Beiträge von Beppo

    Zitat von katjarella

    wenn es mit Muxman nicht funktioniert, poste mal die muxman.log die findest Du auf C:

    Das mit dem Muxman habe ich nicht hingekriegt, da ich keine Audiospur nineinbekommen habe.
    Aber eine muxman.log haber ich:

    MuxMan version 0.14g
    LPCM sampling rate of 44100 not DVD compatible.
    LPCM sampling rate of 44100 not DVD compatible.
    Accepted video D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Encoded_Video_CCE_PAL.mpv size = 4294967295
    Accepted video D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Encoded_Video_CCE_PAL.mpv size = 4294967295
    LPCM sampling rate of 44100 not DVD compatible.
    MP2 layer 3 not DVD compatible, should be layer 2.
    LPCM sampling rate of 44100 not DVD compatible.
    LPCM sampling rate of 44100 not DVD compatible.
    LPCM sampling rate of 44100 not DVD compatible.
    20:21:52 Begin multiplex.
    Maximum audio duration 0 fields.
    Starting scene Segment_1_scn1 at 00:00:00:00

    Damit kann ich aber leider auch nichts Gescheites anfangen

    Ich hoffe, dass das die Log-Datei ist.

    - 24.11.2005 15:53:26
    - AVI to SVCD Conversion
    - AVI2DVD ver. 1.2.3 build 1
    - H:.........

    - 24.11.2005 15:53:29
    - Free on drive D: 32443.92 mb
    - AUDIO Extraction
    Undoing Nandubs 1152 BlockAlign value to 1
    Redoing Nandubs 1152 BlockAlign value
    Audio extraction finished.

    - 24.11.2005 15:54:57
    - Free on drive D: 32369.89 mb
    - AUDIO conversion
    - 24.11.2005 15:55:00
    - Free on drive D: 32369.89 mb
    - AUDIO conversion

    Converting MP2 to WAV. Filename: D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Extracted_audio_1.mpa
    Executing MADPlay (mp2 to wav). Commandline:
    "D:\DVD2SVCD\MADPlay\madplay.exe" --quiet --output=wave:"D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Encoded_audio_1.mpa.wav" "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Extracted_audio_1.mpa"
    Conversion (mp2 to wav) of D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Extracted_audio_1.mpa finished.

    Encoding Audio. Filename: D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Extracted_audio_1.mpa
    Executing BeSweet. Commandline:
    "D:\DVD2SVCD\BeSweet\BeSweet.exe" -core( -input "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Encoded_audio_1.mpa.wav" -output "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Encoded_audio_1.mpa" -payload -logfile "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Encoded_audio_1.log" )
    Audio conversion of D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Extracted_audio_1.mpa finished.

    Audio conversion finished.

    - 24.11.2005 16:04:51
    - Free on drive D: 30732.90 mb
    - Video Encoding using Cinema Craft

    Executing Cinema Craft Encoder.
    StreamSectors: 4546875788
    AudioSectors: 2324
    VideoPAPO: 70433496
    ScanOffsetBytes: 182348
    SeqAligningBytes: 11589197
    DVDBytes: 0
    VideoEndHeader: 4
    SubtitleSectors: 0
    EmptySectors: 238.00
    PictureSectors: 0.00
    PureMPEGStream: 4464668419.83
    Seconds: 4864.60
    CalcMPEGStream: 4464668419.83
    Frames: 121565
    CDSize: 4350.00
    Number of CDs: 1
    Cut point 4346.00
    Variable Settings:
    Frames: 121565
    Anti Noise Filter: Off
    Passes: 3
    Image Quality: 17
    VAF file creation: On
    Video Encoding Mode: Multipass VBR
    Min. bitrate: 800
    Max. bitrate: 8000
    Avg. Bitrate: 7200
    Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (borders added, encoded as 4:3)

    ---AVS Begin---
    ----AVS End----

    Closing program
    CCE Max Speed: 0.320
    Video Encoding finished.

    - 25.11.2005 09:27:12
    - Free on drive D: 26604.86 mb
    - Multiplexing Audio and Video
    Executing MPlex. Commandline:
    "D:\DVD2SVCD\DVDAuthor\mplex.exe" -f 8 -o "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\MPlex_Muxed_File00.mpg" "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Encoded_Video_CCE_PAL.mpv" "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\Encoded_audio_1.mpa"
    - 25.11.2005 09:27:20
    - Free on drive D: 26604.86 mb
    - Determining length of audio
    Analyzing finished.

