@ Brother John
Dass mbtree im neuen encodingwissen empfohlen wird erschreckt mich!
mbtree ist meiner meinung nach immer noch experimentel dass habe ich & viele andere user im engl. doom9 forum auch kund getan.
Es ist z. B. bekannt dass mbtree oft (nicht immer!) in dunklen szenen zu grober blockbildung neigt (es sieht teilweise zum kotzen aus).
Posts by Mr. Brown
So nach 1 1/2 Jahren
Update -> "Universal Anime AVS skript by Mr. Brown =Version 10.1=" ist raus!
nichts besonderes nur kleinere korrekturen -
@ Selur
1. hab ich nicht soviel zeit und lust wie vor 1 -2 jahren
2. werde ich wahrscheinlich meine signatur von ein paar anleitungen befreien
3. wünsch ich dir ein guten rutsch ins neue jahr -
start --> ausführen --> msconfig
bei dienste und systemstart alles raushauen bis auf die microsoft dienste
wenn er dann wieder normal startet nacheinander wieder alles hinzufügen bis der übeltäter ausfindig gemacht wurde ansonsten würde ich auch nen virenscan empfehlen. -
Damit die Entwicklung eines AviSynth Linux Ports wieder Fahrt kommt bräuchte es deutlich mehr Linux User aber das ist nur ne frage der zeit! Es hätte riesen vorteile z. B. is Linux deutlich weiter was 64bit support angeht.
Bis dahin teste ich mal avisynth unter wine ansonsten fahre ich mit Linux/Windows Mix auf meinen Rechnern ganz gut.
AviSynth 2.5.8 RC5
bis zur final dürfte es nicht mehr allzu lange dauern
* Added Czech doc translation.
* Added Polish doc translation (by Slim, Krismen & Co).
* Updated Japanese documentation [20080813] (Niiyan).
* Added Japanese translation (by niiyan).
* Installer standalone option for putting avisynth.dll, etc into install directory and NOT updating registry.
* Blankclip added audio channels= and sample_type= arguments.
* ConvertAudio(cii) available to plugins via env->Invoke().
* Added font aspect, rotation and alpha to text routines.
* Added /* xxx */ block comments.
* Added [* [* xxx *] *] nestable block comments.
* SetMemoryMax(0) to just return current Memory Max value.
* Added planar YV12 color format to Compare() [Fizick].
* ColorKeyMask: Allow independant tolerance levels for each channel.
* Added Tweak Hue/Saturation range limiting.
* Added AudioLevels and Color2 modes to Histogram.
* Adding global OPT_UseWaveExtensible=True to your script enables WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE audio output.
* Added ShowTime() script verb, like ShowSMPTE() but with milliseconds.
* Added BlackmanResize() and Spline64Resize().
* Modified DeleteFrame()/DuplicateFrame() to process multiple arguments.
* Added Min()/Max() script functions.Bugfixes:
* Fixed ShowFiveVersions() YV12 chroma position in bottom half. Regression.
* Fixed DirectShowSource() grey frames after end of stream + 30 frames.
* Fixed Histogram() Classic mode restore graph brightness. Regression.
* Fixed Compare() graph pixel values exceeding YUV limits.
* Fixed AddBorders() args negative value clamping.
* Fixed AviSource() decoding to RGB24 logic regression.
* Added workaround for HuffYUV, Xvid reading past end of input buffer.
* Fixed current_frame value in nested runtime script invocations. (Gavino)
* Fixed Dissolve overlap arg range checking. (gzarkadas)
* Fixed OpenDMLSource() multithreading race problem. (QuaddiMM)
* Fixed unsaved variableName string in ConditionalReader.
* Fixed Parser FunctionTable::TypeMatch() missing compulsory arguments. Dissolve bug (Various).
* Fixed DirectShowSource() QueryId() use CoTaskMemAlloc for returned value (Dean Pavlekovic).
* Fixed DirectShowSource() use GraphBuilder object for media control (Avery Lee).
