MeGUI Zieldatei zu klein

  • Scheinbar ist MeGUI gegen mich .. Komischer weise wird meine Ziel Datei zu klein. Hatte ja früher mal das Problem mit dem Oversize (sieh auch hier:…F6%DFen-Problem ) welches ich beheben konnte in dem ich den Quantisitazion Type von h.263 auf MPEG gestellt habe.

    Hab jetzt schon mehrfach hier und da mal was umgestellt jedoch wird meine Video Bitrate einfach immer wieder zu klein, gibt es doch nicht. Habe nach meinen Xvid Presets Encodet welche min. auf 1550 kbps Bitrate stehen als Ziel..Bin mit meinem Latein am Ende, echt .. Liegt es an der Quell Datei womöglich? dazwischen hatte ich richtige Ergebnisse bei anderen Filmen..

    Hier mal eine Log file :

    -[Information] FileIndexer-[Information] MkvInfo-[NoImage] File 'C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv': container: Matroska [container_type:17 date_local:2017-02-14T15\c48\c22-08\c00 date_utc:2017-02-14T23\c48\c22Z duration:6898560000000 is_providing_timecodes:1 muxing_application:libebml\sv1.2.3\s+\slibmatroska\sv1.3.0 segment_uid:914cb8b3483b8227a52ad1f2103b0e27 writing_application:mkvmerge\sv5.6.0\s('Kenya\sKane')\sbuilt\son\sJun\s29\s2012\s15\c01\c44]-[NoImage] Track ID 0: video (MPEG-4p10/AVC/h.264) [codec_id:V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC codec_private_data:01640029ffe1001967640029acd98050045f97011000003e90000bb808f18319a001000668e978332c8b codec_private_length:42 content_encoding_algorithms:3 default_duration:41708332 default_track:1 display_dimensions:1280x536 enabled_track:1 forced_track:0 language:und minimum_timestamp:0 number:1 packetizer:mpeg4_p10_video pixel_dimensions:1280x536 uid:1]-[NoImage] Track ID 1: audio (AC-3/E-AC-3) [audio_channels:2 audio_sampling_frequency:48000 codec_id:A_AC3 codec_private_length:0 content_encoding_algorithms:3 default_duration:32000000 default_track:1 enabled_track:1 forced_track:1 language:ger minimum_timestamp:24000000 number:2 uid:2923908229]-[NoImage] Track ID 2: audio (DTS) [audio_channels:6 audio_sampling_frequency:48000 codec_id:A_DTS codec_private_length:0 content_encoding_algorithms:3 default_duration:10666666 default_track:0 enabled_track:1 forced_track:0 language:eng minimum_timestamp:0 number:3 uid:565231233]-[NoImage] Track ID 3: subtitles (SubRip/SRT) [codec_id:S_TEXT/UTF8 codec_private_length:0 default_track:0 enabled_track:1 forced_track:0 language:eng number:4 text_subtitles:1 uid:2992360330]-[NoImage] Track ID 4: subtitles (SubRip/SRT) [codec_id:S_TEXT/UTF8 codec_private_length:0 default_track:0 enabled_track:1 forced_track:0 language:eng number:5 text_subtitles:1 track_name:SDH uid:1452012446]-[NoImage] Chapters: 16 entries--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:05 PM] MkvInfo-[NoImage] CHAPTER01=00:00:00.000-[NoImage] CHAPTER01NAME=00:00:00.000-[NoImage] CHAPTER02=00:04:34.566-[NoImage] CHAPTER02NAME=00:04:34.566-[NoImage] CHAPTER03=00:10:16.825-[NoImage] CHAPTER03NAME=00:10:16.825-[NoImage] CHAPTER04=00:18:32.153-[NoImage] CHAPTER04NAME=00:18:32.153-[NoImage] CHAPTER05=00:24:37.017-[NoImage] CHAPTER05NAME=00:24:37.017-[NoImage] CHAPTER06=00:31:40.482-[NoImage] CHAPTER06NAME=00:31:40.482-[NoImage] CHAPTER07=00:38:33.811-[NoImage] CHAPTER07NAME=00:38:33.811-[NoImage] CHAPTER08=00:43:16.135-[NoImage] CHAPTER08NAME=00:43:16.135-[NoImage] CHAPTER09=00:48:24.527-[NoImage] CHAPTER09NAME=00:48:24.527-[NoImage] CHAPTER10=00:55:34.498-[NoImage] CHAPTER10NAME=00:55:34.498-[NoImage] CHAPTER11=01:05:04.359-[NoImage] CHAPTER11NAME=01:05:04.359-[NoImage] CHAPTER12=01:12:38.437-[NoImage] CHAPTER12NAME=01:12:38.437-[NoImage] CHAPTER13=01:22:14.346-[NoImage] CHAPTER13NAME=01:22:14.346-[NoImage] CHAPTER14=01:28:28.637-[NoImage] CHAPTER14NAME=01:28:28.637-[NoImage] CHAPTER15=01:35:00.904-[NoImage] CHAPTER15NAME=01:35:00.904-[NoImage] CHAPTER16=01:45:06.509-[NoImage] CHAPTER16NAME=01:45:06.509--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:05 PM] MkvExtract--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:05 PM] MediaInfo---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:05 PM] File: C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv-[Information] Format: Matroska-[Information] FormatString: Matroska-[Information] FileSize: 6052471719-[Information] PlayTime: 01:54:58.560---[Information] General-[Information] ID: 1-[Information] StreamOrder: 0-[Information] Width: 1280-[Information] Height: 536-[Information] FrameCount: 165400-[Information] FrameRate: 23.976-[Information] FrameRateOriginal: -[Information] FrameRateMode: CFR-[Information] ScanType: Progressive-[Information] Codec: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC-[Information] CodecString: AVC-[Information] Bits Depth: 8-[Information] Format: AVC-[Information] AspectRatio: 2.388-[Information] AspectRatioString: 2.40:1-[Information] Delay: 0-[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: -[Information] LanguageString: -[Information] Default: Yes-[Information] DefaultString: Yes-[Information] Forced: No-[Information] ForcedString: No---[Information] Video-[Information] ID: 2-[Information] StreamOrder: 1-[Information] Format: