BatchUpdateIfo - Aktuelle Version

  • Aktuelle Version:

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  • Trahald hat BatchUpdateIFO released

    hier mal die complete changelog aller versionen:

    - will now take pgc with too few cells (if you dummy a pgc with a single cell it will just copy the cells that are available.) Its not the safest thing to do.. but it is supported in ifoupdate and i figured people might be used to it. 0001 would only update an ifo if cell count matched exactly.

    - fixed copy color tables - wasnt copying entire table. p.s. i have this option defaulted off as the original colors work better for me

    - fixed vts_xx_0.BUP wasnt updated after get sectors

    - fixed in vtsi_mat details ->vtstt_vobs and last sector of vtsi werent updating (they generally dont change but occasionally they do) during get sectors

    - added option to copy files from authored directory while updateing. this is default to on

    - fixed sector start of vtsm_vobs and vtstt_vobs . note - ifoedit will set vtsm_vobs to the sector value when there is a 0 byte menu file. on professional dvds this is left at 0 (as if there were no menu vob present) when the menuvob is 0 bytes. i will defer to the pro dvds and set it to 0. so if you check my output to ifoedit's get vts sectors it will correct vtsm_vobs. this is by design. ifoupdate does the same as batchupdate on this matter. The 0 byte vob files really should be deleted and i may have batchupdate do that automatically.

    - added error popup when you did not check any boxes in the batch box and you hit update all.

    - fixed .ifo.backup files now saved in authored files directory during batch (wasnt saving before)

    - fixed secter start of vmgm_vobs and last sector vmg in video_ts . these would never change during a regular backup because the video_ts.vob file isnt changed (except by numenu which corrects this automatically) However to keep my get sectors in tune with ifoedits i update these as well. note - the same as with the vstm_vobs i also set this to 0 if the video_ts.vob is 0 bytes (rare)

    - fixed sometimes the last byte of the cell playback info table was written incorrectly.

    - added command line (cli) function - -opathname=original ifo -apathname destination ifo -bpathname backuppathname if you dont supply backup name then its auto generated -u=auto update and close in cli mode batch mode is disabled , also the .ini file isnt updated during that session so no settings are saved
    batchupdateifo.exe -oD:\DIF\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO -aD:\DIF\0\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO -u
    this will update D:\DIF\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO and close automatically

    if a pathname (either original or authored) is not given it will use the last saved pathname so supply both if you are going to use -u

    - moved some stuff around in the gui and added chapter file saving function. so far it only does the single ifo, I'll have it update per the batch option in the next version. It only does Scenarist_PGC for now.. (it saves all cell times, btw.. not just the chapters) i'll add scenarist_vobid and other types later.

    - fixed video_ts.bup was not always being updated.

    - the region free button now also does rce removal. i think its a useless option since dvddecrypter removes it during copy.. but its there. You set the region in the options menu.. it defaults at R1

    - small update - if you picked a bad directory sometimes the program would error out. Now you just get a Message Box

    - it now uses the original 'cell command no.' byte of the cell playback information table. before it would copy the authored cell command no (which would be 0) which basically nullified the fact that the cell commands where there. most commercial dvds dont rely on cell commands.. but on the few that do, it might cause a jump event after a cell play not to happen. IFOUpdate copies the 0 (no command) over same as batchupdate0008 and earlier did.

    - rewritten in c++ (MFC/VC7). pretty much the same features and GUI. I have used it a few times and it seems to work. I wrote it almost the same way except i used c++ commands instead (i tightened things up in a few spots). This version corrects Alsairs issue. Alert me to any issues please.

    - and why the version skip? well.. was the vis basic .net version - i decided not to bother releasing since it would have complicated things with the c++ version comming.

    - bah - stupid error (new version) in get vts sectors fixed.

    <edit> beta
    - first beta release.

    - fixed an error where you couldnt select the video_ts.ifo for batch mode

    - restored the right click menu for the batch listbox - you can select none/all and toggle all.

    - other small things.

    <edit> beta
    - small stuff.. downgraded message box of 'Invalid directory' popup to just an item in the log box to be less intrusive. when the copy option is on yet there are already files in the original file directory the files are now moved out of the way (to the authored dir) and the authored files are then moved. before if there were files in the way in the original directory i would abort the move. and other small stuff i cant remember

    - fixed a bug where an aborted vts update (for example when cell quantity doesnt match and the override is off) occured it wouldnt abort the update properly.

    - when cell quantity authored < original it updates the cell/program count. (before the original quantity was kept.)

    - program is released under the GPL. source is available upon request. although you may only want to view on an empty stomach as it is ugly

    <edit> beta
    - Tested on XP SP2 and works. It is actually compiled on SP2. If anyone has any problem getting the program going in an SP2 environment, please post your system specs (cpu etc) for me.

