Beiträge von Mosu


    I've released mkvtoolnix v2.7.0. This is mostly a bug fix release but also contains support for one of the most-often requested feature: TrueHD/MLP audio tracks.

    I recommend everyone to upgrade to v2.7.0, especially if you're using the header editor introduced in v2.6.0.

    Here are the usual links... the home page: the source code:…x-2.7.0.tar.bz2 the Windows installer:…2.7.0-setup.exe

    Here's the full ChangeLog since release 2.6.0:

    2009-04-14 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * Released v2.7.0.
    * Build requirements changed: mkvtoolnix requires Boost v1.32.0 or later.

    2009-04-13 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: mkvmerge will now use SimpleBlock elements instead of normal BlockGroup elements by default.

    2009-04-11 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge, mmg: new feature: Added support for the "forced track" flag. Fix for bug 128.
    * mmg: bug fix: The header editor and chapter editor will not write zero bytes anymore if there's not enough space to write an EbmlVoid element when saving to Matroska files.

    2009-04-08 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: By default mkvmerge keeps the aspect ratio information in AVC/h.264 video bitstreams now (equivalent to specifying "--engage keep_bitstream_ar_info" in earlier versions). A new option "--engage remove_bitstream_ar_info" is available that restores the previous behaviour.
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed the aspect ratio extraction for AVC/h.264 video by adding three more pre-defined sample aspect ratios. Mkvmerge also only assumes "free aspect ratio" if the aspect ratio type information indicates it and not if the type information is unknown.

    2009-04-05 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mmg: new feature: Added drag & drop support for the header editor (files can be opened by dropping them on the header editor).
    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for reading the track language from QuickTime/MP4 files. Thanks to Eduard Bloch for the code for unpacking the language string.
    * mmg: bug fix: All arguments are shell escaped and quoted instead of only those with spaces in them. Only applies to the menu options "show command line", "save command line to file" and "copy command line to clipboard". Fix for bug 364.

    2009-03-30 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge, mkvextract: new feature: Added support for MLP audio.
    * mmg: bug fix: When adding a file with colons in the segment title all colons were replaced with the letter 'c'.

    2009-03-29 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge, mkvetract: new feature: Added support for TrueHD audio (read from raw streams with or without *****ded AC3 frames, MPEG program streams).

    2009-03-25 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mmg: bug fix: The job manager's status output was garbled if mmg was run with another language as English.
    * mmg: bug fix: The progress bar for each individual job in the job dialog wasn't updated if mmg was run with another language as English.
    * mmg: bug fix: The timecodes in the job queue editor were off by one month. The "added job on" was additionally off by an amount depending on the user's time zone. Fix for bug 362.

    2009-03-24 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: The MPEG program stream (VOB/EVO) reader was sometimes reading the timecodes wrong resulting in bad audio/video synchronization. Fix for bug 337.

    Have fun.



    I've released mkvtoolnix v2.6.0. This release contains two new features
    (a header editor for existing Matroska files and a Japanese translation)
    and a couple of bug fixes dealing with charset and translation issues.

    Here are the usual links... the home page: the source code:…x-2.6.0.tar.bz2 the Windows installer:…2.6.0-setup.exe

    Some of the binaries are still being built and should be available
    within the next two hours.

    Here's the full ChangeLog since release 2.5.3:

    2009-03-24 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * Released v2.6.0.

    2009-03-22 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mmg: new feature: Added a header editor for Matroska files.

    2009-03-21 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvextract: bug fix: The "simple" chapter extraction mode (OGM style chapter output) outputs strings converted to the system's current charset by default now instead of always converting to UTF-8. This can be overridden with the "--output-charset" command line option. Fix for bug 359.