AC-3-[Information] FormatProfile: -[Information] FormatSettingsSBR: -[Information] FormatSettingsPS: -[Information] SamplingRate: 48000-[Information] SamplingRateString: 48.0 kHz-[Information] Channels: 2-[Information] ChannelsString: 2 channels-[Information] ChannelPositionsString2: 2/0/0-[Information] BitRateMode: CBR-[Information] Delay: 24-[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: de-[Information] LanguageString: German-[Information] Default: Yes-[Information] DefaultString: Yes-[Information] Forced: Yes-[Information] ForcedString: Yes---[Information] Audio-[Information] ID: 3-[Information] StreamOrder: 2-[Information] Format: DTS-[Information] FormatProfile: -[Information] FormatSettingsSBR: -[Information] FormatSettingsPS: -[Information] SamplingRate: 48000-[Information] SamplingRateString: 48.0 kHz-[Information] Channels: 6-[Information] ChannelsString: 6 channels-[Information] ChannelPositionsString2: 3/2/0.1-[Information] BitRateMode: CBR-[Information] Delay: 0-[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: en-[Information] LanguageString: English-[Information] Default: No-[Information] DefaultString: No-[Information] Forced: No-[Information] ForcedString: No---[Information] Audio-[Information] ID: 4-[Information] StreamOrder: 3-[Information] Codec: S_TEXT/UTF8-[Information] CodecString: UTF-8-[Information] Delay: -[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: en-[Information] LanguageString: English-[Information] Default: No-[Information] DefaultString: No-[Information] Forced: No-[Information] ForcedString: No---[Information] Text-[Information] ID: 5-[Information] StreamOrder: 4-[Information] Codec: S_TEXT/UTF8-[Information] CodecString: UTF-8-[Information] Delay: -[Information] Title: SDH-[Information] Language: en-[Information] LanguageString: English-[Information] Default: No-[Information] DefaultString: No-[Information] Forced: No-[Information] ForcedString: No---[Information] Text-[Information] Log for job1 (idx, tes.mkv -> tes.mkv.lwi)--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:11 PM] Started handling job--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:11 PM] Preprocessing--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:11 PM] Job command line: "C:\Windows\system32\ping.exe" -t--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:11 PM] Process started--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:11 PM] Standard output stream--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:11 PM] Standard error stream---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:11 PM] Creating LSMASH index...-[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MeGUI x86\tools\lsmash\LSMASHSource.dll")-[NoImage] LWLibavVideoSource("C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv")---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:11 PM] AviSynth script--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:24 PM] MediaInfo---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:24 PM] File: C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.lwi---[Information] Indexed File: C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv-[Information] Format: Matroska-[Information] FormatString: Matroska-[Information] FileSize: 6052471719-[Information] PlayTime: 01:54:58.560---[Information] General-[Information] ID: 1-[Information] StreamOrder: 0-[Information] Width: 1280-[Information] Height: 536-[Information] FrameCount: 165400-[Information] FrameRate: 23.976-[Information] FrameRateOriginal: -[Information] FrameRateMode: CFR-[Information] ScanType: Progressive-[Information] Codec: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC-[Information] CodecString: AVC-[Information] Bits Depth: 8-[Information] Format: AVC-[Information] AspectRatio: 2.388-[Information] AspectRatioString: 2.40:1-[Information] Delay: 0-[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: -[Information] LanguageString: -[Information] Default: Yes-[Information] DefaultString: Yes-[Information] Forced: No-[Information] ForcedString: No---[Information] Video-[Information] ID: 2-[Information] StreamOrder: 1-[Information] Format: AC-3-[Information] FormatProfile: -[Information] FormatSettingsSBR: -[Information] FormatSettingsPS: -[Information] SamplingRate: 48000-[Information] SamplingRateString: 48.0 kHz-[Information] Channels: 2-[Information] ChannelsString: 2 channels-[Information] ChannelPositionsString2: 2/0/0-[Information] BitRateMode: CBR-[Information] Delay: 24-[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: de-[Information] LanguageString: German-[Information] Default: Yes-[Information] DefaultString: Yes-[Information] Forced: Yes-[Information] ForcedString: Yes---[Information] Audio-[Information] ID: 3-[Information] StreamOrder: 2-[Information] Format: DTS-[Information] FormatProfile: -[Information] FormatSettingsSBR: -[Information] FormatSettingsPS: -[Information] SamplingRate: 48000-[Information] SamplingRateString: 48.0 kHz-[Information] Channels: 6-[Information] ChannelsString: 6 channels-[Information] ChannelPositionsString2: 3/2/0.1-[Information] BitRateMode: