cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv - 4K, 10 bit, YUV422 mit FFT3DGPU
FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-prefetch(1,X+1)-ConvertToYUV420() [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv].log:
REM ### Don't remove '%cd%\%dynFileName%' at beginning and end of cli call, this won't work! You should only modify the x264 parameters!
"%hybridFolderWin%\64bit\Avisynth\avs2yuv64.exe" -depth 10 -nstdr "%cd%\%dynFileName%.avs" -o - | "%hybridFolderWin%\64bit\x264.exe" --preset ultrafast --crf 10.00 --profile high10 --level 5.2 --sync-lookahead 16 --vbv-maxrate 240000 --vbv-bufsize 720000 --threads 16 --sar 1:1 --non-deterministic --range tv --colormatrix bt709 --demuxer y4m --input-range tv --fps 24/1 --output-depth 10 --output "%cd%\%dynFileName%.264" -
goto :EOF
# loading source: $$SOURCEVID$$
# color sampling YUY2@10, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
LWLibavVideoSource("$$SOURCEVID$$",cache=false,format="YUV422P10", prefer_hw=0,repeat=true)
# current resolution: 3840x1608
# denoising using fft3dgpu
# adjust color to YV12 (color matrix: Rec709)
# setting output fps to 24.000fps
# output: color sampling YV16@10, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
return last
$$SIGMA$$ replaced with '2.00'
$$BW$$ replaced with '64'
$$BH$$ replaced with '64'
$$BT$$ replaced with '3'
$$PLANE$$ replaced with '4'
$$MODE$$ replaced with '2'
$$PRECISION$$ replaced with '1'
$$BORDERSIZE$$ replaced with '1'
$$HYBRIDFOLDER$$ replaced with 'C:\Program Files\Hybrid'
$$HYBRIDFOLDER_VS$$ replaced with 'C:/Program Files/Hybrid'
$$SOURCEVID$$ replaced with 'C:\BENCH_AVS_VPS_FILTER\fft3dgpu convert2yuv420\YUV422\cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv'
$$SOURCEVID_VS$$ replaced with 'C:/BENCH_AVS_VPS_FILTER/fft3dgpu convert2yuv420/YUV422/cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv'
$$DYNMEASUREVAR$$ replaced dynamically [start,step,end] with '0,3,6'
$$DYNMEASUREVARGAP$$ replaced dynamically [start,step,end] with '0,3,6' +- gap of '+1'
0 FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-prefetch(1,X+1)-ConvertToYUV420() [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv]
encoded 1383 frames, 7.83 fps, 92400.77 kb/s
ffmpeg quality metric comparing sourceVidWin and dynfileName:
SSIM Y:0.846540 (8.140056) U:0.980199 (17.033228) V:0.978513 (16.678183) All:0.890812 (9.618259) ## PSNR y:17.832339 u:33.634492 v:32.988516 average:19.532021 min:7.664472 max:64.968725
3 FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-prefetch(1,X+1)-ConvertToYUV420() [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv]
encoded 1383 frames, 7.84 fps, 92407.90 kb/s
ffmpeg quality metric comparing sourceVidWin and dynfileName:
SSIM Y:0.846540 (8.140059) U:0.980199 (17.033229) V:0.978513 (16.678194) All:0.890812 (9.618263) ## PSNR y:17.832339 u:33.634493 v:32.988517 average:19.532021 min:7.664472 max:64.968725
6 FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-prefetch(1,X+1)-ConvertToYUV420() [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv]
encoded 1383 frames, 7.82 fps, 92406.58 kb/s
ffmpeg quality metric comparing sourceVidWin and dynfileName:
SSIM Y:0.846540 (8.140060) U:0.980200 (17.033251) V:0.978513 (16.678214) All:0.890812 (9.618265) ## PSNR y:17.832339 u:33.634496 v:32.988517 average:19.532021 min:7.664472 max:64.968725
Display More
Bestwert: 7.84 fps
ConvertToYUV420-prefetch(X)-FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-PreFetch(1,X+1) [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv].log:
REM ### Don't remove '%cd%\%dynFileName%' at beginning and end of cli call, this won't work! You should only modify the x264 parameters!
