, sorry. FUNCTION ContraSharpeningHD(clip denoised, clip original, bool "HD", bool "planar", int "overshoot"){ HD = default(HD ,false) planar = default(planar,false) overshoot = default(overshoot,0) avs26 = VersionNumber() < 2.60 ? false : true yuy26 = avs26 && Isyuy2(denoised) && planar HD ? eval(""" cb1=original.MCompensate(Super, cb1, planar=planar) cf1=original.MCompensate(Super, cf1, planar=planar) pmax = yuy26 ? original.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16().mt_logic(cb1.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16(), "max").mt_logic(cf1.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16(), "max") : original.mt_logic(cb1, "max").mt_logic(cf1, "max") pmin = yuy26 ? original.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16().mt_logic(cb1.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16(), "min").mt_logic(cf1.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16(), "min") : original.mt_logic(cb1, "min").mt_logic(cf1, "min")""") : nop() s = denoised.MinBlur(HD?2:1,1,planar=planar) # Damp down remaining spots of the denoised clip. s = yuy26 ? s.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16() : s original = yuy26 ? original.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16() : original denoised = yuy26 ? denoised.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16() : denoised allD = mt_makediff(original,denoised) # The difference achieved by the denoising. ssD = mt_makediff(s,HD?s.removegrain(20,-1,planar=planar).\ removegrain(20,-1,planar=planar):\ s.removegrain(11,-1,planar=planar)) # The difference of a simple kernel blur. allD = yuy26 ? allD.ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(true) : allD ssD = yuy26 ? ssD.ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(true) : ssD ssDD = ssD.repair(HD?ssD.repair(allD,1,planar=planar):allD,HD?12:1,planar=planar) # Limit the difference to the max of what the denoising removed locally. ssDD = yuy26 ? ssDD.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16() : ssDD ssD = yuy26 ? ssD.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16() : ssD ssDD = avs26 ? SSDD.mt_lutxy(ssD,"x range_half - abs y range_half - abs < x y ?",use_expr=2) \ : SSDD.mt_lutxy(ssD,"x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?") # abs(diff) after limiting may not be bigger than before. denoised.mt_adddiff(ssDD,U=2,V=2) # Apply the limited difference. (Sharpening is just inverse blurring) HD ? mt_clamp(last,pmax,pmin,overshoot,overshoot,chroma="copy first") : last yuy26 ? last.ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar() : last } # MinBlur by Didée # Nifty Gauss/Median combination (Modified for Planar input) function MinBlur(clip clp, int "r", int "uv", bool "planar", string "mode", int "abtype", bool "blurrep"){ r = default(r,1) uv = default(uv,3) planar = default(planar,false) defmod = defined(mode) mode = default(mode,"Median_Both") avs26 = VersionNumber() < 2.60 ? false : true yuy26 = avs26 && Isyuy2(clp) && planar uv2 = (uv==2) ? 1 : uv rg4 = (uv==3) ? 4 : -1 rg11 = (uv==3) ? 11 : -1 rg20 = (uv==3) ? 20 : -1 uvm2 = r==2 ? (uv==3?2:uv==2?0:-1) : nop() uvm3 = r==3 ? (uv==3?3:uv==2?0:-1) : nop() medf = (uv==3) ? 1 : -200 rg4v = !(defmod && r==1) && (r<=1) blurrep= default(blurrep,false) blurstr= mode == "Median_Both" ? "medianblur(r,r*medf,r*medf)" : mode == "average_Both" ? "aBlur(r, abtype, chroma=uv)" : mode == "average_horizontal" ? "aBlur(r, abtype, blurv="+String(r==1 ? 