CBR-[Information] Delay: 0-[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: en-[Information] LanguageString: English-[Information] Default: No-[Information] DefaultString: No-[Information] Forced: No-[Information] ForcedString: No---[Information] Audio-[Information] ID: 4-[Information] StreamOrder: 3-[Information] Codec: S_TEXT/UTF8-[Information] CodecString: UTF-8-[Information] Delay: -[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: en-[Information] LanguageString: English-[Information] Default: No-[Information] DefaultString: No-[Information] Forced: No-[Information] ForcedString: No---[Information] Text-[Information] ID: 5-[Information] StreamOrder: 4-[Information] Codec: S_TEXT/UTF8-[Information] CodecString: UTF-8-[Information] Delay: -[Information] Title: SDH-[Information] Language: en-[Information] LanguageString: English-[Information] Default: No-[Information] DefaultString: No-[Information] Forced: No-[Information] ForcedString: No---[Information] Text--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:24 PM] Postprocessing---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:36 PM] Deleting intermediate files--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:21:36 PM] Job completed-[Information] AutoEncode job generation log--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:42 PM] Split Size : null-[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:42 PM] Video output file: C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.m4v-[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:42 PM] Muxed output file: C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv-muxed.avi--[Information] Eliminating duplicate filenames-[Information] Log for job2 (video, tes.mkv.avs -> )--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:42 PM] Started handling job--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:42 PM] Preprocessing-[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MeGUI x86\tools\lsmash\LSMASHSource.dll")-[NoImage] LWLibavVideoSource("C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv")-[NoImage] #deinterlace-[NoImage] #crop-[NoImage] LanczosResize(720,304) # Lanczos (Sharp)-[NoImage] #denoise--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:42 PM] Avisynth input script--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:53 PM] resolution: 720x304--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:53 PM] frame rate: 24000/1001--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:53 PM] aspect ratio: 45:19 (2.368)--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:53 PM] Job command line: "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MeGUI x86\tools\xvid_encraw\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.avs" -pass1 "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.stats" -bitrate 1550 -max_key_interval 250 -turbo -vhqmode 4 -bvhq -qtype 1 -nopacked -masking 1 -threads 8 -par 1 --[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:53 PM] Process started--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:53 PM] Standard output stream--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:22:53 PM] Standard error stream---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:23:16 PM] xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Trying to retrieve width and height from input header---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Tot: enctime(ms) =799901.00,               length(bytes) = 1050226349---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] xvidcore build version: xvid-1.3.4---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Avg: enctime(ms) =   4.84, fps = 206.78, length(bytes) =    6349---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Bitstream version: 1.3.4---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE41 TSC ---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Detected 8 cpus, using 8 threads.---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] I frames:   1886 frames, size =   22234/41933619, quants =  2 / 2.00 /  2---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] P frames:  64628 frames, size =   12668/818767351, quants =  2 / 2.00 /  2---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] B frames:  98886 frames, size =    1916/189525379, quants =  4 / 4.00 /  4--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Postprocessing---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Deleting intermediate files--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Job completed-[Information] Log for job3 (video, tes.mkv.avs -> tes.mkv.m4v)--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Started handling job--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Preprocessing-[NoImage] LoadPlugin("C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MeGUI x86\tools\lsmash\LSMASHSource.dll")-[NoImage] LWLibavVideoSource("C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv")-[NoImage] #deinterlace-[NoImage] #crop-[NoImage] LanczosResize(720,304) # Lanczos (Sharp)-[NoImage] #denoise--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:13 