    2009-03-18 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: QuickTime audio tracks will be stored with the CodecID "A_QUICKTIME". The CodecPrivate element contains the full "STSD" element from the QuickTime file (just like V_QUICKTIME). This method is used for all audio tracks which don't have a well-defined storage spec for Matroska (e.g. AAC, AC3, MP2/3 are still stored as A_AC3, A_AAC etc). Hopefully a fix for bugs 354 and 357.
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: The CodecPrivate element for QuickTime video tracks like Sorenson Video Codecs contained wrong data. Fix for bug 355.
    * all: Added a Japanese translation by Hiroki Taniura (see AUTHORS).

    2009-03-17 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed detection of little endian PCM tracks in MOV files. Fix for bug 356.

    2009-03-15 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvextract: bug fix: The charset for text output was not initialized correctly resulting in garbled display of non-ASCII characters in non-UTF-8 locales.
    * all: bug fix: A couple of translated strings were converted from the wrong locale when they were displayed.
    * mmg, mkvinfo: The GUIs now require an Unicode-enabled version of wxWidgets.

    2009-03-14 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * all: bug fix: The tools use the API call "GetOEMCP()" on Windows instead of "GetACP()". This should make messages output in cmd.exe come out correctly for Windows versions for which cmd.exe uses a different code page than the rest (e.g. on German Windows).

    2009-03-08 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvinfo: enhancement: If mkvinfo is started in GUI mode on Windows then the console that was started with it will be closed.
    * mkvinfo: bug fix: Chapter names and tag elements were recoded to the wrong charset resulting in garbled output. Fix for bug 353.

    Have fun.



    Meine Laien-Analyse so weit: Wenn malloc() ein NULL zurückliefert, dann konnte wohl nicht genug RAM bereitgestellt werden, damit mkvmerge sich das alles merken kann, was es zu tun hat...

    Das stimmt soweit, ist aber nur das Symptom, nicht die Ursache.

    Vorsicht, langer Text mit Erläuterungen zu den Innereien von mkvmerge folgt ;) Lösungsansätze fangen im vorletzten Absatz ab "Was kannst du nun tun?" an.

    mkvmerge merkt sich im Lauf des Muxes jede Menge Dinge. Dazu gehören z.B. die Position der einzelnen Cluster für den Index. All diese Datei sorgen dafür, dass mkvmerge im Laufe des Muxvorganges immer mehr Speicher benötigt. Allerdings ist dies im Normalfall recht wenig speicher. Bei mehreren GB an Daten, die es zu muxen hat, sollte mkvmerge am Ende des Muxprozesses eigentlich nicht mehr als vielleicht 100 MB an Hauptspeicher benötigen -- das ist also nicht der Grund.

    Was ich schon häufiger hatte, sind aber andere Gründe bzw. Bugs, die dazu führen, dass mkvmerge ungehemmt Speicher frisst.

    Um die Zieldatei richtig muxen zu können, müssen ja alle Pakete nach ihrem Zeitstempel sortiert in die Ausgabedatei geschrieben werden. mkvmerge versucht dies, durch Puffern der Eingabedaten sicherzustellen. Nun kann es mehrere Situationen geben, in denen dieses Puffern dazu führt, dass mkvmerge immer mehr Speicher frisst.

    1. Matroska-Quelldateien mit riesigen Lücken in Tracks. Wenn eine Quelldatei in einem Track, z.B. einem Untertiteltrack, sehr lange Zeit lang keine Pakete enthält, so liest mkvmerge diese Quelldatei immer weiter und immer weiter auf der Suche nach einem Paket dieses Tracks. Die dabei gefundenen Pakete der anderen Tracks werden alle gepuffert, sodass mkvmerge dafür sehr viel Speicher allokiert.

    Dieses Phänomen versuche ich mit zwei Maßnahmen zu begrenzen: hat mkvmerge auf der Suche nach einem Untertitelpaket 20 MB gepuffert, so wird angenommen, dass hier eine Lücke ist, und die Suche wird beendet. Für Audio- und Videotracks liegt diese Grenze deutlich höher, nämlich bei 512 MB.

    Insofern vermute ich, dass das bei dir nicht zutrifft.