0 : 1)+", chroma=uv)" : mode == "average_vertical" ? "aBlur("+String(r==1 ? 0 : 1)+", abtype, blurv=r, chroma=uv)" : mode RG11D = (r==0) ? yuy26 ? mt_makediff(clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),clp.sbr(planar=planar).Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),U=uv2,V=uv2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(uv2==1) : mt_makediff(clp,clp.sbr(planar=planar),U=uv2,V=uv2) \ : (r==1) ? yuy26 ? mt_makediff(clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),clp.removegrain(11,rg11,planar=planar).Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),U=uv2,V=uv2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(uv2==1) : mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(11,rg11,planar=planar),U=uv2,V=uv2) \ : (r==2) ? yuy26 ? mt_makediff(clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),clp.removegrain(11,rg11,planar=planar).removegrain(20,rg20,planar=planar).Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),U=uv2,V=uv2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(uv2==1) : mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(11,rg11,planar=planar).removegrain(20,rg20,planar=planar),U=uv2,V=uv2) \ : yuy26 ? mt_makediff(clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),clp.removegrain(11,rg11,planar=planar).removegrain(20,rg20,planar=planar).removegrain(20,rg20,planar=planar).Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),U=uv2,V=uv2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(uv2==1) : mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(11,rg11,planar=planar).removegrain(20,rg20,planar=planar).removegrain(20,rg20,planar=planar),U=uv2,V=uv2) RG4D = (rg4v) ? yuy26 ? mt_makediff(clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),clp.removegrain(4,rg4,planar=planar).Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),U=uv2,V=uv2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(uv2==1) : mt_makediff(clp,clp.removegrain(4,rg4,planar=planar),U=uv2,V=uv2) \ : (r==2) ? avs26 ? yuy26 ? eval("mt_makediff(clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16()."+blurstr+",U=uv2,V=uv2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(uv2==1)") : eval("mt_makediff(clp,clp."+blurstr+",U=uv2,V=uv2)") : mt_makediff(clp,clp.Quantile(radius_y=2, radius_u=uvm2, radius_v=uvm2, planar=planar), U=uv2,V=uv2) \ : avs26 ? yuy26 ? eval("mt_makediff(clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16()."+blurstr+",U=uv2,V=uv2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(uv2==1)") : eval("mt_makediff(clp,clp."+blurstr+",U=uv2,V=uv2)") : mt_makediff(clp,clp.Quantile(radius_y=3, radius_u=uvm3, radius_v=uvm3, planar=planar), U=uv2,V=uv2) #RG4D = blurrep ? RG4D.Repair(clp.removegrain(3,uv==3 ? 0 : -1,planar=planar),9,uv==3 ? 0 : -1,planar=planar) : RG4D DD = yuy26 ? mt_lutxy(RG11D.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),RG4D.Planar2Interleaved(uv2==1).ConvertToYV16(),"x 128 - y 128 - * 0 < 128 x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ? ?",use_expr=2,U=uv2,V=uv2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(uv==1) \ : avs26 ? mt_lutxy(RG11D,RG4D,"x range_half - y range_half - * 0 < range_half x range_half - abs y range_half - abs < x y ? ?",use_expr=2,U=uv2,V=uv2) \ : mt_lutxy(RG11D,RG4D,"x 128 - y 128 - * 0 < 128 x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ? ?",U=uv2,V=uv2) yuy26 ? clp.Planar2Interleaved(uv==1).ConvertToYV16().mt_makediff(DD.Planar2Interleaved(uv==1).ConvertToYV16(),U=uv,V=uv).