PM] Avisynth input script--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:25 PM] resolution: 720x304--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:25 PM] frame rate: 24000/1001--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:25 PM] aspect ratio: 45:19 (2.368)--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:25 PM] Job command line: "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MeGUI x86\tools\xvid_encraw\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.avs" -o "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.m4v" -pass2 "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.stats" -bitrate 1550 -max_key_interval 250 -turbo -vhqmode 4 -bvhq -qtype 1 -nopacked -masking 1 -threads 8 -par 1 --[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:25 PM] Process started--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:25 PM] Standard output stream--[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:25 PM] Standard error stream---[Information] [2/14/2017 11:42:48 PM] xvid_encraw - raw mpeg4 bitstream encoder written by Christoph Lampert---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] Trying to retrieve width and height from input header---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] Tot: enctime(ms) =1170979.00,               length(bytes) = 952752028---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] xvidcore build version: xvid-1.3.4---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] Avg: enctime(ms) =   7.08, fps = 141.25, length(bytes) =    5760---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] Bitstream version: 1.3.4---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] I frames:   1886 frames, size =   21976/41447852, quants =  2 / 2.00 /  2---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] Detected CPU flags: ASM MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSE41 TSC ---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] P frames:  64628 frames, size =   11479/741929311, quants =  2 / 2.00 /  2---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] Detected 8 cpus, using 8 threads.---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:33 AM] B frames:  98886 frames, size =    1712/169374865, quants =  4 / 4.00 /  4--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Final statistics---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Video Bitrate Desired: 1550 kbit/s---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Video Bitrate Obtained (approximate): 1104 kbit/s--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] MediaInfo---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] File: C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.m4v-[Information] Format: MPEG-4 Visual-[Information] FormatString: MPEG-4 Visual-[Information] FileSize: 952752028-[Information] PlayTime: ---[Information] General-[Information] ID: -[Information] StreamOrder: -[Information] Width: 720-[Information] Height: 304-[Information] FrameCount: -[Information] FrameRate: 23.976-[Information] FrameRateOriginal: -[Information] FrameRateMode: -[Information] ScanType: Progressive-[Information] Codec: MPEG-4V-[Information] CodecString: MPEG-4 Visual-[Information] Bits Depth: 8-[Information] Format: MPEG-4 Visual-[Information] AspectRatio: 2.368-[Information] AspectRatioString: 2.35:1-[Information] Delay: -[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: -[Information] LanguageString: -[Information] Default: -[Information] DefaultString: -[Information] Forced: -[Information] ForcedString: ---[Information] Video--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Postprocessing-[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Successfully deleted C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.stats---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Deleting intermediate files--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Job completed-[Information] Log for job4 (mux, tes.mkv.m4v -> tes.mkv-muxed.avi)--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Started handling job--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Preprocessing--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] MediaInfo---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] File: C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.m4v-[Information] Format: MPEG-4 Visual-[Information] FormatString: MPEG-4 Visual-[Information] FileSize: 952752028-[Information] PlayTime: ---[Information] General-[Information] ID: -[Information] StreamOrder: -[Information] Width: 720-[Information] Height: 304-[Information] FrameCount: -[Information] FrameRate: 23.976-[Information] FrameRateOriginal: -[Information] FrameRateMode: -[Information] ScanType: Progressive-[Information] Codec: MPEG-4V-[Information] CodecString: MPEG-4 Visual-[Information] Bits Depth: 8-[Information] Format: MPEG-4 Visual-[Information] AspectRatio: 2.368-[Information] AspectRatioString: 2.35:1-[Information] Delay: -[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: -[Information] LanguageString: -[Information] Default: -[Information] DefaultString: -[Information] Forced: -[Information] ForcedString: ---[Information] Video--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Job command line: "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MeGUI x86\tools\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.m4v" -vcodec copy -vtag XVID -r 23.976 "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv-muxed.avi" --[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Process started--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Standard output stream--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Standard error stream---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] ffmpeg version 3.2.2 Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg developers---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   built with gcc 5.4.0 (GCC)---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-dxva2 --enable-libmfx --enable-nvenc --enable-avisynth --enable-bzlib --enable-fontconfig --enable-frei0r --enable-gnutls --enable-iconv --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libfreetype --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libilbc --enable-libmodplug --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libopenh264 --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopus --enable-librtmp --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvidstab --enable-libvo-amrwbenc --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libxavs --enable-libxvid --enable-libzimg --enable-lzma --enable-decklink --enable-zlib---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   libavutil      55. 34.100 / 55. 34.100---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   libavcodec     57. 64.101 / 57. 64.101---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   libavformat    57. 56.100 / 57. 56.100---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   libavdevice    57.  1.100 / 57.  1.100---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   libavfilter     6. 65.100 /  6. 65.100---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   libswscale      4.  2.100 /  4.  2.100---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   libswresample   2.  3.100 /  2.  3.100---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   libpostproc    54.  1.100 / 54.  1.100---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Input #0, m4v, from 'C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.m4v':---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   Duration: N/A, start: 0.000000, bitrate: N/A---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]     Stream #0:0: Video: mpeg4 (Advanced Simple Profile), yuv420p, 720x304 [SAR 1:1 DAR 45:19], 23.98 tbr, 1200k tbn, 23.98 tbc---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Output #0, avi, to 'C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv-muxed.avi':---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   Metadata:---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]     ISFT            : Lavf57.56.100---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]     Stream #0:0: Video: mpeg4 (Advanced Simple Profile) (XVID / 0x44495658), yuv420p, 720x304 [SAR 1:1 DAR 45:19], q=2-31, 23.98 tbr, 23.98 tbn, 23.98 tbc---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Stream mapping:---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM]   Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (copy)---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:45 AM] Press [q] to stop, [?] for help---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:48 AM] video:930422kB audio:0kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.425970%--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:48 AM] MediaInfo---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:48 AM] File: C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv-muxed.avi-[Information] Format: AVI-[Information] FormatString: AVI-[Information] FileSize: 956810468-[Information] PlayTime: 01:54:58.558---[Information] General-[Information] ID: 0-[Information] StreamOrder: 0-[Information] Width: 720-[Information] Height: 304-[Information] FrameCount: 165400-[Information] FrameRate: 23.976-[Information] FrameRateOriginal: -[Information] FrameRateMode: -[Information] ScanType: Progressive-[Information] Codec: XVID-[Information] CodecString: XviD-[Information] Bits Depth: 8-[Information] Format: MPEG-4 Visual-[Information] AspectRatio: 2.368-[Information] AspectRatioString: 2.35:1-[Information] Delay: -[Information] Title: -[Information] Language: -[Information] LanguageString: -[Information] Default: -[Information] DefaultString: -[Information] Forced: -[Information] ForcedString: ---[Information] Video--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:48 AM] Postprocessing-[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:49 AM] Successfully deleted C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.m4v---[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:48 AM] Deleting intermediate files--[Information] [2/15/2017 12:07:49 AM] Job completed

