ich will schon wieder mit CCE arbeiten.
kann ich eigentlich noch DVD2DVDR nutzen ?
DVD Rebuilder ist ja eigentlich dafür gedacht DVDs mit Menu zu machen.
Kann DVD Rebuilder mit Robshot Bach Methode encoden ??
ich will schon wieder mit CCE arbeiten.
kann ich eigentlich noch DVD2DVDR nutzen ?
DVD Rebuilder ist ja eigentlich dafür gedacht DVDs mit Menu zu machen.
Kann DVD Rebuilder mit Robshot Bach Methode encoden ??
mit welchem Programm kann ich am besten nur den Film auf DVD sichern, also ohne Menu und Extras.
DVD2DVDR ist ja schon sehr alt und Big3 und Rebuilder machen nur mit MEnu.
Was könnt Ihr mir empfehlen ??
Wenn Du den Film auch hast, kannst ja mal testen ob du auch das gleiche problem hast.
Ist der 3. Teil der Serie wo schon die normale Version 3Std,12min,47sek geht.
Dürfte klar sein welchen Film ich meine
trotzdem ist der film immernoch viel zu kurz.
auch wenn ich es per hand trenne sind die daten viel kleiner als es sein müßte, mit tonspuren 4,6gb statt 7,6GB wie es sein müßte
bei anderen Filmen passt die länge dafür.
versteh nur irgendwie nicht was bei diesem film das problem ist
nein NTFS natürlich
damit sind die subs endlich da
ein problem gelöst
Aber weiterhin ist der Film zu kurz.
Der Film mit 3Std,12min,47sek und wird so auch in DIF4U angezeigt aber in ScenAid steht 1Std,54min,45sek und die entsprechende M2V ist auch nur 3,7GB groß.
VSConv.exe und VSRip.exe sind Version
VTS_*_VSUB_*.bdx (gibt es keine)
VTS_*_VSUB_*.bov (gibt es keine)
VTS_*_VSUB_*.idx (gibt es)
VTS_*_VSUB_*.sub (gibt es)
Unterverzeichnis: subs -> weitere Unterverzeichnisse gemäß Anzahl der ausgwählten Subs -> darin sollte eine *.sst Datei und jede Menge bmp-Dateien. (Gibt es)
Mir ist aufgefallen das der Film in ScenAid viel kürzer ist als er eigentlich ist.
Der Film mit 3Std,12min,47sek und wird so auch in DIF4U angezeigt aber in ScenAid steht 1Std,54min,45sek und die entsprechende M2V ist auch nur 3,7GB groß.
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) | DoItFiggity4Yiggity! v. - By Eyes`Only |
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) Begin Log File
(16:58:41) Welcome to DoItFast4U! v. - By Eyes`Only
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) | AVS and OS Detection |
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) Avisynth Version Detected=
(16:58:41) Checking AVS Scripts...
(16:58:41) OS Kernel = NT (good!)
(16:58:41) Checking for CDROM/DVDROMS... Found Drives= E: G:
(16:58:41) Non-Right-click activation. Using last working directory: D:\1
(16:58:41) (If you don't know what this means, READ THE GUIDE!)
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) | Begin Analyzing DVD |
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) | Analyzing IFO Structure |
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) Checking for Angles in VTS 01...
(16:58:41) VTS 1 PGC 1 Minutes= 0
(16:58:41) VTS 1 PGC 2 Minutes= 0
(16:58:41) VTS 1 PGC 3 Minutes= 1
(16:58:41) Checking for Angles in VTS 02...
(16:58:41) VTS 2 PGC 1 Minutes= 0
(16:58:41) VTS 2 PGC 2 Minutes= 0
(16:58:41) VTS 2 PGC 3 Minutes= 1
(16:58:41) Checking for Angles in VTS 03...
(16:58:41) VTS 3 PGC 1 Minutes= 0
(16:58:41) VTS 3 PGC 2 Minutes= 193
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) | Determine Disc Label |
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) DVD Label = "SWE2"
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) | Check For Web Update |
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) Checking for updates...
(16:58:41) Version 1.4 is latest <--No new Final versions found.
(16:58:41) Version 1.4.7 is latest <--No new Beta versions found.
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) | Check Directories |
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) Install Directory = C:\Programme\DoItFast4U
(16:58:41) Current Directory = D:\1
(16:58:41) Zeroing out Memory at: mseodqfr5Cpxqgr0u1frp
(16:58:41) Checking For Duplicate VobIDs...
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) | Check For Duplicate VobIDs |
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) No Duplicate VobIDs Found.
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) | Find Main Movie |
(16:58:41) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:41) Automatically selected 3 as largest VTS.