    2. Eine weitere Möglichkeit sind überlaufende Zeitstempel. Mir ist das zuletzt bei sehr großen PCM-Dateien passiert. Intern rechnet mkvmerge mit 64bit Integerwerten für die Zeitstempel. Das mag viel klingen, aber die Zeitstempel haben ja auch Nanosekundenpräzision. Für die Zeitstempel bei PCM bedeutet das z.B., dass sich der Zeitstempel wie folgt berechnen lässt:

    Anzahl_gelesener_Bytes * 1000000000 / Anzahl_Bytes_pro_Sekunde

    Nun ja, diese simple Berechnung hat schon bei 8GB-Dateien dafür gesorgt, dass ich einen Integerüberlauf hatte, wodurch die Paketsortierung gründlich in die Hose ging, mkvmerge unheimlich viel gepuffert hat und der ganze Prozess dann irgendwann abbrach.

    So etwas könnte ich mir bei dir ebenfalls vorstellen, nur halt mit anderen Tracks.

    Was kannst du nun tun? Als Erstes musst du mal rausfinden, welche(r) Track(s) die Probleme hervorrufen. Versuche nacheinander, jeden Track nur einzeln zu muxen, also alle anderen zu deaktivieren. Schau dir danach mit mkvinfo die Zeitstempel der Zieldatei an. Es sollte reichen, jeweils mit gesundem Menschenverstand die Zeitstempel am Ende der Datei anzuschauen -- wenn die überlaufen, dann sind sie natürlich deutlich kleiner als die Gesamtlänge der Ursprungsdatei.

    Ja, das ist ein ziemlich langwieriger Prozess. Aber nur so werde ich dann später den Bug finden können, fürchte ich, weil ich hier leider überhaupt keine so großen Dateien zum Testen habe.


    I've released mkvtoolnix v2.5.3. This release only contains three bug fixes with one of the being rather important for Linux users.

    Here are the usual links... the home page: the source code:…x-2.5.3.tar.bz2 the Windows installer:…2.5.3-setup.exe

    Here's the full ChangeLog since release 2.5.2:

    2009-03-07 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * Released v2.5.3.

    2009-03-01 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge, mkvextract, mmg: bug fix: If the environment variables LANG, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES contained a locale that was supported by the system but for which mkvtoolnix did not contain a translation (e.g. fr_FR, it_IT, en_AU) then the programs would abort with an error message. Fix for bug 338.
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Appending raw AVC/ES files resulted in segmentation faults. Fix for bug 344.

    2009-02-28 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: When mkvmerge was run with the --attachments option to copy only some of the attachments in a Matroska file then any attachment with an ID larger than the first skipped attachment ID was not copied into the new file. Fix for bug 346.

    Have fun.

    Mit den Eigenheiten der Player und Filter kenne ich mich leider (fast) gar nicht aus. mkvtoolnix kann momentan in bestehenden Dateien die verschiedenen Kopffelder leider nicht ohne einen kompletten Mux-Vorgang ändern, auch wenn das technisch gesehen manchmal recht einfach ist.

    Enthält die Datei das Matroska-Element "default track flag", so kann man einfach dessen Inhalt mit einem Hexeditor von 0 auf 1 und umgekehrt setzen. Natürlich muss man dafür etwas über den Aufbau von Matroska-Dateien wissen.

    Das "manchmal einfach" ergibt sich nun aus dem Problem, dass Matroska nur für einige wenige Felder vorschreibt, dass sie in den Kopfdaten auch tatsächlich gesetzt sind. Dazu gehören z.B. die CodecID, für Audiotracks die Samplerate etc. Andere Felder, wie nun auch das "default track flag", sind optional und müsen nicht vorkommen.

    Wenn also dieses Flag in den Kopfdaten nicht vorkommt, so müsste eine Anwendung, die erlaubt, solche Felder ohne kompletten Muxvorgang umzuschreiben, das Feld hinzufügen. Das geht aber nur, wenn direkt hinter den Kopfdaten noch genug freier Platz ist, um die dann etwas größeren Kopfdaten neu zu schreiben. Deswegen lässt mkvmerge hinter den Kopfdaten immer ca. 1 KB Platz.