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(uv==1) : clp.mt_makediff(DD,U=uv,V=uv) blurrep ? Repair(clp.removegrain(17,uv==3 ? 0 : -1,planar=planar),9,uv==3 ? 0 : -1,planar=planar) : last } # helper function: make a highpass on a blur's difference (well, kind of that) # Highpass of spatial r=1 Gaussian (like blur(1.0)) (Modified for Planar input) function sbr(clip c, bool "planar") { planar = default(planar,false) avs26 = VersionNumber() < 2.60 ? false : true yuy26 = avs26 && Isyuy2(c) && planar rg11 = c.removegrain(11,-1,planar=planar) rg11D = yuy26 ? mt_makediff(c.Planar2Interleaved(true).ConvertToYV16(),rg11.Planar2Interleaved(true).ConvertToYV16()).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(true) : mt_makediff(c,rg11) rg11DD = yuy26 ? mt_makediff(rg11D.Planar2Interleaved(true).ConvertToYV16(),rg11D.removegrain(11,-1,planar=planar).Planar2Interleaved(true).ConvertToYV16()).mt_lutxy(rg11D.Planar2Interleaved(true).ConvertToYV16(),"x 128 - y 128 - * 0 < 128 x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ? ?").ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(true) \ : avs26 ? mt_makediff(rg11D,rg11D.removegrain(11,-1,planar=planar)).mt_lutxy(rg11D,"x range_half - y range_half - * 0 < range_half x range_half - abs y range_half - abs < x y ? ?",use_expr=2) \ : mt_makediff(rg11D,rg11D.removegrain(11,-1,planar=planar)).mt_lutxy(rg11D,"x 128 - y 128 - * 0 < 128 x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ? ?") yuy26 ? c.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16().mt_makediff(rg11DD.Planar2Interleaved().ConvertToYV16(),U=2,V=2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar() : c.mt_makediff(rg11DD,U=2,V=2) } ######################################## ## cretindesalpes' functions # Converts 16 bit interleaved YUY2 to 16bit planar YUY2 suitable for Ditherpost. (Use right before Ditherpost; this format is not suitable for filtering) function Dither_YUY2toPlanar16(c){c yuy26 = !(VersionNumber() < 2.60) && isyuy2(c) my = !yuy26 ? Dither_get_msb().ConvertToYV12() : nop() ly = !yuy26 ? Dither_get_lsb().ConvertToYV12() : nop() u = !yuy26 ? UToY ().ConvertToYV12 () : nop() v = !yuy26 ? VToY ().ConvertToYV12 () : nop() yuy26 ? ConvertToYV16() : YToUV (u, v, StackVertical (StackVertical (my, my), StackVertical (ly, ly)))} # Converts 8 bit interleaved YUY2 to 8 bit planar YUY2 ready for either 8 or 16 bit processing also suitable for Ditherpost function Dither_YUY2toPlanar(c){c yuy26 = !(VersionNumber() < 2.60) && isyuy2(c) y = !yuy26 ? ConvertToYV12 () : nop() u = !yuy26 ? UToY ().ConvertToYV12 () : nop() v = !yuy26 ? VToY ().ConvertToYV12 () : nop() yuy26 ? ConvertToYV16() : YToUV (u, v, StackVertical (y, y))} # Converts back the above special planar formats to normal interleaved 16 bit YUY2 function Dither_YUY2toInterleaved16(c){c yuy26 = !(VersionNumber() < 2.60) y = !yuy26 ? StackVertical (Crop (0, 0, 0, (Height () /(4))), Crop (0, (Height () /(2))+(Height () /(4)), 0, 0)).ConvertToYUY2 () : nop() u = !yuy26 ? UToY ().ConvertToYUY2 () : nop() v = !yuy26 ? VToY ().ConvertToYUY2 () : nop() yuy26 ? ConvertToYUY2() : YToUV (u, v, y)} # Converts back the above special planar formats to normal interleaved YUY2 function Dither_YUY2toInterleaved(c){c yuy26 = !