(16:58:45) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:45) | Beginning Demux! |
(16:58:45) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:45) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:45) | Performing Pretests |
(16:58:45) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:45) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:45) | Delete Directory |
(16:58:45) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:47) Deleting all Folders and Files in Working Directory...
(16:58:48) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:48) | Next VTS |
(16:58:48) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:48) Skipping VTS 1
(16:58:48) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:48) | Next VTS |
(16:58:48) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:48) Current Dir= D:\1
(16:58:48) DVD Drive= G:
(16:58:48) DVD Drive= G:
(16:58:48) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:48) | Start DVD Decrypter |
(16:58:48) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:48) DVDDEC Version Location= C:\Programme\DVD Decrypter
(16:58:48) Compatible version of DVDDec [] detected (
(16:58:48) Split Mode= auto VobID_Demux=0 CellID_Demux=0
(16:58:48) Using DVD Decrypter to Demux VTS 02 PGC 01 ANGLE 01
(16:58:49) Finished Using DVD Decrypter for VTS 02 PGC 01 ANGLE 01
(16:58:49) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:49) | Process M2V |
(16:58:49) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:49) No vob files found in this dir.
(16:58:49) Analyzing Video...
(16:58:50) Total Odd / Even = 1 / 0 = Odd/Top/A dominant and 0.00% progressive
(16:58:50) Flag found at position 110
(16:58:50) Diagnose Field Order = 2
(16:58:50) Analyzing Video... Header Flag= "Progressive/TFF" Analysis= "Interlaced/TFF"
(16:58:50) File to rename= VTS_02_PGC_01_1 - 0xE0 - Video - MPEG-2 - 720x576 (PAL) - 16~9 - Letterboxed.M2V
(16:58:50) vid= 0, pgc= 01, ang= 2, vob= _0, cel= 02_ darloc= 16~9
(16:58:50) M2V flagged as no-cce because it didn't meet the Encoding Threshold
(16:58:50) Rename to= VTS__02_P01-no-cce.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(16:58:50) Vob file not found. MoveFileEx skipped
(16:58:50) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:50) | Rip Subs from DVD |
(16:58:50) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:50) renerr= 183 vobid= 0 sub= 0 y= 1
(16:58:50) Using DVD Decrypter to Demux VTS 02 PGC 02 ANGLE 01
(16:58:51) Finished Using DVD Decrypter for VTS 02 PGC 02 ANGLE 01
(16:58:51) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:51) | Process M2V |
(16:58:51) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:51) No vob files found in this dir.
(16:58:51) Analyzing Video...
(16:58:53) Total Odd / Even = 321 / 0 = Odd/Top/A dominant and 0.00% progressive
(16:58:53) Flag found at position 48
(16:58:53) Diagnose Field Order = 2
(16:58:53) Analyzing Video... Header Flag= "Interlaced/TFF" Analysis= "Interlaced/TFF"
(16:58:53) File to rename= VTS_02_PGC_02_1 - 0xE0 - Video - MPEG-2 - 720x576 (PAL) - 16~9 - Letterboxed.M2V
(16:58:53) vid= 0, pgc= 02, ang= 2, vob= _0, cel= 02_ darloc= 16~9
(16:58:53) Rename to= VTS__02_P02.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(16:58:53) Vob file not found. MoveFileEx skipped
(16:58:53) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:53) | Rip Subs from DVD |
(16:58:53) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:53) renerr= 183 vobid= 0 sub= 0 y= 2
(16:58:53) Using DVD Decrypter to Demux VTS 02 PGC 03 ANGLE 01
(16:58:54) Finished Using DVD Decrypter for VTS 02 PGC 03 ANGLE 01
(16:58:54) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:54) | Process M2V |
(16:58:54) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:54) No vob files found in this dir.
(16:58:54) Analyzing Video...
(16:58:54) Total Odd / Even = 1 / 0 = Odd/Top/A dominant and 0.00% progressive
(16:58:54) Flag found at position 110
(16:58:54) Diagnose Field Order = 2
(16:58:54) Analyzing Video... Header Flag= "Progressive/TFF" Analysis= "Interlaced/TFF"
(16:58:54) File to rename= VTS_02_PGC_03_1 - 0xE0 - Video - MPEG-2 - 720x576 (PAL) - 16~9 - Letterboxed.M2V
(16:58:54) vid= 0, pgc= 03, ang= 2, vob= _0, cel= 02_ darloc= 16~9
(16:58:54) M2V flagged as no-cce because it didn't meet the Encoding Threshold
(16:58:54) Rename to= VTS__02_P03-no-cce.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(16:58:54) Vob file not found. MoveFileEx skipped
(16:58:54) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:54) | Rip Subs from DVD |
(16:58:54) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:54) renerr= 183 vobid= 0 sub= 0 y= 3
(16:58:54) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:54) | Rename AC3 Files |
(16:58:54) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:54) AC3 File to rename= VTS_02_PGC_01_1 - 0x80 - Audio - AC3 - 6ch - 48kHz - DRC - Deutsch - DELAY 0ms.AC3
(16:58:54) Rename to= VTS__02_P01-80-384K-[0ms]-ch6Deutsch.AC3
(16:58:54) Renaming...