    Naja, ich hab zwar öfter daran gedacht, genau so eine Anwendung zu schreiben oder mmg entsprechend zu erweitern, habe aber bisher weder Zeit noch Antrieb gehabt, dieses doch etwas größere Projekt anzugehen.

    Na, du bist genau so ein Erbsenzähler wie ich, oder? (lieb gemeint ;) )

    Die Track-IDs und Track-Nummern sind allgemein Integer. Bei Matroska werden Integer mit variabler Länge codiert, genauer, die Anzahl führender 1er Bits gibt die Länge des Integers in Bytes an. Sprich das ist per se erst einmal unlimitiert.

    mkvtoolnix und praktisch alle anderen relevanten Programme speichern den Inhalt solcher Felder allerdings in 64 bit breiten Integern, sodass in der Tat es eine technische Einschränkung auf 2^64 Tracks gibt. Praxisrelevant ist diese Einschränkung natürlich nicht; zeig mir erst mal jemanden, der derart viel Hauptspeicher besitzt, um diesen Anzahl Tracks ausnutzen zu können ;)


    I've released mkvtoolnix v2.5.2.

    This is mostly a bug-fix release with two minor new features.

    Here are the usual links... the home page: the source code:…x-2.5.2.tar.bz2 the Windows installer:…2.5.2-setup.exe

    Some of the binaries are still being built and should be available
    within the next two hours.

    Here's the full ChangeLog since release 2.5.1:

    2009-02-28 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * Released v2.5.2.
    * installer: bug fix: If the installer is run in silent mode (switch "/S") then it will not ask the user whether or not to place a shortcut on the desktop, and that shortcut will not be created. Fix for bug 345.
    * mmg: new feature: Added two buttons "enable all" and "disable all" to the list of attached files that enable / disable all attached files.
    * mmg: bug fix: The action "File" -> "New" did not clear the internal list of attached files resulting in unexpected behaviour if files with attachments where added afterwards.
    * mmg: bug fix: The button "remove all files" did not clear the list of attached files.

    2009-02-26 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvinfo: new feature: Made mkvinfo's GUI translatable. Added a German translation for the GUI.

    2009-02-25 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mmg: On Linux wxWidgets 2.8.0 and newer uses the GTK combo boxes which suck. A lot. Therefore mmg uses wxBitmapComboBoxes for wxWidgets >= 2.8.0 on Linux and normal wxComboBoxes in all other cases. wxBitmapComboBoxes are still drawn by wxWidgets itself (just like wxComboBoxes before 2.8.0) and offer much better functionality. Fix for bug 339.
    * mkvmerge, mmg: bug fix: The MIME type autodetection for attachments was broken for paths with non-ASCII characters on non-UTF-8 encoded systems (mostly on Windows). Fix for bug 340.
    * source: various fixes for compilation with wxWidgets 2.9.

    2009-02-24 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * all programs: bug fix: The locale was not detected properly often resulting in the program aborting with the message that "the locale could not be set properly". Fix for bug 338.

    Have fun.

    Nur noch der Vollständigkeit halber: Das Matroska-Dateiformat hat genau so wenig wie mkvmerge oder irgend eines der Tools aus mkvtoolnix eine Beschränkung bezüglich der Track-Anzahl. Wenn du nur so-und-soviele Tracks beim Abspielen vorfindest, dann gibt es eigentlich nur zwei Mölichkeiten:

    1. Du hast dich beim Muxen geirrt und falsch gezählt ;) Da hilft es, so wie du es auch schon getan hast die Datei nochmal in mmg hinzuzufügen, oder aber sie mit mkvinfo oder mit "mkvmerge --identify dateiname.mkv" zu betrachten.