"%hybridFolderWin%\64bit\Avisynth\avs2yuv64.exe" -depth 10 -nstdr "%cd%\%dynFileName%.avs" -o - | "%hybridFolderWin%\64bit\x264.exe" --preset ultrafast --crf 10.00 --profile high10 --level 5.2 --sync-lookahead 16 --vbv-maxrate 240000 --vbv-bufsize 720000 --threads 16 --sar 1:1 --non-deterministic --range tv --colormatrix bt709 --demuxer y4m --input-range tv --fps 24/1 --output-depth 10 --output "%cd%\%dynFileName%.264" -
goto :EOF
# loading source: $$SOURCEVID$$
# color sampling YUY2@10, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
LWLibavVideoSource("$$SOURCEVID$$",cache=false,format="YUV422P10", prefer_hw=0,repeat=true)
# adjust color to YV12 (color matrix: Rec709)
# current resolution: 3840x1608
# denoising using fft3dgpu
# setting output fps to 24.000fps
# output: color sampling YV16@10, matrix: bt709, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
return last
$$SIGMA$$ replaced with '2.00'
$$BW$$ replaced with '64'
$$BH$$ replaced with '64'
$$BT$$ replaced with '3'
$$PLANE$$ replaced with '4'
$$MODE$$ replaced with '2'
$$PRECISION$$ replaced with '1'
$$BORDERSIZE$$ replaced with '1'
$$HYBRIDFOLDER$$ replaced with 'C:\Program Files\Hybrid'
$$HYBRIDFOLDER_VS$$ replaced with 'C:/Program Files/Hybrid'
$$SOURCEVID$$ replaced with 'C:\BENCH_AVS_VPS_FILTER\fft3dgpu convert2yuv420\YUV422\cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv'
$$SOURCEVID_VS$$ replaced with 'C:/BENCH_AVS_VPS_FILTER/fft3dgpu convert2yuv420/YUV422/cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv'
$$DYNMEASUREVAR$$ replaced dynamically [start,step,end] with '0,3,6'
$$DYNMEASUREVARGAP$$ replaced dynamically [start,step,end] with '0,3,6' +- gap of '+1'
0 ConvertToYUV420-prefetch(X)-FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-PreFetch(1,X+1) [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv]
encoded 1383 frames, 8.92 fps, 91635.39 kb/s
ffmpeg quality metric comparing sourceVidWin and dynfileName:
SSIM Y:0.846541 (8.140065) U:0.980629 (17.128533) V:0.979057 (16.789703) All:0.890975 (9.624733) ## PSNR y:17.832339 u:33.644858 v:32.999214 average:19.532167 min:7.664472 max:64.968725
3 ConvertToYUV420-prefetch(X)-FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-PreFetch(1,X+1) [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv]
encoded 1383 frames, 8.77 fps, 91641.51 kb/s
ffmpeg quality metric comparing sourceVidWin and dynfileName:
SSIM Y:0.846541 (8.140066) U:0.980629 (17.128522) V:0.979057 (16.789685) All:0.890975 (9.624733) ## PSNR y:17.832339 u:33.644858 v:32.999212 average:19.532167 min:7.664472 max:64.968725
6 ConvertToYUV420-prefetch(X)-FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-PreFetch(1,X+1) [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv]
encoded 1383 frames, 8.76 fps, 91637.83 kb/s
ffmpeg quality metric comparing sourceVidWin and dynfileName:
SSIM Y:0.846540 (8.140060) U:0.980629 (17.128507) V:0.979057 (16.789653) All:0.890975 (9.624726) ## PSNR y:17.832339 u:33.644854 v:32.999213 average:19.532167 min:7.664472 max:64.968725
Display More
Bestwert: 8.92 fps
-> X264 13,8% schneller mit ConvertToYUV420() for Filteraufruf.
6 FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-prefetch(1,X+1)-ConvertToYUV420 [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv].log (AvsMeter64):
[Runtime info]
Frames processed: 1383 (0 - 1382)
FPS (min | max | average): 0.388 | 46948 | 7.404
Process memory usage (max): 2250 MiB
Thread count: 45
CPU usage (average): 13.2%
GPU usage (average): 79%
GPU Power Consumption (average): 0.5 W
Time (elapsed): 00:03:06.782
Display More
6 ConvertToYUV420-prefetch(X)-FFT3DGPU(bw=64,bh=64,degrid=1.00,plane=4,mode=2,bordersize=1,precision=2)-PreFetch(1,X+1) [cut_TGM_TLR-C_3840x1608_HEVC_YUV422_10bit.mkv].log (AvsMeter64):
[Runtime info]
Frames processed: 1383 (0 - 1382)
FPS (min | max | average): 0.393 | 30960 | 8.769
Process memory usage (max): 1947 MiB
Thread count: 51
CPU usage (average): 13.5%
GPU usage (average): 77%
GPU Power Consumption (average): 0.5 W
Time (elapsed): 00:02:37.717
Display More
-> Avsmeter64 18,4% schneller mit ConvertToYUV420 vor Filteraufruf.
Qualitätsmetriken - direkter Vergleich der beiden output clips miteinander:
SSIM Y:0.998380 (27.904786) U:0.998879 (29.502780) V:0.998719 (28.923470) All:0.998520 (28.296061)
PSNR y:56.946899 u:58.587585 v:58.052360 average:57.355967 min:51.789978 max:inf
PSNR y:56.907363 u:58.585376 v:58.050940 average:57.326495 min:51.783484 max:inf
VMAF score: 99.142670
-> Auch hier für Normalnutzer vernachlässigbare marginale Unterschiede zwischen den beiden output videos.