(16:58:54) AC3 File to rename= VTS_02_PGC_02_1 - 0x80 - Audio - AC3 - 6ch - 48kHz - DRC - Deutsch - DELAY -80ms.AC3
(16:58:54) Rename to= VTS__02_P02-80-384K-[-80ms]-ch6Deutsch.AC3
(16:58:54) Renaming...
(16:58:54) Correcting the -80 Delay in VTS__02_P02-80-384K-[-80ms]-ch6Deutsch
(16:58:55) AC3 File to rename= VTS_02_PGC_03_1 - 0x80 - Audio - AC3 - 6ch - 48kHz - DRC - Deutsch - DELAY 0ms.AC3
(16:58:55) Rename to= VTS__02_P03-80-384K-[0ms]-ch6Deutsch.AC3
(16:58:55) Renaming...
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) | Create DVD2AVI Projects |
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) Executing DVD2AVI on VTS__02_P01-no-cce.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) | Create Avisynth Files |
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) Writing AVS for VTS__02_P01-no-cce.I-TFF.16~9_1.AVS using Normal Template
(16:58:55) Added 0.500000 minutes to Extras Calculations (Total is now 0.500000)
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) | Create DVD2AVI Projects |
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) Executing DVD2AVI on VTS__02_P02.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) | Create Avisynth Files |
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) Writing AVS for VTS__02_P02.I-TFF.16~9_1.AVS using Normal Template
(16:58:55) Analyzing AVS
(16:58:55) 316 frames, fps=25.000000, mins=0.210667
(16:58:55) Added 0.210667 minutes to Extras Calculations (Total is now 0.710667)
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) | Create DVD2AVI Projects |
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) Executing DVD2AVI on VTS__02_P03-no-cce.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) | Create Avisynth Files |
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) Writing AVS for VTS__02_P03-no-cce.I-TFF.16~9_1.AVS using Normal Template
(16:58:55) Added 0.500000 minutes to Extras Calculations (Total is now 1.210667)
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) | Next VTS |
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) Current Dir= D:\1
(16:58:55) DVD Drive= G:
(16:58:55) DVD Drive= G:
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) | Start DVD Decrypter |
(16:58:55) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(16:58:55) DVDDEC Version Location= C:\Programme\DVD Decrypter
(16:58:55) Compatible version of DVDDec [] detected (
(16:58:55) Split Mode= auto VobID_Demux=0 CellID_Demux=0
(16:58:55) Using DVD Decrypter to Demux VTS 03 PGC 01 ANGLE 01
(17:05:48) Finished Using DVD Decrypter for VTS 03 PGC 01 ANGLE 01
(17:05:48) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:48) | Process M2V |
(17:05:48) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:48) Analyzing Video...
(17:05:50) Total Odd / Even = 1002 / 0 = Odd/Top/A dominant and 0.00% progressive
(17:05:50) Flag found at position 176
(17:05:50) Diagnose Field Order = 2
(17:05:50) Analyzing Video... Header Flag= "Interlaced/TFF" Analysis= "Interlaced/TFF"
(17:05:50) File to rename= VTS_03_PGC_01_1 - 0xE0 - Video - MPEG-2 - 720x576 (PAL) - 16~9 - Letterboxed.M2V
(17:05:50) vid= 0, pgc= 01, ang= 3, vob= _0, cel= 03_ darloc= 16~9
(17:05:50) Rename to= VTS__03_P01.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(17:05:50) VTS_03_PGC_01_1.VOB found and MoveFileEx successful
(17:05:50) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:50) | Rip Subs from DVD |
(17:05:50) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:50) Substreams = 0 1 2
(17:05:50) renerr= 183 vobid= 0 sub= 1 y= 1
(17:05:57) Vobsubbing PGC 1 Angle 1
(17:05:57) Using DVD Decrypter to Demux VTS 03 PGC 02 ANGLE 01
(17:05:58) Finished Using DVD Decrypter for VTS 03 PGC 02 ANGLE 01
(17:05:58) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:58) | Process M2V |
(17:05:58) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:58) No vob files found in this dir.