(VersionNumber() < 2.60) y = !yuy26 ? Crop (0, 0, 0, Height () /(2)).ConvertToYUY2 () : nop() u = !yuy26 ? UToY ().ConvertToYUY2 () : nop() v = !yuy26 ? VToY ().ConvertToYUY2 () : nop() yuy26 ? ConvertToYUY2() : YToUV (u, v, y)} # Converts luma (and chroma) to PC levels, and optionally allows tweaking for pumping up the darks. (for the clip to be fed to motion search only) # By courtesy of cretindesalpes. function Dither_Luma_Rebuild (clip src, float "s0", float "c",int "uv", bool "lsb", bool "lsb_in", bool "lsb_out", int "mode", float "ampn", bool "slice"){ lsb_in = Default( lsb_in ,false) lsb_out = Default( lsb_out ,false) lsb = Default( lsb ,lsb_in || lsb_out) lsb = !lsb && (lsb_in || lsb_out) ? true : lsb mode = Default( mode ,6) uv = Default(uv, 3) s0 = Default(s0, 2.0) c = Default(c, 1.0/16) ampn = Default(ampn, 0.0) slice = Default(slice, true) yuy2 = isyuy2(src) avs26 = VersionNumber() < 2.60 ? false : true ssispmt = Findstr(VersionString(), "AviSynth+") != 0 && Findstr(VersionString(), "r1576") == 0 lsb_native = ssispmt ? !(src.BitsPerComponent() > 8 && (lsb)) : true ssispmt ? Assert(lsb_native, "lsb hack is not Compatible with native high bit depth" ) : nop() ssispmt ? Assert(!(src.isYUVA() && lsb), "lsb hack is not Compatible with YUVA" ) : nop() Assert(!(src.isrgb()), "Dither_Luma_Rebuild: RGB Color formats is not supported" ) src = yuy2 ? lsb_in ? src.Planar2Interleaved(uv==1).Dither_YUY2toPlanar16() : avs26 ? src.Planar2Interleaved(uv==1).ConvertToYV16() : lsb ? src.Planar2Interleaved(uv==1).Dither_YUY2toPlanar() : src : src k = (s0 - 1) * c t = lsb_in ? "x 4096 - 56064 / 0 1 clip" \ : avs26 ? "x 16 scalef - 219 scalef / 0 1 clip" \ : "x 16 - 219 / 0 1 clip" e = String(k)+" "+String(1+c)+" "+String((1+c)*c)+" "+t+" "+String(c) \ +" + / - * "+t+" 1 "+String(k)+" - * + "+String(lsb?65536:avs26?"range_size":255)+" *" src lsb ? (lsb_in ? Dither_lut16 (yexpr=e,expr="x 32768 - 32768 * 28672 / 32768 +",y=3, u=uv, v=uv) : \ Dither_lut8 (yexpr=e,expr="x 128 - 32768 * 112 / 32768 +" ,y=3, u=uv, v=uv)) : \ avs26 ? mt_lut(yexpr=e,expr="x range_half - range_half * 112 scaleb / range_half +",use_expr=2,y=3, u=uv, v=uv) : \ mt_lut(yexpr=e,expr="x 128 - 128 * 112 / 128 +" ,y=3, u=uv, v=uv) lsb_out && !yuy2 ? last : (lsb && !lsb_out ? yuy2 ? Ditherpost(mode=mode,ampn=ampn,slice=slice,staticnoise=ampn!=0.0?true:false,u=uv,v=uv).Dither_YUY2toInterleaved().Interleaved2planar(uv==1) : Ditherpost(mode=mode,ampn=ampn,slice=slice,staticnoise=ampn!=0.0?true:false,u=uv,v=uv) : last) return yuy2 && lsb_out ? last.Dither_YUY2toInterleaved16().Interleaved2planar(uv==1) : yuy2 && avs26 && !lsb ? converttoyuy2().Interleaved2planar(uv==1) : last } # SMDegrain prefilters function SMDegrain_prefilters (clip input, int "prefilter", bool "chroma", int "Chr", int "Chr2", int "bug_wa", bool "lsb", bool "lsb_in", bool "Interlaced", val "if5", int "pel", String "device_type", int "device_id", int "d", int "a", bool "slices", bool "planar", clip "inputP", clip "input8", clip "input8y", clip "inputY", val "input8h", float "h", String "knlm_params", String "cplace") { Interlaced = Default( Interlaced ,false) slices = default(slices, true) if5 = Default( if5 ,interlaced ? (GetParity(input) ? true : false) : nop()) lsb_in = Default( lsb_in ,false) lsb = Default( lsb ,lsb_in) pel = default( pel, (input.width () > 1099 || input.height() > (lsb_in ? 1199 : 599)) ? 1 : 2 ) ssispmt = Findstr(VersionString(), "AviSynth+") != 0 && Findstr(VersionString(), "r1576") == 0 chroma = default( chroma, true) planar = Default( planar , input.isyuy2()) prefilter = Default( prefilter, 3) cplace = Default( cplace, "mpeg2") Chr = Default(Chr, chroma ? 