    - 25.11.2005 09:27:26
    - Free on drive D: 26604.86 mb
    - Authoring DVD
    Executing DVDAuthor. Commandline:
    "D:\DVD2SVCD\DVDAuthor\dvdauthor.exe" -x "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor.xml"
    DVDAuthor failed for unknown reasons!
    For details open: "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor_log.txt"
    - 25.11.2005 13:52:57
    - AVI to SVCD Conversion
    - AVI2DVD ver. 1.2.3 build 1
    Initializing finished.

    - 25.11.2005 13:52:59
    - Free on drive D: 26604.52 mb
    - Crash Recovery
    - Restarting from: DVD Authoring
    - 25.11.2005 13:53:03
    - Free on drive D: 26604.52 mb
    - Determining length of audio
    Analyzing finished.

    - 25.11.2005 13:53:11
    - Free on drive D: 26604.52 mb
    - Authoring DVD
    Executing DVDAuthor. Commandline:
    "D:\DVD2SVCD\DVDAuthor\dvdauthor.exe" -x "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor.xml"
    DVDAuthor failed for unknown reasons!
    For details open: "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor_log.txt"
    - 25.11.2005 13:57:59
    - Free on drive D: 26603.83 mb
    - Crash Recovery
    - Restarting from: DVD Authoring
    - 25.11.2005 13:58:01
    - Free on drive D: 26603.83 mb
    - Determining length of audio
    Analyzing finished.

    - 25.11.2005 13:58:07
    - Free on drive D: 26603.83 mb
    - Authoring DVD
    Executing DVDAuthor. Commandline:
    "D:\DVD2SVCD\DVDAuthor\dvdauthor.exe" -x "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor.xml"
    DVDAuthor failed for unknown reasons!
    For details open: "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor_log.txt"
    - 25.11.2005 13:58:13
    - Free on drive D: 26603.77 mb
    - Crash Recovery
    - Restarting from: DVD Authoring
    - 25.11.2005 13:58:15
    - Free on drive D: 26603.77 mb
    - Determining length of audio
    Analyzing finished.

    - 25.11.2005 13:58:21
    - Free on drive D: 26603.77 mb
    - Authoring DVD
    Executing DVDAuthor. Commandline:
    "D:\DVD2SVCD\DVDAuthor\dvdauthor.exe" -x "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor.xml"
    DVDAuthor failed for unknown reasons!
    For details open: "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor_log.txt"
    - 26.11.2005 08:32:21
    - AVI to SVCD Conversion
    - AVI2DVD ver. 1.2.3 build 1
    Initializing finished.

    - 26.11.2005 08:32:24
    - Free on drive D: 26603.01 mb
    - Crash Recovery
    - Restarting from: DVD Authoring
    - 26.11.2005 08:32:29
    - Free on drive D: 26602.95 mb
    - Determining length of audio
    Analyzing finished.

    - 26.11.2005 08:32:38
    - Free on drive D: 26602.95 mb
    - Authoring DVD
    Executing DVDAuthor. Commandline:
    "D:\DVD2SVCD\DVDAuthor\dvdauthor.exe" -x "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor.xml"
    DVDAuthor failed for unknown reasons!
    For details open: "D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\DVDAuthor_log.txt"

    "bitte mehr Info über Art des Quellmaterials, Einstellungen der Programme, wann genau der Fehler auftritt, evtl. Fehlerlogs etc. etc."

    Das Programm ist dvd2svcd mit der Einstellung Avi2dvd. Ich habe nichts an den Voreinstellungen geändert.
    Der Fehler tritt bei jeder Avidatei auf.
    Die Fehler-Log ist folgendermaßen:

    DVDAuthor::dvdauthor, version 0.6.11.
    Build options: gnugetopt iconv freetype
    Send bugs to <>

    INFO: Locale=C
    INFO: Converting filenames to US-ASCII
    INFO: dvdauthor creating VTS
    STAT: Picking VTS 01

    STAT: Processing D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\MPlex_Muxed_File00.mpg...
    ERR: Error opening D:\DVD2SVCD\Movie\MPlex_Muxed_File00.mpg: No such file or directory

    Hilft das jetzt weiter?
    Ich habe bisher noch kein Forum besucht, weil ich meine Probleme immer selber lösen konnte, deshalb weiß ich leider nicht, was ihr für Angaben braucht, um mir helfen zu können. Sorry.

    Hi Leute,
    vielleicht kann mir ja jemand helfen.
    Ich habe ein riesiges Problem.
    Ich wollte aus einer Avi-Datei eine DVD machen. Hätte auch soweit geklappt, aber leider habe ich immer Probleme mit DVD Author. Wie kann ich das ändern?
    Es kommt immer nur folgender Spruch:
    DVDAuthor failed for unknown reasons!