(17:05:58) Analyzing Video...
(17:05:59) Total Odd / Even = 1 / 0 = Odd/Top/A dominant and 0.00% progressive
(17:05:59) Flag found at position 110
(17:05:59) Diagnose Field Order = 2
(17:05:59) Analyzing Video... Header Flag= "Progressive/TFF" Analysis= "Interlaced/TFF"
(17:05:59) File to rename= VTS_03_PGC_02_1 - 0xE0 - Video - MPEG-2 - 720x576 (PAL) - 16~9 - Letterboxed.M2V
(17:05:59) vid= 0, pgc= 02, ang= 3, vob= _0, cel= 03_ darloc= 16~9
(17:05:59) M2V flagged as no-cce because it didn't meet the Encoding Threshold
(17:05:59) Rename to= VTS__03_P02-no-cce.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(17:05:59) Vob file not found. MoveFileEx skipped
(17:05:59) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:59) | Rip Subs from DVD |
(17:05:59) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:59) Substreams = 0 1 2
(17:05:59) VTS 3 PGC 2 (0 mins) didn't meet Threshold (0 mins) requirement. Skipping subs...
(17:05:59) renerr= 183 vobid= 0 sub= 1 y= 2
(17:05:59) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:59) | Process Ripped Subs |
(17:05:59) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:05:59) Starting sub processing
(17:05:59) VTS_03_VSUB_P1A1.sub
(17:05:59) Processing "WL" Substream 0 in VTS_03_VSUB_P1A1 (please wait... 15% done)
(17:06:04) Processing "WL" Substream 1 in VTS_03_VSUB_P1A1 (please wait... 17% done)
(17:06:12) Processing "WL" Substream 2 in VTS_03_VSUB_P1A1 (please wait... 19% done)
(17:06:18) Sub Processing Complete
(17:06:18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:06:18) | Rename AC3 Files |
(17:06:18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:06:18) AC3 File to rename= VTS_03_PGC_01_1 - 0x80 - Audio - AC3 - 6ch - 48kHz - DRC - Deutsch - DELAY -80ms.AC3
(17:06:18) Rename to= VTS__03_P01-80-448K-[-80ms]-ch6Deutsch.AC3
(17:06:18) Renaming...
(17:06:18) Correcting the -80 Delay in VTS__03_P01-80-448K-[-80ms]-ch6Deutsch
(17:07:33) AC3 File to rename= VTS_03_PGC_01_1 - 0x81 - Audio - AC3 - 6ch - 48kHz - DRC - English - DELAY -80ms.AC3
(17:07:33) Rename to= VTS__03_P01-81-448K-[-80ms]-ch6English.AC3
(17:07:33) Renaming...
(17:07:33) Correcting the -80 Delay in VTS__03_P01-81-448K-[-80ms]-ch6English
(17:09:00) AC3 File to rename= VTS_03_PGC_02_1 - 0x80 - Audio - AC3 - 6ch - 48kHz - DRC - Deutsch - DELAY 0ms.AC3
(17:09:00) Rename to= VTS__03_P02-80-448K-[0ms]-ch6Deutsch.AC3
(17:09:00) Renaming...
(17:09:01) AC3 File to rename= VTS_03_PGC_02_1 - 0x81 - Audio - AC3 - 6ch - 48kHz - DRC - English - DELAY 0ms.AC3
(17:09:01) Rename to= VTS__03_P02-81-448K-[0ms]-ch6English.AC3
(17:09:01) Renaming...