3 : 1) Chr2 = Default(Chr2, chroma ? 3 : (prefilter==3 ? 2 : 1)) avs26 = !(VersionNumber() < 2.60) Assert(!(!defined(inputP) && prefilter==-1), "prefilter must be between 0~4: "+string(prefilter)) lsb_native = ssispmt ? !(Input.BitsPerComponent() > 8 && (lsb)) : true ssispmt ? Assert(lsb_native, "lsb hack is not Compatible with native high bit depth" ) : nop() # Input preparation for: LSB_IN, Interlacing, Planar and MSuper optimization when pel=2 inputY = defined(inputY ) ? inputY : planar ? (lsb_in ? Dither_YUY2toPlanar16(input) : Interleaved2planar(input)) : input inputP = defined(inputP ) ? inputP : !interlaced ? (pel == 2 ? inputY.AssumeFrameBased() : inputY) : \ (if5 ? inputY.AssumeTFF().SeparateFields() : inputY.AssumeBFF().SeparateFields()) input8h = defined(input8h) && isclip(input8h) ? input8h : lsb_in ? inputP. Ditherpost(mode=6, slice=slices) : nop() input8y = defined(input8y) ? input8y : planar ? (lsb_in ? input8h.Dither_YUY2toInterleaved() : inputP) : inputP input8 = defined(input8 ) ? input8 : lsb_in ? (planar ? input8y.Interleaved2planar() : input8h) : input8y inputd = (prefilter == 3 || prefilter == 4) ? Interlaced ? if5 ? input.AssumeTFF().SeparateFields() : \ input.AssumeBFF().SeparateFields() : \ input : nop() bug_wa = defined(bug_wa) ? bug_wa : interlaced && planar && chroma && !avs26 ? 2 : Chr # bug: crash prevention workaround # The mt_merge() line for prefilter=3 should be swapped with a high bitdepth variant (Dither_merge16_8() ?) due to a 1 point limited range # in both range ends, but then it won't work with planar sources. This isn't as critical since we are only trying to find motion vectors. (prefilter==-1) ? inputP : \ (prefilter==0) ? input8.MinBlur(0,Chr,planar) : \ (prefilter==1) ? input8.MinBlur(1,Chr,planar) : \ (prefilter==2) ? input8.MinBlur(2,Chr,planar) : \ (prefilter==3) ? (!planar && lsb ? Dither_merge16_8( inputd.Dfttest(sstring="0.0:4.0 0.2:9.0 1.0:15.0",tbsize=1,u=chroma,v=chroma,lsb=true,lsb_in=lsb_in,quiet=true), lsb_in?inputP:inputP.Dither_convert_8_to_16(), \ lsb_in?inputP.Dither_lut16("x 4096 < 65535 x 19200 > 0 65535 x 4096 - 4.338916843220339 * - ? ?",u=1,v=1).Ditherpost(mode=6, slice=slices, u=Chr, v=Chr) \ :inputd.mt_lut( "x 16 < 255 x 75 > 0 255 x 16 - 255 75 16 - / * - ? ?",u=1,v=1), luma=chroma, u=Chr2, v=Chr2) : \ avs26 && planar && lsb ? Dither_merge16_8( inputd.Dfttest(sstring="0.0:4.0 0.2:9.0 1.0:15.0",tbsize=1,u=chroma,v=chroma,lsb=true,lsb_in=lsb_in,quiet=true).ConvertToYV16(), lsb_in?inputP:inputd.ConvertToYV16().Dither_convert_8_to_16(), \ lsb_in?inputP.Dither_lut16("x 4096 < 65535 x 19200 > 0 65535 x 4096 - 4.338916843220339 * - ? ?",u=1,v=1).Ditherpost(mode=6, slice=slices, u=Chr, v=Chr) \ :inputd.ConvertToYV16().mt_lut( "x 16 < 255 x 75 > 0 255 x 16 - 255 75 16 - / * - ? ?",u=1,v=1), luma=chroma, u=Chr2, v=Chr2).