    2ter log gleiche falsche ziel groesse ;(

    --[Warning] [2/15/2017 1:03:35 AM] The output file will be splitted every 2GB. If this is not intended select the device type "PC" - but this will reduce compatibility for hardware players.

    was dass soll wieder ..

  • Dein Problem dürfte hier die "Sättigung" sein: Du willst, dass deine Xvid-AVI z.B. etwa 1,5 GB groß wird, aber selbst mit den "bestmöglichen vernünftigen" Kompressionsparametern (im 1. Durchgang wird Quantisierungsfaktor 2 verwendet) braucht Xvid für das Ergebnis bloß etwa 1 GB für den Videostream. Noch größer muss es gar nicht werden.

    --[Warning] [2/15/2017 1:03:35 AM] The output file will be splitted every 2GB. If this is not intended select the device type "PC" - but this will reduce compatibility for hardware players.

    was dass soll wieder ..

    Nur für den Fall, du wolltest eine AVI-Datei erzeugen, die größer als 2 GB werden soll: Auf dem PC ist das kein Problem, OpenDML-AVI-Dateien dürfen riesengroß werden (zumindest auf NTFS-Partitionen). Aber viele Player aus dem Elektronikmarkt können mit OpenDML-AVIs nicht umgehen, die verstehen nur herkömmliche AVIs (nach Spezifikationen, die noch vor Windows 95 geschrieben wurden), und die dürfen nicht größer als 2 GB werden.

  • Dein Problem dürfte hier die "Sättigung" sein: Du willst, dass deine Xvid-AVI z.B. etwa 1,5 GB groß wird, aber selbst mit den "bestmöglichen vernünftigen" Kompressionsparametern (im 1. Durchgang wird Quantisierungsfaktor 2 verwendet) braucht Xvid für das Ergebnis bloß etwa 1 GB für den Videostream. Noch größer muss es gar nicht werden.
    Nur für den Fall, du wolltest eine AVI-Datei erzeugen, die größer als 2 GB werden soll: Auf dem PC ist das kein Problem, OpenDML-AVI-Dateien dürfen riesengroß werden (zumindest auf NTFS-Partitionen). Aber viele Player aus dem Elektronikmarkt können mit OpenDML-AVIs nicht umgehen, die verstehen nur herkömmliche AVIs (nach Spezifikationen, die noch vor Windows 95 geschrieben wurden), und die dürfen nicht größer als 2 GB werden.

    Nichts desto trotz sollt er doch machen was ich will vor allem hat mein Kollege es auch gemacht mit MeGUI, extra zum testen und auch das erreicht was er wollte mit den gleichen Setting. Ich hab jetzt echt schon viele Encodes gemacht aber so was hatte ich noch nie. Wieso genau jetzt wo ich MeGUI neu auf den Rechner gemacht habe , ist doch komisch oder ...

    EDIT: hier ist definitiv was faul. Hab nun ein kompletten neuen Encode gestartet welchen ich schon vor Wochen gemacht und habe und der das Ziel der Settings erreicht hat! und nun wieder das selbe Problem, viel zu klein geworden.

    --[Warning] [2/15/2017 1:03:35 AM] The output file will be splitted every 2GB. If this is not intended select the device type "PC" - but this will reduce compatibility for hardware players.

    Und wieso kommt diese Warnung bei einem Encode der so oder so viel zu klein wurde. Ich kenne die Meldung schon aber dies trifft ja hier gar nicht zu. Wenn ich über 2 GB gehe dann stell ich auf PC um.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von reencoder17 (15. Februar 2017 um 11:46)

  • Code
    "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MeGUI x86\tools\xvid_encraw\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.avs" -pass1 "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.stats" -bitrate 1550 -max_key_interval 250 -turbo -vhqmode 4 -bvhq -qtype 1 -nopacked -masking 1 -threads 8 -par 1 
    "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\MeGUI x86\tools\xvid_encraw\xvid_encraw.exe" -i "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.avs" -o "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.m4v" -pass2 "C:\DownloadJD\test\tes.mkv.stats" -bitrate 1696 -max_key_interval 250 -turbo -vhqmode 4 -bvhq -nopacked -masking 1 -notrellis -threads 8 -par 1

    -> Overflow&Underflow treatment anpassen (z.B. auf 10%) und qmin = 1, qmax = 51.
    Immer noch lesenswert (auch wenn MeGui mittlerweile leicht anders aussieht): Wissenswertes rund um MeGui / Xvid

  • Das bedeutet allerdings auch, dass die Datei größer ist, als es für optimale Qualität unbedingt nötig wäre. Feste Quantisierung 2 sollte normalerweise ausreichen, um kaum einen Unterschied zum Original wahrnehmen zu können.

    Aber wenn's glücklich macht ... :daumen:

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