(17:09:01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:09:01) | Create DVD2AVI Projects |
(17:09:01) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:09:01) Executing DVD2AVI on VTS__03_P01.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(17:10:08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:08) | Create Avisynth Files |
(17:10:08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:08) Writing AVS for VTS__03_P01.I-TFF.16~9_1.AVS using Normal Template
(17:10:08) Analyzing AVS
(17:10:08) 172132 frames, fps=25.000000, mins=114.754667
(17:10:08) Added 114.754667 minutes to Main Calculations (Total is now 114.754667)
(17:10:08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:08) | Create DVD2AVI Projects |
(17:10:08) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:08) Executing DVD2AVI on VTS__03_P02-no-cce.I-TFF.16~9_1.M2V
(17:10:09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:09) | Create Avisynth Files |
(17:10:09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:09) Writing AVS for VTS__03_P02-no-cce.I-TFF.16~9_1.AVS using Normal Template
(17:10:09) Added 0.500000 minutes to Main Calculations (Total is now 115.254667)
(17:10:09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:09) | Calculate Minutes |
(17:10:09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:09) Total extras minutes= 1.210667
(17:10:09) Total MainVTS minutes= 115.254667
(17:10:09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:09) | Create VIDEO_TS Folder |
(17:10:09) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:09) Creating D:\1\VIDEO_TS directory using unused VTSes
(17:10:09) -This may take a while!-
(17:10:09) Copied VIDEO_TS.IFO (1 of 13 files) 7% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VIDEO_TS.VOB (2 of 13 files) 15% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VIDEO_TS.BUP (3 of 13 files) 23% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VTS_01_0.IFO (4 of 13 files) 30% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VTS_01_0.VOB (5 of 13 files) 38% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VTS_01_1.VOB (6 of 13 files) 46% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VTS_01_0.BUP (7 of 13 files) 53% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VTS_02_0.IFO (8 of 13 files) 61% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VTS_02_0.VOB (9 of 13 files) 69% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VTS_02_0.BUP (10 of 13 files) 76% Complete
(17:10:09) Copied VTS_03_0.IFO (11 of 13 files) 84% Complete
(17:10:19) Copied VTS_03_0.VOB (12 of 13 files) 92% Complete
(17:10:19) Copied VTS_03_0.BUP (13 of 13 files) 100% Complete
(17:10:19) Finished copying unused VTSes
(17:10:19) Extras Assets= 640512 bytes, DVDR Size= 4700000000
(17:10:19) Main VTS Assets= 958193534, Chosen DVDR Size= 4700000000, Video_TS Directory= 161716224 bytes
(17:10:19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:19) | Create CCEData.txt and Calculate Bitrates |
(17:10:19) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(17:10:19) Final Bitrate Calculations...
(17:10:19) (Doesn't work with HDD Demux mode, all other modes supported now!)
(17:10:19) CCE Recommended values: MAIN: AvgBitrate= 4192
(17:10:19) CCE Recommended values: EXTRA: AvgBitrate= 2000
(17:10:19) (See CCEData.txt for detailed information.)
(17:10:19) -
(17:10:19) Creating REJIGdata.txt file for use with Rejig 0.4b+
Display More
1. der haken ist und war weg.
2. hab da 0 stehen
so wie bei dir auf dem bild sieht es bei mir nie aus.
bei mir ist immer "-"
hab mehrere dvds getestet weil ich zuerst dachte das es an dem film liegt
versuche jetzt ScenAid.
aber auch da sind die Untertitel nicht sichtbar oder bedeutet "-" das untertitel vorhanden sind ?
hab jetzt mehrere dvds getestet und immer werden die untertitel nicht erkannt
es steht nur: -
Wozu sind die ...*NO-CCE*.... Videos ?
Wie bekomme ich die weg ?
Die sind in jeder VTS
werd das dann mal testen
Muß "Supress Aspect Ratio in Subtitle Filenames (RA 1.0 comatible)" ausgewählt sein oder ist es dafür egal ?
ups, schreibfehler
meinte habe alle subs angewählt!! aber in ReAuthorist sind die Subs dann nicht mehr sichtbar bzw. anwählbar, Fenster ist komplett leer.
"Supress Aspect Ratio in Subtitle Filenames (RA 1.0 comatible)" ist auch angewählt !!!!
Kann man mit ScenAid das gleiche machen wie mit ReAuthorist, also die kompression der videos wählen und BatchCCEWS steuern ?
ich hab eine Problem.
Ich hab in DIF4U alle Subs abgewählt aber in ReAuthorist 1.0 sind die Subs dann nicht vorhanden bzw. nicht im Programm sichtbar und auswählbar.
Das Fenster ist leer.
Weiß jemand woran es liegen kann das ReAuthorist die Subs nicht lesen kann ??
Würd mich auch sehr interessieren.
Bis jetzt nutze ich die BIG3 MEthode aber die Software wird ja leider nicht weiterentwickelt
wie geht es denn mit MeGUI ?
sehe da keine option um es zu erstellen
Für MeGUI braucht man ne AviSynth avs skript.
wie erstelle ich das skript von einer dvd auf der festplatte ??
welches programm brauche ich für h264 mit ac3 in mkv ??
geht es mit GK ??
wo finde ich die aktuellste version von h264 ??
also bleibt mir wenn ich ac3 behalten will nur xvid als videocodec.
dann werd ich lieber bei xvid und ac3 im matroska container bleiben
welche Bitrate sollte man nutzen um die beste qualität zu haben ?
reichen die 192 die vorgeschlagen werden ?
hab bis jetzt immer xvid und ac3 genutzt und möchte jetzt mit nero digital die gleiche qualität vor allem was sound angeht