    - Added a .ini only setting to not copy the cell times over from the authored ifo.

    - If the copy file option is on , as each vts is processed, the ifo is now updated first then the files are copied. that way if for some reason the update fails for that ifo (for example if there are too few pgcs in the authored) then the files wont be copied.

    - Other little stuff.
    - Some Pro DVDs have PGCs with no Programs or cells in some of the IFOs. I coded this condition as an error and you would get a PopUp that a 0 cell PGC existed and that VTS would be skipped. BatchUpdate now will process such DVDS.
    It will now also take authored IFOs with PGCS with no programs/cell. If cells existed on the original they would reflect as 0 in the final IFO

    - Fixed errors in the ifo summary routine (didnt effect the update process).. I used parameters from IFOEdit that I assumed to be right but were not. Thanx to Dest for catching it.

    - Other Stuff

  • Trahald hat BatchUpdateIFO released

    Change List:
    - When copy audio/sub tables option is on it now also updates the vtsi_mat table offset 0x200->0x400 which is the audio/sub stream tables. prior version only updated the pgci audio/sub tables. this was fine as long as extra audios/subs werent added. - thanks lev for finding this issue
    - Correct FSEEK problem during RCE removal <thanks [slim]d12 for pointing out the issue>

  • also... jein...
    die datei lässt sich downloaden(bei mir mit firefox), das archiv is auch in ordnung und das programm läuft. einzig das es entpackt nur 88kb hat, gegenüber der vorversion mit 312kb, macht mich stutzig.
    vielleicht auch ne dicke änderung beim code?

    p.s. ändere doch mal jemand die überschrift vom thread auf allgemein - ohne version. LigH hatte hier doch vor kurzem schon sooooo schön aufgeräumt. ;)

  • Hi
    da bist du nicht der erste der das bemerkt. Die Datei is 88kb im gegensatz zur vorgänger version 312kb. Die Fehlermeldung besagt das er die "mfc71.dll" nicht findet. Downloaden und hinzufürgen der dll bringt auch nicht das gewünschte ergebnis.
    Ich wart auf eine Antwort von Trahald aber da die version noch nicht allzulang raus ris gib ihm noch etwas zeit :)

    *öfters aktuallieseren sollt ich mir angwöhnen :)

    mad-eddys vorschlag find ich gut :) auch bei anderen Programmen

  • dacht ich mirs doch.
    da kann ich mich lange wundern das bei mir alles geht. ich sammel schon seit geraumer zeit diese ganzen laufzeitbibliotheken usw. jedesmal das gesuch sonst und der ärger. nööö nö.

    EDIT2: Dark ich will dir ja nich zu nahe treten... aber da gibts so n knopf namens "Ändern". ich weiss ja nich, 3 posts am stück?
    "Bavarian Posting Angel"? ;D

  • Danke für die Info! :)
    Das mit der zu großen exe wäre auch zu lächerlich gewesen, das würde selbst mit einem 14k-Modem kaum Schwierigkeiten bereiten... ;)

    Cu Rippraff

    Blumige Grüße, Rippraff

  • ups garned gemerkt jo normal kenn ich die edit funktion schon :)

    Ich find das man ein minimum in der .exe bzw installer hat ein gutes prinzip weshalb ich mich z.Z. auch an .net versuch.

  • Zitat von Darklistener

    ups garned gemerkt jo normal kenn ich die edit funktion schon :)

    Das macht in diesem Fall auch durchaus Sinn, neu zu posten, da man über Änderungen keine Benachrichtigung erhält.

    Cu Rippraff

    Blumige Grüße, Rippraff

  • Trahald hat BatchUpdateIFO released


    - Added - 'Reverse' mode which will put the final files in the Authored directory (Only Copies files in Batch Mode). This was Eyes'Only's idea to make it easier to use IMGTOOL, also leaves original dir alone. The ifo's update in the same direction but the files in the original directory are left untouched (in Batch mode). Backup files are placed in the original directory.
    - Added - Option to only copy sub streams or audio streams separately.

  • Update:

    Trahald hat eine Vortschritsanzeige für das kopieren im 'Reverse' mode eingebaut.

    Versionsnummer bleibt die gleiche die funktion wurde einfach hinzugefügt.

  • FreaQ:


    Neue Version, kleines Update
    - Fixed - When angles are removed chapters are updated to reflect the change. Since i was there i fixed the code for when the authored pgc has more cells than the original. (it should take any quantity of cells in the pgc you can legally create. )

  • Trahald hat BatchUpdateIFO released

    - Fixed - what 09010 broke (cell command table update)
    - Fixed - Handles 0 cell authored properly (0 cell originals werent a problem.) Also updates end byte of pgci_srp table to new size if changed.

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