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Habe es bis heute nur zwei mal benötigt und konnte es extern gut nutzen.
Posts by eDealer
Hi DvPs,
hier ist es beschrieben:…E_whats_new_EFT
Habe mich geirrt (hab's nur einmal gemacht), es wird nicht vom Konto abgebucht, sondern du erhälst die Daten für eine Überweisung mit einem Transaktionscode und musst selbst anweisen.
Das Ganze startet man mit Geld senden. -
Du kannst aber eine Zahlung anweisen und damit dein Konto belasten lassen, das geht.
Version 0.80 Pro
- Added code to do a check for existing .M2V file after a
segment encode is completed, and to reencode the segment
if it does not (up to 3 tries). There have been reports
of missing .M2V files causing errors during rebuild.
Most often this is caused by an errant keystroke stopping
the encode accidentally -- but it appears that sometimes
an encoder can abnormally exit leaving DVD-RB without an
M2V to process. This code should reduce that likelihood.
- Fixed an error in QuEnc encodes in which the maximum
bitrate was always set to 9000Kbs. While this would most
often have little impact there could be instances in
which this could raise the total bitrate to a level that
is greater than the DVD specification.
- Corrected an error where under rare circumstances the
calculated average and maximum bitrates could be set to
the same value. This can cause some encoders to fail or
- Added a "-maxbitrate" parameter to the QuEnc command line
for segments less than 60 frames in order to ensure HC
can work in the freeware version. These had been done at
CBR due to problems seen in both QuEnc and CCE with very
small segments -- it is needed because HC does VBR
encoding only.
- Made changes to the segment encoding code to better assure
all segments are encoded properly.
- Added an output line that displays how long the entire job
has taken in "One-Click" mode.
FEATURES ADDED TO PRO VERSION ONLY- Updated the HC interface so it now works with the newer HC
Batch encoder. Please note that support for the previous
HC encoder IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED. This freeware encoder
is coming along nicely. While not the fastest encoder
available -- the quality is outstanding. Please note:
The HC encoder's .EXE file must be loaded in the same
directory as DVD Rebuilder and the name must start with
"HCBATCH" (e.g. "HCBATCH_012.EXE").
- Fixed an error in which the checkmarks weren't being set or
reset properly in the DC Precision and GOP Selection menus.
- Fixed an error in HC encodes in which the maximum
bitrate was always set to 9000Kbs. While this would most
often have little impact there could be instances in
which this could raise the total bitrate to a level that
is greater than the DVD specification.
- Added the "*WAIT 0" command to HC encoder settings. This
will reduce overall DVD encode time on future HC versions. -
Hier das korrekte Chnage log der 0.78
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]Version 0.78Below is a summary of the changes/updates associated with this version (Pro release, Freeware expected for release in early Apr, 2005):
- Corrected an error in which encoder windows may not close properly when aborted during encoding.- Modified QuEnc command line to control maximum b frame setting.
- Made mods to improve OPV prediction slightly for CCE
- Added a check after each encode to warn if the resulting .M2V file was not created. This is to counter some #0003 errors that may be experienced during the rebuild phase of the affected segment.
- Added filesize checks so versions of QuEnc can be discovered.
- Made a correction to the STILL_FRAME detection algorithm. This will reduce the number of segments detected on many DVDs.
- Added "Skip PREPARE during Batch" option under the file menu. This is meant to assist those who are using RB-Opt. This option forces the assumption that you have already completed the PREPARE phase (and processed with RB-Opt) before beginning the batch sequence. This option is saved with project (RBD) files, so it can be set to a different value for each entry in a batch sequence. Notes: Setting this option when PREPARE has not been completed ahead of time will result in errors.- Added support for the HC encoder developed by HANK315. This independently developed encoder provides exceptionally high quality (with some sacrifice in speed). Note: In order to work you must use version .01 of HC (with *BATCH setting) and the executable file must be named as "HC.EXE" and loaded into the same directory as DVD-RB.
- Added Constant Quantization (CQ) One Pass VBR (OPV) mode support for QuEnc. This mode can dramatically cut down on encoding time and produce high quality output. Note: The nature of CQ encoding can make sizing less accurate, and the CQ prediction routine is new and needs some tweaking. The nature of CQ increments makes it a little like measuring with a micrometer and cutting with an axe. May tend to undersize, your feedback is welcome. Nic's QuEnc is getting closer and closer to CCE's capabilities.[/font]
Ich würde statt der Option "Steal Space from Extras" lieber die "Half D1 Option for Extras" wählen, da sind die Ergebnisse für die Extras qualitativ besser und es wird mehr Platz (50% der Extras) für den Hauptfilm frei.
Dann einfach mal durchlaufen lassen und das Ergebnis ansehen, oder mit dem RB Opt vor dem coden "nacharbeiten" (siehe sticky). -
Es wäre nett wenn ein Mod das in den Sticky übernehmen könnte.
QuoteHere is the changelog.
Added "Block Scan Order" & "Progressive" options in CCE Options
Don't change these setting unless you know what you are doing... else you will have a bad output.
These settings can be used for PAL films (progressive), encoded as interlaced - you can force DVD-RB to encode them as progressive (likewise the "Disable interlaced" in the "AVS Options" in DVD-RB).
NTSC users should NEVER change the default values.
Full CCE 2.70 support:
- added switches: "Disable Adaptive Q matrix switching" and "Fades on a static scene"
- added support to CCE 2.70 filters.
ProCoder (EclPRO) is detected and only relevant options are showed.
As you're a PAL user, I explain my findings:
Many DVD's has the main movie progressive, but encoded as interlaced.
As the film is encoded interlaced, I believe the line in the avisynth
script: ConvertToYUY2(interlaced=true) is the right one.