    2. Das Abspielprogramm bzw. einer der beteiligten Filter hat ein Problem oder eine hardcodierte Beschränkung.

    Ich hab heute uebrigens Feedback von Kaspersky bekommen, und sie haben bestaetigt, dass der originale Installer der 2.4.1 (nur den hatte ich hingeschickt) ein false positive ist.

    Probleme, dass NSIS-Installer faelschlicherweise als Viren oder Malware eingestuft werden, gab es auch frueher schon, siehe

    Ich habe Kaspersky die Datei zugeschickt mit der Bitte, sie zu ueberpruefen und entsprechend richtig zu listen; ich habe meine System eingehend untersuch; bei der Erstellung des Installers kommt nicht ein einziges Stueck Windows-Software zum Einsatz, und die resultierende Exe wird nicht ein einziges Mal von Windows aus angesprochen. Mehr bin ich nicht gewillt, dafuer zu tun.

    Da mehrere Bentuzer dieses angebliche Backdoor-Problem haben, habe ich die Zeit genommen, mir das Problem mal genauer anzusehen. Resultat ist, dass es in der Tat ein false positive ist und keine Backdoor enthalten ist. Trotzdem habe ich den Installer entfernt und durch einen neuen Build ersetzt, der auch von Kaspersky als sauber angesehen wird.

    Meine vollstaendige Analyse und den neuen Download-Link findet ihr hier.


    time for the next release of mkvtoolnix, 2.4.1. There's only one new feature: support for SRT/SSA tracks in AVI files. One important bug has been fixed regarding the handling of timecodes during appending which should fix A/V sync issues with appended tracks for most people. A couple of smaller bugs have been fixed as well (see below for details).

    Here are the usual links... the home page: the source code:…x-2.4.1.tar.bz2 the Windows installer:…2.4.1-setup.exe

    The Linux binaries that I provide myself (Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSuSE and Fedora Core) have already been uploaded and are available from the home page.

    Starting with this release I provide pre-built packages for Fedora Core 10 (i386 and x86_64 architectures).

    Here's the full ChangeLog since release 2.4.0:

    2008-12-04 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * Released v2.4.1.
    * Build system: bug fix: Configure does not use "uname -m" for the detection of the Boost libraries anymore but configure's "$target" environment variable. This fixes the Boost detection for cross compilation builds. Fix for bug 311. Patch by Dominik Mierzejewski (see AUTHORS).

    2008-12-03 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: PCM audio tracks bigger than approximately 8 GB were cut off after approximately 8 GB.

    2008-12-02 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge recognizes SRT subtitle files with timecodes that contain spaces between the colons and the digits and timecodes whose numbers are not exactly two or three digits long.

    2008-11-28 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mmg: bug fix: mmg processes window events much more often during muxing.
    * all: Updated the language code list from the offical ISO 639-2 standard.

    2008-11-04 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mmg: bug fix: Split timecodes with more than three decimals were not allowed even though the docs say that they are. They are now, as mkvmerge supports such timecodes.

    2008-11-03 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Changed the way mkvmerge calculates the timecodes when appending files. Should result in better audio/video synchronization.
    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for reading SRT and SSA/ASS subtitles from AVI files (fix for bug 64).

    2008-11-01 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge's LZO compressor would segfault if mkvmerge was compiled against v2 of the LZO library and the v1 LZO headers were not present.

    2008-10-29 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: SRT subtitle files are also handled correctly if the timecode lines do not have spaces around the arrow between the start and end timecodes.

    2008-10-13 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvextract: bug fix: Matroska elements with binary data were output as garbage in XML files.

    Have fun :)


    Hey Matroska users,

    here's another release of mkvtoolnix, 2.4.0. New features include support for VC1 video read from elementary streams and MPEG program streams, Dirac video elementary streams, support for 7.1 channel EAC3 tracks and the extraction of Theora video tracks into Ogg files. Bug that were fixed include the handling of unknown tracks in Ogg files, the automatic garbage detection for AC3/MP3 tracks, the handling of DTS in MPEG program streams, (E)AC3 files bigger than 2 GB and many more.

