seit neuesten arbeite ich mit Avisynth 2.5 und VS Filter.
Die Subs um die es geht sind aber in einer seperaten UT Spur und ich hab sie in DVD2SVCD angewählt. Es wird auch alles in den Ordner Subs extrahiert nur leider sind dort statt schwarze Balken mit weisser Schrift nur die schwarzen Balken zu sehen ergo keine Subs im fertigen Video Stream.
Hmm, wat macht der Junge falsch?
Hier noch die Log Datei:
Und schon mal vielen Dank für die Hilfe (Wenn die Info's dazu ausreichen)
EConvertError '' is not a valid integer value
- 07.10.2003 22:43:55
- DVD to SVCD Conversion
- DVD2SVCD ver. 1.2.1 build 2
- D:\xxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_0.IFO
- D:\xxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.vob
- D:\xxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_2.vob
- D:\xxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_3.vob
- D:\xxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_4.vob
- D:\xxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_5.vob
- D:\xxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_6.vob
- D:\xxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_7.vob
Initializing finished.
- 07.10.2003 22:43:57
- Analyzing subtitles
Subtitle found: StreamID: 0x23 Language: Deutsch
Subtitle found: StreamID: 0x22 Language: English
Subtitle found: StreamID: 0x20 Language: English
Subtitle found: StreamID: 0x21 Language: Deutsch
Executing subtitle selection/verification.
Subtitle selection/verification accepted.
1 subtitle streams selected.
Saving Subtitles ini file
- 07.10.2003 22:44:59
Creating DVD2AVI INI file:
Variable settings:
iDCT_Algorithm: 32-bit SSE MMX
Executing DVD2AVI.
Executing DVD2AVI. Commandline:
"C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\DVD2AVI\DVD2AVI.exe" -CS=2 -YR=1 -EXIT -OF=[F:\dave\DVD2AVI_Project_file] -IF=[D:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_1.vob,D:\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_2.vob,D:\xxxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_3.vob,D:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_4.vob,D:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_5.vob,D:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_6.vob,D:\xxxxxxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS\VTS_01_7.vob]
Framerate: 25000
DVD2AVI processing done.
- 07.10.2003 22:47:02
- Free on drive F: 14884.31 mb
- Extracting the subtitles.
Subtitle extraction finished. Extracted these subtitles:
SVCD Stream no: 1 Language: Deutsch Num. of subs: 33
Saving Subtitle Timecodes.
Permanent subtitles.
Saving Subtitles ini file
- 07.10.2003 22:50:27
- Free on drive F: 14883.43 mb
- AUDIO Extraction
Found AC3 stream id: 0x81
Filename: F:\dave\Extracted_audio_1.ac3
Audio1 delay: 0 ms
Framerate: 25000
Audio extraction finished.
- 07.10.2003 22:52:58
- Free on drive F: 14539.71 mb
- AUDIO conversion
Encoding Audio. Filename: F:\dave\Extracted_audio_1.ac3
Executing BeSweet. Commandline:
"C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\BeSweet\BeSweet.exe" -core( -input "F:\dave\Extracted_audio_1.ac3" -output "F:\dave\Encoded_audio_1.mp2" -logfile "F:\dave\Encoded_audio_1.log" ) -azid( -L -3db -C 3db -S 0db -c normal -s surround2 -g max ) -2lame( -e -b 224 -m s )
Audio conversion of F:\dave\Extracted_audio_1.ac3 finished.
Audio conversion finished.
- 07.10.2003 23:08:21
- Free on drive F: 14339.50 mb
- Video Encoding using Cinema Craft
Saving Subtitle Timecodes.
Permanent subtitles.
Executing Cinema Craft Encoder.
StreamSectors: 4546875788
AudioSectors: 212903964
VideoPAPO: 67135536
ScanOffsetBytes: 0
SeqAligningBytes: 0
DVDBytes: 0
VideoEndHeader: 4
SubtitleSectors: 0
EmptySectors: 238.00
PictureSectors: 0.00
PureMPEGStream: 4266836284.00
Seconds: 7502.24
CalcMPEGStream: 4266836284.00
Frames: 187431
CDSize: 4350.00
Number of CDs: 1
Cut point 4346.00
Variable Settings:
Frames: 187431
Anti Noise Filter: Off
Passes: 4
Image Quality: 17
VAF file creation: On
Video Encoding Mode: CBR
Avg. Bitrate: 2530
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 (borders added, encoded as 4:3)
---AVS Begin---
DetectedTop=74 DetectedHeight=436
ResizeTo=0 global ResizeMethod=1
GammaCorrection=1.0 Hue=0 Saturation=1.0 Brightness=0 Contrast=1.0
OverscanH=0.04 OverscanV=0.04 BlockOptimization=0
global Bicubic_b_Value=0 global Bicubic_c_Value=0.6
LoadPlugin("C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\SimpleResize\SimpleResize.dll")
# Import("C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\FACAR\qmf15b1.avs")
# Import("C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\FACAR\QMF_functions.avs")
# Import("C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\FACAR\PreResize.avs")
Import("C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\FACAR\FACAR.avs")
# Import("C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\Avisynth2.5 Plugins\FACAR\PostResize.avs")
----AVS End----
Closing program
CCE Max Speed: 1.900
Video Encoding finished.
- 08.10.2003 00:15:55
- Free on drive F: 12032.52 mb
- Converting Pictures from ES to PS
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
- 08.10.2003 00:15:58
- Free on drive F: 12032.52 mb
- Converting Pictures from ES to PS
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
- 08.10.2003 00:16:01
- Free on drive F: 12032.52 mb
- Converting Pictures from ES to PS
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
- 08.10.2003 00:16:03
- Free on drive F: 12032.52 mb
- Multiplexing and cutting
Saving bbMPEG settings: C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\default.ini
Offset in Seconds: 2
Executing bbMPEG.
Variable Settings:
Movie offset: 2 seconds
Cut point: 4346 mb
Executing RunbbMPEG. Commandline:
"C:\Programme\DVD2SVCD\bbMPEG\RunbbMPEG.exe" "F:\dave\bbMPEG_Muxed_File.mpg"
Multiplexing and cutting finished.
Image creation finished.
- 08.10.2003 00:21:58
- Free on drive F: 9533.48 mb
- Conversion done!