Anyway we could force our encoding as progressive (and now it's possible using RB-Opt). It's like the "Disable interlace" option in DVD-RB, but this one uses the line: ConvertToYUY2() in the avisynth, which could be wrong.
Anyawy, in my tests, a progressive encoding lowers the Q factor in OPV mode, so, if possible, is a very good choice. -
Das hatte ich doch oben geschrieben, oder irre ich mich ?!
Bis zur rc1 geht's, alles danach ist Schrott. Jdobbs verweist sogar auf die 1.1.0! -
Also ab der v1.2.0RC2 der DGdecode.dll müsst ihr euch mal bei der Q analyse im OPV Mode die I,P,B Frames und die BR ansehen, die verändern sich nicht und somit ist die Analyse schrott und auch das Ergebnis. Am besten die 1.1.0 nutzen, dann kann nichts schief gehen.
Schon mit der 0.75 wurden im englischen Forum gute Ergebnisse bei OPV erzielt.
Es würde mich wundern, wenn es jetzt wieder schlechter wird?!
1. Test mit der 0.76, DGdecode 1.2.0rc1, CCE 2.70,reduce extras 1/2D1 option
Quelle: Bytes (6.66 GB) -> Ergebnis 4.746.862.592 Bytes (4,41 GB)
das Ergebnis ist nicht 100%ig, aber das kann an den vielen Extras gelegen haben. Wenn man hier noch mal kurz Shrink ansetzt, dann passt es.
2. Test mit der 0.76, DGdecode 1.2.0rc1, CCE 2.70, reduce extras 1/2D1 option
Quelle:6.977.800.192 Bytes (6.49 GB) -> Ergebnis 4.577.433.685 Bytes (4,26 GB)
Ergebnis perfekt. Also bei mir funktioniert die Option.
Beide DVDs waren nicht "vorbehandelt". -
Also, wenn man die 1.1.0 der DGdecode.dll nutzt, dann bringt schon die 0.75 deutlich bessere Ergebnisse. Die neue Version habe ich nich nicht getestet.
Version 0.76 VIP
QuoteChanges in this version:
- Found and fixed an error that could cause "Runtime error '5'"
during the rebuild phase.
- Corrected an error in which the cell elapsed time was not being
correctly entered in NAVPACKS. It was resetting back to zero for
each segment (as opposed to each cell). This was reported to
cause playback problems on some players. Hats off to gm901 for
some outstanding beta testing and trouble reporting.
- Corrected an error in which the bitrates reported in the status
window were incorrect when sources were PREPAREed with
"Dynamically Assign Cell Bitrates" turned off.
- Added code to prevent the Q prediction routine from ever returning
a value less than 1. Also fixed an error that could cause output
from OPV to be oversized under some circumstances.
- Corrected the opv_brate_max value so the that it is contrained
by the sum of the audio tracks during Q prediction (as is true in
the actual encoding). This could theoretically improve prediction
- Inserted code to recognize QuEnc v0.54 and not use the "-mpeg2mux"
command line option (it causes a command line error).
- Corrected an error associated with the -cmatrix or -qlb switches in
QuEnc. The -cmatrix was not getting inserted on any versions other
than v0.54.
- Renamed the button for one-click mode from "Transcode" to "Backup
DVD" -- the term "Transcode" was a source of confusion for some. -
Eine Integration in DVD-RB ist auch schon möglich.
HC_CLI is a small utility that gives the HC encoder (by Hank315) a QuEnc
compatible command line interface. This means that you can now integrate
HC into any application that supports QuEnc (DVD-RB or DVD2SCVD). -
DGMPGDecVersion 1.2.0 Functional Changes
(versus DGMPGDec 1.1.0)
1. Adds demuxing of AAC audio from transport streams.
2. Adds preliminary support for PVA streams.
3. Fixes crash with long GOPs.
4. Fixes error tolerance on stream video errors.
5. Fixes problem with indexing for some selection operations.
6. Further improvements to the Info dialog.
7. Fixes DGIndex delay calculation for selections.
8. Revises "info" parameter as follows:
0: Do not generate debug information
1: Overlay debug information on the video
2: Output debug information via OutputDebugString() (Use DebugView utility)
3: Output hints in the video (as defined in http://utilities.cpp/utilities.h)
Current hints are progressive/interlaced and colorimetry.
[Donald Graft, February 5, 2005] -
Hallo Leute
Wo kann man denn den Default Path für einen DL aus dem IE verändern?
Er öffnet immer den "Eigene Dateien" Pfad, aber ich würde das gerne ändern.
Habe dazu leider nichts gefunden. -
Ja, MPEG. Die PVR hat ja den HW MPEG Encoder ;).
Mal ne blöde Frage:
Welchen Vorteil soll es haben, bei einem capture mit der PVR-150 bei Audio CRC zu setzen? -
Ja, der Media Player Classic. Mit HDTV habe ich es aber noch nicht probiert.
HI Schlunz,
genau das wars, danke. Ich hatte natürlich immer lehre Verzeichnisse oder habe keine Datei ausgewählt, da ich sie ja nicht ersetzen wollte. Nun habe ich was ich will, man muss halt nur wissen wie. -
Also ich bin ja blöd, aber so blöd nun auch wieder nicht ;).
Genau das funktioniert bei mir nicht.
Wenn ich das Verzeichnis auswähle erscheint es NICHT in der Liste, obwohl es genutzt wird und wird aber ebenfalls im Quellfenster benutzt. Damit kommt bei mir die Logik: Input- gleich Outputverzeichnis. Ich war der Meinung, das man beliebige Ausgabeverzeichnisse anlegen kann (unabhänging vom Quellverzeichnis) und diese per Dropdown aufrufen kann?!