    Here are the usual links... the home page: the source code:…x-2.4.0.tar.bz2 the Windows installer:…2.4.0-setup.exe

    The Linux binaries that I provide myself (Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSuSE and Fedora Core) have already been uploaded and are available from the home page.

    Here's the full ChangeLog since release 2.3.0:

    2008-10-11 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * Released v2.4.0.

    * mmg: bug fix: The chapter editor's function "save to Matroska file" was corrupting the target file in some cases. Fix for bug 307.

    2008-10-06 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge was only writing one reference block for real B frames. Patch by Daniel Glckner. Fix for bug 306.

    * all: bug fix: The Windows uninstaller was not removing all start menu entries during uninstallation on Windows Vista. The installer now creates the start menu entries for all users instead of the current user only. Fix for bug 305.

    2008-10-05 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mmg: bug fix: The "language" drop down box contained some entries twice or more. Fix for bug 304.

    2008-10-04 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Incorrect usage of the iconv library caused some conversions to omit the last character of each converted entry (e.g. for the conversion from Hebrew to UTF-8). Fix for bug 302.

    2008-09-25 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: enhancement: mkvmerge will use the timecodes provided by the MPEG program stream source file for VC1 video tracks.

    2008-09-24 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Reading EVOBs with multiple VC1 video tracks was broken (all packets where put into a single video track).

    2008-09-22 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvextract: new feature: Added support for handling SimpleBlocks for timecode extraction.

    2008-09-21 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Reading raw (E)AC3 files bigger than 2 GB was broken.

    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for Dirac video tracks.

    2008-09-20 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Improved the detection of MPEG-1/-2 and AVC/h.264 video tracks in MPEG program streams (VOBs/EVOBs).

    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed reading DTS audio tracks from MPEG program streams (VOBs/EVOBs).

    2008-09-19 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mmg: enhancement: Added the extensions "evo", "evob" and "vob" to mmg's "add file" dialog.

    2008-09-18 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for muxing VC1 video tracks read from MPEG program streams (EVOBs) or raw VC1 elementary streams (e.g. as produced by EVODemux).

    2008-09-17 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for 7.1 channel EAC3 files. Fix for bug 301.

    2008-09-13 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Revision 3831 (the change to the "--delay" and "--sync" options) caused mkvmerge to no longer respect the delay caused by garbage at the beginning of MP3 and AC3 audio tracks in AVI files. The timecodes of such tracks are now delayed appropriately again. Fix for bug 300.

    2008-09-12 Moritz Bunkus <>

    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Unknown stream types in Ogg files (e.g. skeleton tracks) don't cause mkvmerge to abort anymore. They're simply ignored. Fix for bug 299.

    * mkvextract: new feature: Added support for extracting Theora video tracks into Ogg files. Fix for bug 298.

    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed the frame type (key or non-key frame) detection for Theora tracks.

    Have fun :)


    Hey guys,

    here's another release of mkvtoolnix, 2.3.0 this time. There are a couple of new features and a few important bug fixes along with the smaller improvements and changes. The change description from reads as follows:


    Newly supported features include DTS-HD tracks (both "high definition" and "master audio"), Ogg Kate text subtitles, skipping of ID3 tags in AAC and AC3 files, Vorbis-in-AVI, delaying any track type and floating point WAV files. Several bugs were fixed including timecode handling for various track types and use cases, A/V desynchronization in VOBs, wrong VobSub packets and more.

    Please note that with 2.3.0 I stop providing binaries for a couple of distributions myself. These include: Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10; OpenSuSE 10.0; Windows 95/98/ME/NT (meaning that there will be no more
    non-Unicode binary for Windows). This does not mean that mkvtoolnix cannot be built on these platforms, just that you'll have to do it yourself.