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(!chroma) : \ avs26 && planar ? mt_merge ( Dfttest(!lsb_in?inputd:input8y,sstring="0.0:4.0 0.2:9.0 1.0:15.0",tbsize=1,u=chroma,v=chroma,dither=1).ConvertToYV16(),!lsb_in?input8y.Planar2Interleaved(!chroma).ConvertToYV16():input8y.ConvertToYV16(), \ input8.Planar2Interleaved(!chroma).ConvertToYV16().mt_lut( "x 16 < 255 x 75 > 0 255 x 16 - 4.322033898305085 * - ? ?",u=1,v=1), luma=planar?false:chroma, u=bug_wa,v=bug_wa).ConvertToYUY2().Interleaved2planar(!chroma) : \ avs26 ? mt_merge (Dfttest(inputd,sstring="0.0:4.0 0.2:9.0 1.0:15.0",tbsize=1,u=chroma,v=chroma,dither=1),input8, \ input8.mt_lut("x 16 scalef < range_max x 75 scalef > 0 range_max x 16 scalef - range_max 75 scalef 16 scalef - / * - ? ?",use_expr=2,u=1,v=1), luma=chroma, cplace=cplace, u=chr,v=chr) : \ mt_merge (planar ? Dfttest(!lsb_in?inputd:input8y,sstring="0.0:4.0 0.2:9.0 1.0:15.0",tbsize=1,u=chroma,v=chroma,dither=1).Interleaved2planar(!chroma) : \ Dfttest(!lsb_in?inputd:input8 ,sstring="0.0:4.0 0.2:9.0 1.0:15.0",tbsize=1,u=chroma,v=chroma,dither=1),input8, \ input8.mt_lut( "x 16 < 255 x 75 > 0 255 x 16 - 4.322033898305085 * - ? ?",u=1,v=1), luma=chroma, u=bug_wa,v=bug_wa)) : \ (prefilter==4) ? planar ? inputd.SMDegrain_KNLMeansCL(lsb=lsb, lsb_in=lsb_in, device_type=device_type, device_id=device_id, chroma=chroma, h=h, d=d, a=a, knlm_params=knlm_params).Interleaved2planar(!chroma) : \ inputd.SMDegrain_KNLMeansCL(lsb=lsb, lsb_in=lsb_in, device_type=device_type, device_id=device_id, chroma=chroma, h=h, d=d, a=a, knlm_params=knlm_params) : \ Assert(false, "prefilter must be between -1~4: "+string(prefilter)) } # SMDegrain_KNLMeansCL function SMDegrain_KNLMeansCL (clip input, String "device_type", int "device_id", bool "chroma", bool "lsb", bool "lsb_in", float "h", int "d", int "a", String "knlm_params") { d = Default( d ,0) a = Default( a ,1) h = Default( h ,7.0) deviceid = Default( device_id ,0) knlm_params = default(knlm_params, "") chroma = Default( chroma ,true) lsb_in = Default( lsb_in ,false) lsb = Default( lsb ,lsb_in) avspmt = Findstr(VersionString(), "AviSynth+") != 0 && Findstr(VersionString(), "r1576") == 0 fullchr = avspmt ? input.is444() : input.isyv24() chr420 = avspmt ? input.is420() : input.isyv12() nochr = avspmt ? input.isy() : input.isy8() chrlsb = chroma && !fullchr && !nochr NL_in = lsb && !lsb_in ? input.Dither_convert_8_to_16() : input cnl = chrlsb ? "Y" : input.isrgb() ? "auto" : chroma ? "YUV" : "Y" NL_in = !chrlsb && input.isyuy2() ? NL_in.converttoyv16() : NL_in chrlsb ? eval(""" # In a more lucid state I could probably have laid out this block much better... or not... NL_W = width(NL_in) Uclip = avspmt ? ExtractU(NL_in) : UToY8(NL_in) Vclip = avspmt ? ExtractV(NL_in) : VToY8(NL_in) NL_lsb = (chr420 ? StackVertical( lsb ? StackVertical(Dither_get_msb(uclip),Dither_get_msb(vclip)) : uclip,\ lsb ? StackVertical(Dither_get_lsb(uclip),Dither_get_lsb(vclip)) : vclip) : \ StackHorizontal(uclip,vclip)) nlc = StackHorizontal(avspmt ? ConvertToY(NL_in) : ConvertToY8(NL_in),NL_lsb) nlc = Eval("nlc.KNLMeansCL(D=d, A=a, h=h,stacked=lsb_in || lsb,device_type=device_type,device_id=deviceid,channels=cnl" + knlm_params + ")") uvh = lsb_in || lsb ? uclip.height()/2 : uclip.height() uvw = uclip.width() nly = nlc.crop(0,0,chr420 ? -uvw : -(uvw+uvw),0) nlu = chr420 ? lsb_in || lsb ? StackVertical(Dither_get_msb(nlc).crop(NL_W,0,0,-uvh),Dither_get_lsb(nlc).crop(NL_W,0,0,-uvh)) : nlc.crop(NL_W,0,0,-uvh) : \ nlc.crop(NL_W ,0,-uvw,0) nlv = chr420 ? lsb_in || lsb ? StackVertical(Dither_get_msb(nlc).crop(NL_W,uvh, 0,0),Dither_get_lsb(nlc).crop(NL_W,uvh, 0,0)) : nlc.crop(NL_W,uvh, 0,0) : \ nlc.crop(NL_W+uvw,0, 0,0) YToUV(nlu, nlv, nly) """) : Eval("NL_in.KNLMeansCL(D=d, A=a, h=h,stacked=lsb_in || lsb,device_type=device_type,device_id=deviceid,channels=cnl" + knlm_params + ")") !lsb && lsb_in ? Ditherpost(mode=6,slice=false) : last input.isyuy2() ? converttoyuy2() : last }