* Fixed DirectShowSource() remove PulseEvent calls (Avery Lee).
* Fixed DirectShowSource() QueryAccept() modifying VideoInfo in running script (Haali).
* Fixed Blankclip clip= argument parsing.
* Fixed trashed GPF report, i.e reading 0x0 at 0x0 exception reporting.
* Fixed and refactored Overlay RGB<->YUV conversion routines.
* Fixed ImageReader incompletely inited videoInfo.
* Fixed Layer RGB32 100% alpha implementation, use level=257 (new default).
* Fixed avisynth_c.h avs_is_parity_known().
* Fixed C++ ConvertAudio::Saturate_int32() rounding.
* Fixed WriteFile(), Now remembers absolute path to file.
* Fixed Info() frame pitch, reports pitch of input frame.
* Fixed Invert() right edge memory overrun/corruption.
* Fixed Histogram() Classic mode pixel values exceeding YUV limits.
* Fixed Histogram() chroma plane initialization to 128.
* Fixed Conditional reader/writer illegally saving IScriptEnvironment pointer.
* Fixed YV12 Blur()/Sharpen() right edge pixel corruption with non-writable input frames.
* Fixed MMX Blur()/Sharpen() code to full 8 bit precision.
* Fixed IsAudioFloat()/IsAudioInt() script functions.
* Fixed Cache memory oversubscription of SetMemoryMax() limit.Optimizations:
* DirectShowSource() convertfps=true add 0.5ms rounding to expected sample time. Improves performance with millisecond based DS spliters.
* DirectShowSource() FPS detection as last attempt tries getting the duration of 1st frame.
* DirectShowSource() convertfps=true rely only on sample start time.
* Refactor horizontal planar resizer, no width restrictions or 2 byte overwrite.
* Provide a simple and fast text writing primatives, see info.h
* Make audio cache actually functional.
* Tweak() speed improvements.
* Subtract() speed improvements.
* Tuneup Overlay() ISSE Convert444ChromaToYV12 and also provide MMX version.
* PokeCache internal interface implemented.
* Cache and Memory management enhancements.Changes:
* Initial Memory Max value clamped to 512MB.
* Default Memory Max value restored to quarter of Free memory. Minimum 16Mb. Same as per 2.5.7.
* Test VFB data buffer for NULL malloc's, if so then Throw!
* Installer Start menu shortcut names translated.
* Test for UTF-8 and Unicode BOM prefixes and issue a useful warning.
* Removed useless current_sample from runtime script environment.
* Added critical section to CAVIFileSynth class.
* Enable Installer multi language support [Need volunteers to do translations].
* FunctionTable::Lookup() now considers named arguments in making its selection.
* ImageWriter supports negative values as -count for End argument.
* ChanegFPS() use floor instead of round in source frame number calculation.
* Update usage of correct (updated) Rec.709 coefficients.
* Add TCPDeliver.map and DirectShowSource.map to releases.
* Convert to Dynamic Assembled rgb to yuy2 code.
* Avisynth_c.h boolean functions return 1 for true instead of arbitrary non-zero.
* Internal RGB2YUV() now copies Alpha top byte through.
* CoUninitialize() done immediately for S_FALSE CoInitialize() returns, i.e we do not hold a COM use count.
* Pfc, Softwire and SoundTouch updated and added as dependency projects.
* UPX updated to version 2.03 (2006-11-07).
* AVISource/WavSource map WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE back to equivalent WAVEFORMATEX.
* DirectShowSource() now recognises incorrect AM_MEDIA_TYPE subtype for WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE audio and corrects the data and accepts it.
* DirectShowSource() now attempts to use partial graph from failing RenderFile call.
* DirectShowSource() now detects and handles non 32 bit aligned picture lines from dud codecs.
* Crop(align=true) tests actual alignment in each GetFrame call.
* Relax YV12 resizer width restriction, now mod 2 was mod 4.
* .AVSI failures during env->CreateScriptEnvironment() are now available to the GetError() interface.