    A note for those who want to compile mkvtoolnix themselves: mkvtoolnix' library requirements have changed slightly. It now uses Boost's regex library instead of the PCRE library. mkvtoolnix can be linked against wxWidgets 2.6.x and 2.8.x as long as the 2.8 version has been built with 2.6 compatibility enabled (building definitely fails with 2.8 without 2.6 compatibility).

    Here are the links: the home page: the source code:…x-2.3.0.tar.bz2 the Windows binary:…2.3.0-setup.exe

    As always, binaries for other Linux and Unix distributions are available from the home page.

    Last but not least the full ChangeLog since the previous release 2.2.0:

    2008-09-08 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: all: On Unix/Linux rpath linker flags have been removed again (they were actually removed before the release of v2.3.0).

    2008-09-07 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * Released v2.3.0.

    2008-09-06 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: improved the timecode calculation for MP3 tracks read from MP4 files. Another part of the fix for bug 165.

    2008-09-03 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge honors the timecode offsets of all streams in a MPEG program stream (e.g. VOB file) fixing audio/video desynchronization. Fix for bug 295.

    2008-08-30 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: Switched from the PCRE regular expression library to Boost's RegEx library.

    2008-08-23 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: DTS-in-WAV handling (14 to 16 bit expansion)was flawed. Fix for bug 288.
    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for Vorbis in AVI (format tag 0x566f). Fix for bug 271.
    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for PCM tracks withfloating point numbers (CodecID A_PCM/FLOAT/IEEE). Patch byAurelien Jacobs (see AUTHORS).

    2008-08-21 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: The fix to the timecode handling for AVC tracks in MP4 files from 2008-04-16 caused certain other MP4 filesto not be read correctly. The video tracks were found, but no frames were read. Fix for bug 294.
    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for Ogg Kate subtitles. Patch by

    2008-08-20 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge, mmg: The option "--delay" was removed. The option "--sync" now only modifies the timecodes of a given track. mkvmerge does not pad audio tracks with silence. "--sync"works with all track types now, but using a stretch factor otherthan 1 with audio tracks might not work too well during playback. mmg's inputs for "Delay" and "Stretch by" can be usedwith all track types. Fix for bug 287.

    2008-08-19 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: enhancement: mmg outputs a more informative errormessage for known but unsupported input file types (e.g. ASF, FLV,MPEG TS) instead of the cryptic "file identification failed".
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: The VobSub reader would sometimes read too many bytes for a single SPU packet. Part of a fix for bug 245.

    2008-05-16 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Using BZIP2 compression resulted in broken streams. Patch by Aurelien Jacobs (see AUTHORS).

    2008-05-15 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: new feature: Improved support for WAV files biggerthan 4 GB which only contain a single DATA chunk and a wronglength field for this DATA chunk (e.g. eac3to creates such files).

    2008-05-14 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Certain Matroska files with dis-continuous streams (e.g. subtitles) caused huge memory consumption. Fix for bug 281.

    2008-04-22 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge will output a proper error message if it is called with ASF/WMV files instead of detecting other kinds of streams (e.g. AVC ES streams). Fix for bug 280.

    2008-04-20 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed an assertion in the OGM reader occuringfor OGM files with *****ded chapters. Fix for bug 279.
    * mkvmerge: all: On Unix/Linux rpath linker flags are added for library paths given in LDFLAGS and configure's "--with-extra-libs" options.

    2008-04-16 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed wrong timecodes for MP4 files thatcontain video tracks with B frames and edit lists. Fix for bug277. Patch by Damiano Galassi (see AUTHORS).

    2008-04-14 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: mkvmerge will not strip leading spaces in SRT subtitles anymore.
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Tuned the file type detection for MPEG ESstreams. Fix for bug 265.

    2008-04-03 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: bug fix: Fixed writing to UNC paths on Windows. Fixfor bug 275.

    2008-03-09 Moritz Bunkus <>
    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for skipping ID3 tags in AAC and AC3 files. Fix for bug 204.
    * mkvmerge: new feature: Added support for DTS-HD (both "master audio" and "high resolution").

    Have a nice day :)