* SetCacheHints(CACHE_RANGE, n) will now surrender frames to satisfy SetMemoryMax().
* CoInitialize()/CoUninitialize() now done as part of ScriptEnvironment creation/deletion.
* Much code from 2.6 base included. Typically IsYV12() changed to IsPlanar(). -
- (kurtnoise) [vobsubindexwindow] cleanup...
- (kurtnoise) cosmetics renaming.
- (kurtnoise) mkv & mp4 muxers : Use getidfromaudiostream to retrieve the real trackid from mp4 files.
- (kurtnoise) [videoutil] add getidfromaudiostream() function to retrieve track ids from audio stream using mediainfo.
- (kurtnoise) [mp4boxmuxer] fix an error for non mp4 files.
- (kurtnoise) mkv & mp4 muxers : Use getidfromfirstvideostream to retrieve the real trackid from mp4 files.
- (kurtnoise) [videoutil] add getidfromfirstvideostream() function.
- (kurtnoise) add raw avc streams to the mkv muxer.
- (kurtnoise) [mkvmergemuxer] now use idxreader to retrieve all indexes & languages from vobsub files. Fix bug #2016031
- (kurtnoise) [idxreader] fixed some errors.
- (kurtnoise) [audiotracksizetab] use mediainfo lib to retrieve correct bitrate from dts files. Fix bug #2205309
- (kurtnoise) remove greyscale option from xvid command line. Not used anymore with the build coming from the megui package tools.
- (kurtnoise) project refactoring and cleanup
- (kurtnoise) add vobsub file reader. Not used yet...
- (kurtnoise) [progresswindow] sizinggrip = false for the statusstrip (#2123282)
- (kurtnoise) some addons to the nsis script (#2399161)
- (kurtnoise) [videoplayer] add time position to the title if it's checked in the settings (#2286249).
- (kurtnoise) add a new option to the settings for the video preview.
- (kurtnoise) [util] add timestring() function to format seconds to string.
- (kurtnoise) [d2v creator] loadoncomplete & closeonqueue checked by default now (#2207467)
- (sharktooth) [settings] updated megui auto-update mirror url -
ffox + adblock + noscript + brain 1.0
zusätzlich zonealarm dann dürfte nix passierenoder weg von windoof zu linux
So nach 1 1/2 Jahren
Update -> "Universal Anime AVS skript by Mr. Brown =Version 10.0=" ist raus!
filterpackage auch upgedatet -
Hallo Leute da bin ich wieder
r554: SSIM computation. (default on, disable by --no-ssim)
r555: support changing some more parameters in x264_encoder_reconfig() -
r548: r542 broke --visualize
r549: cli: don't try to get resolution from filename unless input is rawyuv
r550: cli: move some options from --help to --longhelp
r551: gcc -fprofile-generate isn't threadsafe -
DGMPGDec 1.4.8 Final
Quote from neuron2DGMPGDec 1.4.8 Final is released. Other than version strings, it is identical to 1.4.8 beta 7.
Leider ohne changelog
was bedeutet eigentlich dieses "MTK" ? -
r534: mc_chroma width2 mmx
r528: make -> $(MAKE)
r529: check some mallocs' return value
r530: Fixed typo that caused x264_encoder_open to always fail
r531: vfw installer: tweak nsis compression. patch by Francesco Corriga. -
Wegen den blassen farben solltest du mal HDR AGC testen.
@ sasuke9999
bitte poste deine antworten hier im thread und schicke sie mir nicht als private nachrichten.Am besten du encodest anamorph dann brauchst du keinen resizer und erhälst dadurch mehr bilddetails (vernünftige bitrate vorraus gesetzt!)
@ irgendein mod
so wie es aussieht hat sasuke9999 vor xvid backup's anzufertigen deswegen sollte dieser thread in einem passenderen bereich verschoben werden danke. -
XviD64 von celtic_druid (nur für 64bit OS & CPU!)